Terror Attack In Niagara Falls??


So it begins or nothing to see here so move along?

Sounds like the Mexican cartels aren't working our northern border yet, then, so that's good.

Full of explosives, some of which that failed to blow. Canada to the US. Probably some piszed off Paki Muslim
Likely not terrorism. Two aholes who stole a car and crashed a high rate of speed trying to avoid Border Control.
Too early to know anything at this point. Heck, there's even been conflicting reports as to which direction the car was coming from. New reports now say it was coming from the US into Canada.
The initial news reports -----> BS journalism. (cough, cough, FoxNews)

Throw them all in the same basket. No matter what side of the aisle the favor, all they want is clicks and views
Sounds like the Mexican cartels aren't working our northern border yet, then, so that's good.

Full of explosives, some of which that failed to blow. Canada to the US. Probably some piszed off Paki Muslim
Yappis cheering for a terrorist attack against the US GO MAGA!!!
I don't fault any news agency in a situation that even the feds suspected some type of possible terrorist attach. In this type of situation where even the city of New York the day before put out a high alert warning you assume terrorist attach first to you prove other wise. Some of you are beyond hope.
No, just sealed the Borders. Bot
We have no one available to send up north. They are handing out water bottles to southern illegals for baldy's buddies.

437 of the encounters with illegals off in the weeds on the northern border showing up on our terror watch list, and that moron says "no worries". He's just always wrong, if you can wait a little while. The proof of his stupidity always appears, sooner or later. Bot