Tulsa Race Massacre

Mason has plenty of diversity... it is just a higher socioeconomic demographic. Don't hate on those who have found success in our capitalistic system.
What % is black? Less than 5. And nobody is hating on people for being successful just don’t get on a soapbox pretending to fight for the rights of black people when you go out of your way to not live by them.
Not old solution. Anybody with a mouth like his is undoubtedly a coward. Loves to spout racists crap when anonymous.
Ouch, I don't see it. You judge someone as a racist? Speech make you a racist? I always thought it was the act or actions that define a racist. If Speech is racist, surely Rap music is racist. That word is losing value imo
The Tulsa Massacre was not an isolated event in the early 20th century. Discussion of compensation for specific events like that in Tulsa is not obsessing. Any American who suffered such a loss of family and property should expect it. And, historical events like Tulsa certainly help explain racial strife in America today for those interested in understanding today’s anger.
There were abuses aimed at all sorts of people in America in the early days of the 20th century. Why emphasize one such event over the others? If I recall Company security got pretty rough with members of those early Unions back in the day.

As others have noted if you want to teach about Tulsa and other tragedies of that time then teach about what happened and how we've progressed so much since those days. Use it to promote racial healing and reconciliation. Instead it's used to rip off the scab and reopen wounds.
Yes. Much. They murdered the people for simply being black....stole their stuff...and drove them out. Police participated in the actions. There were no arrests, no investigations, no reparations or effort to assist them in rebuilding the city. Desimation.
You want DECIMATION Happy check back in a few years and take a hard look at those neighborhoods burned out during the BLM "protests". I bet you'll see a lot of crime and murders flowing directly from the destruction in those communities.

Heck the increase in murders we are seeing in almost every community that saw BLM riots will ultimately dwarf the number of folks murdered in the Tulsa massacre.
The Tulsa Massacre was not an isolated event in the early 20th century. Discussion of compensation for specific events like that in Tulsa is not obsessing. Any American who suffered such a loss of family and property should expect it. And, historical events like Tulsa certainly help explain racial strife in America today for those interested in understanding today’s anger.
Explain racial strife? It's used to cause racial strife. It was 100 years ago, anyone harboring hate for white people due to it is a fool.

As for compensation...no one alive participated or was a victim. You shouldnt expect to be given a handout for something that happened to distant ancestors.
I just want to know why in 1891, just 26 years after the end of the Civil War, Blacks were part of the New Orleans Lynch Mob that lynched Italians en masse...Those black guys were not going to stand for those dirty European Immigrants coming into their neighborhoods....I wonder if that was taught in AP History?
You dont have to go back that far. See what they are doing to Asians today.

But of course blacks are incapable of being racist.
As have I, but I do not find those who haven't so repugnant that I need to avoid close contact with them. You are a hypocrite. Diversity of socio-economic condition is more meaningful than diversity of pigmentation.

Dr. Martin Luther King would be ashamed to have reprehensible hypocrites like you invoke his name.
Weve gone from MLK saying judge on content of character, not skin color to skin color being your most important defining characteristic according to the left.

And they wonder why race relations seem to be worsening..
Ouch, I don't see it. You judge someone as a racist? Speech make you a racist? I always thought it was the act or actions that define a racist. If Speech is racist, surely Rap music is racist. That word is losing value imo
They've already destroyed that word. Now they are working on insurrection.
There were abuses aimed at all sorts of people in America in the early days of the 20th century. Why emphasize one such event over the others? If I recall Company security got pretty rough with members of those early Unions back in the day.

As others have noted if you want to teach about Tulsa and other tragedies of that time then teach about what happened and how we've progressed so much since those days. Use it to promote racial healing and reconciliation. Instead it's used to rip off the scab and reopen wounds.
Agreed, but it’s a little tough to talk about progress with the unnecessary police violence and rioting as of late. It’s almost like two steps forward, and one step backwards.
Ouch, I don't see it. You judge someone as a racist? Speech make you a racist? I always thought it was the act or actions that define a racist. If Speech is racist, surely Rap music is racist. That word is losing value imo
He says a lot of racists things in my opinion, and words do matter.
Explain racial strife? It's used to cause racial strife. It was 100 years ago, anyone harboring hate for white people due to it is a fool.

As for compensation...no one alive participated or was a victim. You shouldnt expect to be given a handout for something that happened to distant ancestors.
100 years is not that long ago. So let’s say, the State of Ohio took your grandparents farm illegally, and you don’t think your family would have the right to demand compensation? Who’s the fool?
100 years is not that long ago. So let’s say, the State of Ohio took your grandparents farm illegally, and you don’t think your family would have the right to demand compensation? Who’s the fool?
Still you.

They've had 100 years to build themselves back up. If they haven't it's no ones fault but their own.

Your example doesnt fit what happened, a mob of people taking the farm would be the correct analogy.
Agreed, but it’s a little tough to talk about progress with the unnecessary police violence and rioting as of late. It’s almost like two steps forward, and one step backwards.
Unnecessary police violence...yeah how dare the police intervene as someone is about to stab another. #you're next

Very few interactions with police end in someone getting shot. Very few of those are reckless, malicious etc.

This is yet another boogeyman of the left to stoke fear and racial division.
You ok with this culture?
You ok with this culture?
Nope, but that language doesn’t excuse the police shooting and beating unarmed people to death.
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I'm surprised that a nice moderate republican like herself had such a poor education.

First, the slave labor you talk about which includes indentured servitude primarily benefited the British Empire not the USA which didn't even exist until more then 150 years after slavery was brought to the COLONIES.

Second, at the birth of the USA the north had a stronger and more balanced economy then the South did. The North already was the leading manufacturer in North America and had a robust shipping industry (both building ships and transporting goods). Importantly the Norths agricultural sector was able to feed the people of the North.

In the years between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War the North steadily progressed towards becoming an industrial power. The "wealth" of the South was almost entirely due to the export of cotton and existed in the form of slaves, land and lavish plantation infrastructure. None of these had a big influence on the wealth and growing industrialization of the North.

In many ways the North & South were almost like two separate countries with one being held back by the burden of slavery and the other being free to innovate and adopt the industrial revolution.
Still you.

They've had 100 years to build themselves back up. If they haven't it's no ones fault but their own.

Your example doesnt fit what happened, a mob of people taking the farm would be the correct analogy.
The oppressions didn't end with the civil war. Of the thousands of lynching's in the south in the twentieth century, who do you think they targeted, successful Blacks, that's who. to make an example about getting above your station.
The oppressions didn't end with the civil war. Of the thousands of lynching's in the south in the twentieth century, who do you think they targeted, successful Blacks, that's who. to make an example about getting above your station.
1/3 of the Klans lynching victims were white. I am very confident in saying that the vast majority of the white people lynched were Republicans.
I've read this and a lot of stuff like it and I don't find it convincing at all.

First, agricultural prowess, even with a profitable cash crop like cotton, was never a predictor of future industrialization potential. Consider the British & German Empires of the late 19th century. Both were among the biggest and earliest industrial powers and both had relatively modest agricultural sectors. In fact in war both were vulnerable to food shortages resulting from blockade.

Second, the destructive nature of the Civil War, which was America's most devastating war by far, eliminated slavery based profits.

Third, when compared to the North the South was significantly less advanced in almost every measure of economic and industrial potency.