Texas Abortion Ruling

The crazy part about it is the left going absolutely batshit crazy acting like roe v wade was just overturned. SCOTUS didn't rule on the constitutionality of the law, they just refused to stay it while the process is going on. They actually hinted pretty strongly that it didn't pass muster.

That said, it's a pretty dumb law that will likely meet its demise sooner rather than later.
Ohio Taliban will pass here...just like the insurrectionists traitors on Mason City Council.
Reaction Awesome GIF
Ohio Taliban will pass here...just like the insurrectionists traitors on Mason City Council.
The crazy part about it is the left going absolutely batshit crazy acting like roe v wade was just overturned. SCOTUS didn't rule on the constitutionality of the law, they just refused to stay it while the process is going on. They actually hinted pretty strongly that it didn't pass muster.

That said, it's a pretty dumb law that will likely meet its demise sooner rather than later.
It got the little horse-toothed Marxist from NY another chance to show the idiot population a cry for a SCOTUS packing. Sweet 16 ? Gotta be sure. Wouldn’t want to lose one.

TikTokers flood Texas abortion whistleblower site with Shrek memes, fake reports and porn

Pro-choice users on TikTok and Reddit have launched a guerrilla effort to thwart Texas’s extreme new abortion law, flooding an online tip website that encourages people to report violators of the law with false reports, Shrek memes, and porn.

The law makes it illegal to help women in Texas access abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy. To help enforce it, anti-abortion group Texas Right to Life established the digital tipline where people can send anonymous information about potential violations.

I have said the following every time the subject of abortion comes up here. Roe v. Wade established (out of thin air) that abortion was guaranteed by the Constitution, thereby making the right to abortion a federal right. If Roe is overturned, that turns the whole mess over to the states. States such as NY, NJ, Ill. have made laws incorporating the right to an abortion within those states. Many other states, primarily in the South and the Midwest, have not approved the right to an abortion under state law. Therefore if a woman in those states wants to have an abortion, she will have to travel to the states that have abortion rights.
Why not have a special election and let the people decide? It is their state. Are the legislatures serving the majority of their constituents? Only one way to find out.
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Hope this gets struck down sooner than later solely for the enabling of civil suits as the primary enforcement mechanism for it. That's terrible policy and precedent IMO for any number of other things that could arise down the road.
Bad decision. If women want to murder babies that should be their choice.

Men should not be allowed to murder babies, but they should be allowed to identify as a women in which case they should be allowed to murder babies
Why not have a special election and let the people decide? It is their state. Are the legislatures serving the majority of their constituents? Only one way to find out.

Because we have a few rich folks and a party who believe majority rule would ruin everything for them.

Choice, gun control, campaign finance reform, universal healthcare, true tax reform, geographic districts, SCOTUS term limits, House & Senate term limits, would all pass. Can't have it.
All they have to do is get the signatures and put it on the ballot. It just takes a little effort. ?‍♂️
There have been many discussion on rights…
Murdering an unborn baby is not a right.
It was created as a right in Roe V Wade. By the judicial branch of government.
The judicial branch does not create laws and does not create rights.
I have said the following every time the subject of abortion comes up here. Roe v. Wade established (out of thin air) that abortion was guaranteed by the Constitution, thereby making the right to abortion a federal right. If Roe is overturned, that turns the whole mess over to the states. States such as NY, NJ, Ill. have made laws incorporating the right to an abortion within those states. Many other states, primarily in the South and the Midwest, have not approved the right to an abortion under state law. Therefore if a woman in those states wants to have an abortion, she will have to travel to the states that have abortion rights.
So abortion will be legal for rich people with means and not for poor people.

The vigilante aspect allows legislators to delegate responsibility and enforcement....a horrible precedent. (Think if other states give a bounty for illegal firearms or tax evasion)

No exception for rape or incest is cruel and evil. Goes to show your the value these male legislators place on girls/women.
So abortion will be legal for rich people with means and not for poor people.

The vigilante aspect allows legislators to delegate responsibility and enforcement....a horrible precedent. (Think if other states give a bounty for illegal firearms or tax evasion)

No exception for rape or incest is cruel and evil. Goes to show your the value these male legislators place on girls/women.

Oh look, idiots going to the "Taliban" card....LMAO so predictable and stupid.
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Because we have a few rich folks and a party who believe majority rule would ruin everything for them.

