Ray Ray the DJ
New member
I wouldn't say a 26-21 win was dominate..my buddy who has a son on the team said that they almost lost. As much as I liked watching RJ in middle school, he is not ready for any varsity action. Didn't he fumble 3 times Saturday? Also, the same buddy says that the defense is slow and soft. You must not have known that Louisville St X was missing their starting QB and RB like the rest of the Moe parents. He also said it's the first game that a safety has made a play. From the players I've watched in the past I would say the 3 "daddy" coaches might want to start playing the actual athletes that will be playing the next few years or Moe might continue to look like they did against Bosco Friday night. Oh yeah, maybe you oughta tell the daddy's on the sideline that it's embarrassing to the other players that one of their son's forgets his cleats and still plays with his circus colored basketball shoes...my buddy said the St X parents had a good laugh with that. What does it tell the other kids and parents of the Big Moe program? All I can say is you better hope you keep winning these freshman games or the wheels might come rolling off!
A lot of critiques over one post. Me personally, I do not see anything extremely wrong with this post except maybe asking about the fumbles. He states his opinion on facts. The original poster did mention this kid by name, so it does open the door to opinions. Sometimes the truth hurts.
As an Moe player or parent I would be embarrassed to the fact of one of the dads coaching letting his son play after he forgot his cleats. Isn't learning responsibilities a part of becoming a Man of Moeller? Also, as a coach you earn respect by not having double standards. I'm sure this brings on more questioning about playing time, positions played, etc...It's an argument the coach can not win now.
I do think it's hilarious that the same poster (fhsknockout1) would come back with #StateChampions2019. This guy has more issues then CometsRule. I just hope he hasn't started screen printing the shirts yet.
We always seem to forget that we are on a forum and it is a place of freedom of speech. Some people can handle it and some can not. Let's please remember that we are talking about 14 and 15 year old boys. No one is signing a NFL contract tomorrow :grouphug: