The Vaccine is Effective

I'm lazy at times. What is the point of this article?
The face of child abuse as Jill Biden sings to MASKED three year olds as they're about to get a covid vaccination:


Instead of treating a covid resurgence in the fall/winter like you would the common cold or flu Biden's health department panic mongers try to terrify the American public. Will these people ever stop or are they trying to create an endless crisis from covid?

Instead of treating a covid resurgence in the fall/winter like you would the common cold or flu Biden's health department panic mongers try to terrify the American public. Will these people ever stop or are they trying to create an endless crisis from covid?

There is an election
Instead of treating a covid resurgence in the fall/winter like you would the common cold or flu Biden's health department panic mongers try to terrify the American public. Will these people ever stop or are they trying to create an endless crisis from covid?

Of course they won't stop, why would they? A majority of the American public was duped the first time and with mainstream media in their pockets, the current administration knows they can play the covid card at any time and idiots all over the country will once again comply with their rules and demands. Always remember that a good crisis should never be wasted, and timing is everything.
More evidence that the vaccines not only don't work against covid but may actually extend the infectious period of a covid infection!

First, a summary of a recent New England Journal of Medicine paper:

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all.

Here's the actual study which doesn't claim vaccination makes things worse only that in their study it provided no benefits. Note the figure where graphs D & E showed that in fact vaccination extended a persons infectious period:

In this longitudinal cohort of participants, most of whom had symptomatic, nonsevere Covid-19 infection, the viral decay kinetics were similar with omicron infection and delta infection. Although vaccination has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection and the severity of disease, we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.

Austrian Green Minister of Health Johannes Rauch says physicians, and not himself and his fellow politicians, are to blame for all the injuries and deaths because they failed to warn their patients about the risks involved with getting injected.

Laying blame on doctors is apparently not enough for Rauch. He also supports penalizing doctors up to 14,000 euros for their role in administering the jabs that caused many to become injured or die.

Even though Austrian doctors basically had no choice in the matter, except to refuse and lose their medical licenses, Rauch stated that he is not responsible at all and that doctors need to pay a price.
Whining about the vaccine having to get it , and anything to do with it which has saved so many from death and or serious illness is so on brand for the right wing and the party of “. Life “. ( unborn ?)
More evidence that the vaccines not only don't work against covid but may actually extend the infectious period of a covid infection!

First, a summary of a recent New England Journal of Medicine paper:

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all.

Here's the actual study which doesn't claim vaccination makes things worse only that in their study it provided no benefits. Note the figure where graphs D & E showed that in fact vaccination extended a persons infectious period:

In this longitudinal cohort of participants, most of whom had symptomatic, nonsevere Covid-19 infection, the viral decay kinetics were similar with omicron infection and delta infection. Although vaccination has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection and the severity of disease, we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.
Why doesn’t anyone in New York read the New England Journal of Medicine?
The updated data coming is interesting. Lots a of vaccinated getting Covid multiple times. Exercise regularly, take some extra vitamin D and get plenty of rest. Imo
Wow, we might lose 13% of our military personnel all because they haven't completed the full set of covid vaccination. BTW, this is a vaccine that doesn't really work to stop the spread of covid and in the demographic group involved - male, 18 - 34 - can lead to increased risk of myocarditis.

At least 260,000 American troops — or about 13 percent of the 2.1 million total force — are not fully vaccinated despite a Biden administration vaccine mandate for the military, and many of them could face discharge.

According to the Department of Defense website, at least 268,858 service members as of July 13 are still not in compliance with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s August 2021 mandate for every member of the military to be fully vaccinated with two doses of a vaccine. That figure does not count the thousands who have not taken any doses.

Only about 20,000 of the more than 260,000 have received a temporary or permanent exemption, according to the latest statistics provided by the services. That means the rest face discharge from the military at a time the services are struggling to find new recruits.

So far, there have been 95 military deaths from coronavirus, with 412,766 who have had it and recovered, according to DOD statistics.
Whining about the vaccine having to get it , and anything to do with it which has saved so many from death and or serious illness is so on brand for the right wing and the party of “. Life “. ( unborn ?)
You really do need to crawl out of the hole you've been living in. The vaccine itself has killed people and has caused serious illness. And it is not preventing people from catching whatever this disease is. The vaccine is an experiment, wake up and get a clue.

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

In March 2022, after the COVID-19 vaccine had been available for 15 months (462 days), she compared the number of VAERS reports related to these shots versus those for flu vaccines. Given the greater number of COVID shots administered during that period, she predicted that “the rate of reporting in VAERS…should be about twice for COVID than for flu.” What she found instead was “117.6 times as many reports of adverse events in the context of the COVID shots.”

Rose is adamant. “This is not about the number of doses, this is about these products doing more damage [than the flu vaccines],” she said, “systemic, comprehensive damage that we’ve never seen before. There’s no doubting that these products are different.” When RCI queried Rose as to which three adverse events might be most readily proven as being caused by the vaccine with data posted in VAERS, she replied, “Myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and anything related to clotting.

Rose acknowledges the messiness of VAERS, but believes it provides enough information to tell a story of danger. She said that in her analysis, 60% of VAERS reports describe events within 48 hours of vaccine administration – one more criteria for causality. Rose said: “It isn’t on me to prove that these products aren’t safe, this is on them [CDC, FDA], legally, to prove that these products are safe. And they’re not doing their jobs.” On that point, a recent public records requestby Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D., and the legal team at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense found that CDC has not been analyzing the VAERS data on COVID-19 shots using its own stated methods.
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This is Australia's covid chart, they are among the most heavily vaccinated (over 85% fully vaxxed) and locked down countries. By last November they were over 75%...look what has happened since. These are not unvaccinated people dying.

The propaganda gets laid on thick.

Their prime minister just said "we must find the unvaccinated"....Like hunt them??? WTF because if everyone's vaccinated we won't have the healthy unvaxxed control group to make us look bad?
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