Choice, gun control, campaign finance reform, universal healthcare, true tax reform, geographic districts, SCOTUS term limits, House & Senate term limits, would all pass. Can't have it.
Ironically, if they got their way universally with this it would more than likely ruin many of those things for them in a few decades. Managing to effectively ban abortion is probably the worst thing that could happen to the Republican party in the bigger picture as the people it would impact the most would more than likely be proliferating a lot more potential voters to vote against 'Pubs.
A cloth mask is government overreach. Forcing an 18 yo rape victim to have and raise her assaulter's child that she did not want or ask for with no money no education no husband and few willing prospects willing to take all that on, is not overreach. Got it. How unbelievably cruel btw.


Jon D. Michaels

University of California, Los Angeles - School of Law

David L. Noll

Rutgers Law School
Date Written: September 2, 2021


In the seemingly endless battle to deny disfavored groups equal citizenship, Republican lawmakers have a new tool: Ken & Karen Laws (KKLs). KKLs deputize proverbial Karens and Kens to suppress their fellow citizens’ rights through state-subsidized private lawsuits. To date, KKLs allow (and encourage) random individuals to sue abortion clinicians, and they permit (and, again, encourage) townspeople to sue school administrators and coaches who recognize the equal dignity and worth of their transgender students. Bills empowering students to sue teachers who incorporate antiracist lessons are right now working their way through several state legislatures.

Spurred by litigants’ unsuccessful efforts to obtain judicial review of S.B. 8, Texas’s “heartbeat” abortion law, commentators argue that KKLs allow state legislatures to immunize unconstitutional legislation from judicial review and thus work hand-in-hand with the Roberts Court’s efforts to rollback constitutional guarantees to health access, intimate association, and free and equal citizenship. But that’s not the half of it. Ken and Karen Laws also invert the meaning of legal rights. KKLs do so to benefit already powerful groups (at the expense of the marginalized); to prop up the grievance-industrial complex that drives right-wing media and single-issue outrage groups; and, to create and validate a form of white-collar vigilantism that aligns with the overt forms of political violence we’re witnessing in shopping malls, state houses, and school board meetings alike. In effect, KKLs underwrite the cruelest and most corrosive aspects of Trumpist politics, forming an important part of the broader MAGA-inflected attack on democracy in the United States.

Ironically, if they got their way universally with this it would more than likely ruin many of those things for them in a few decades. Managing to effectively ban abortion is probably the worst thing that could happen to the Republican party in the bigger picture as the people it would impact the most would more than likely be proliferating a lot more potential voters to vote against 'Pubs.

Esp. while voting against (and they will) anything to financially help the very same mothers and children impacted. Won't be a good look.
Here are the numbers:
  • All adults: 54 percent legal, 42 percent illegal (was 44 percent legal, 54 percent illegal in 2003)
  • 18-34: 65 percent legal, 32 percent illegal
  • 65+: 48 percent-49 percent
  • 18-44: 60 percent-37 percent
  • 60+: 48 percent-49 percent
  • Whites: 51 percent-46 percent
  • Blacks: 55 percent-39 percent
  • Latinos: 63 percent-35 percent
  • Men: 49 percent-47 percent
  • Women: 59 percent-38 percent
  • Whites with college: 60 percent-37 percent
  • Whites without college: 46 percent-50 percent
  • Urban: 65 percent-34 percent
  • Suburban: 54 percent-42 percent
  • Rural: 33 percent-63 percent
  • Northeast: 65 percent-34 percent
  • Midwest: 49 percent-48 percent
  • South: 43 percent-52 percent
  • West: 65 percent-31 percent
  • Evangelicals: 26 percent-70 percent
  • Non-evangelicals: 65 percent-32 percent
One other thing to consider in this debate: Much of the country appears to be in the middle on abortion, with our poll finding 23 percent of Americans saying abortion should be legal “most of the time,” and another 34 percent saying it should be illegal “with exceptions.”

By contrast, 31 percent believe abortion should “always” be legal, and 8 percent say it should be illegal “without any exceptions.”
A cloth mask is government overreach. Forcing an 18 yo rape victim to have and raise her assaulter's child that she did not want or ask for with no money no education no husband and few willing prospects willing to take all that on, is not overreach. Got it. How unbelievably cruel btw.

False comparison.
Give the % of abortions performed because of rape.
Also how is it the fault of that unborn child?
Baby murder has nothing to do with rape and everything to do with women legally being able to murder an unborn baby merely because they don’t want it.