St.V-St.M 2022

week 1 Glenville
week 2 Lorne Park (Canada)
week 3 Barberton
week 4 Buchtel
week 5 Sandusky
week 6 Warren g Harding
week 7 Ursuline
week 8 Hoban
week 9 Cleveland heights
week 10 Walsh
If so, that is pretty lame. I seem to recall a near 20-year stretch where an out-manned STVM still scheduled Mooney. Now that the shoe is on the other foot for a minute, they bail on the rivalry!?! If this is true, then I just lost a ton of respect for Mooney football.
yeah pretty much.
Yup, I remember having to watch my kids endure some of those losses. And as typical high school kids go, Mooney was nowhere near shy about letting you know who they thought the better team was. So part of me wants to revel in their current lack of success, but that is just not right. Better to take the high road.

I am just spitballin' here - does anyone think that not playing Mooney was motivated by SVSM? If you look at it from that point of view, what can the Irish gain by beating Mooney?

Not very much. Mooney is light years from the Division III powerhouse they once were. They now are a struggling Division V program, having posted a 1-9 record in 2021. Their only victory was against an equally struggling Warren Howland (Div. III) team.

That means us beating Mooney would only net us 4.500 first level points, and 5.500 second level points FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON. Much more advantageous to schedule a tougher opponent that offers the possibility of more first level points and many more second level points. You never know how seasons will turn out, but you may need those points.

Then there is also the ancillary issue of Mooney's current head coach and his abhorrent behavior. Why does the administration at Mooney continue to allow him to be in a position of influence over these impressionable young men?
In the protected Massillon thread one of the posters posted this: "St V usually doesn't schedule Massillon if they know they're gonna be down. When they cycle back up and get the talent coming in they'll schedule us."

My thought is that St V isn't avoiding Massillon because they are down. They aren't scheduling Massillon because they don't have or want to schedule the Tigers on their terms. In 2012-2019 the Irish played Massillon every year. Every single game was at Massillon. That's right all 8 games were at Paul Brown Tiger Stadium.
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In the protected Massillon thread one of the posters posted this: "St V usually doesn't schedule Massillon if they know they're gonna be down. When they cycle back up and get the talent coming in they'll schedule us."

My thought is that St V isn't avoiding Massillon because they are down. They aren't scheduling Massillon because they don't have or want to schedule the Tigers on their terms. In 2012-2019 the Irish played Massillon every year. Every single game was at Massillon. That's right all 8 games were at Paul Brown Tiger Stadium.
Lol…you’re exactly right. The series stopped because Massillon was unwilling to give the Irish a home game.
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I thought that was the case but it's good to get confirmation from an Irish fan.
It’s really not right not a moderator edited my last post. They will allow Massillon posters to consistently accuse other schools of recruiting players. When it’s mentioned (fact) that their school and coach was actually put on probation for recruiting (fact) the posts get edited.
Enrollment numbers up from 244 to 286 will put the Irish on the borderline of D2/D3. Will depend on competitive balance number.
You're right. I didn't think it was possible with St V pretty close to the middle of D3 last time. However if you keep the same CB (81) as last time that would put the Irish at 367. The lower cutoff for D3 last time was 376.
I was talking to stvm alumni of the 2021 class also 2017 class they both said that the team has a chance this year or next against Hoban "Its a mental thing they said" once they get past that mark mentally they'll be fine.
Reality check. Coach Cistone
Coach Larhlam and coach Carter are working hard and the weight room attendance is very good. However let’s talk football. The 2023 class is talented. However the gap between Hoban and Walsh is expansive. Hoban has 45 to 50 incoming freshman loaded with studs. Walsh will be closer to 60. To rebuild the STVM program and restock the cupboards require a community effort from the AD department, board members, the principal and a engaged admissions department supported by a quality PR and promotional media all working in unison.That’s the required pformula. Building a successful basketball program only requires landing a few blue chip prospects. ToRebuild a football program requires an army of tools. And money. Coach Cistone is the right man for the job and has committed himself to put the wheels in motion. However a lone Wolf is at a disadvantage when facing extremely well organized Rivals!!! It takes a village and time. As a alumni or fan temper your short term expectations and understand this program is closer to D4 than D2!!!
Reality check. Coach Cistone
Coach Larhlam and coach Carter are working hard and the weight room attendance is very good. However let’s talk football. The 2023 class is talented. However the gap between Hoban and Walsh is expansive. Hoban has 45 to 50 incoming freshman loaded with studs. Walsh will be closer to 60. To rebuild the STVM program and restock the cupboards require a community effort from the AD department, board members, the principal and a engaged admissions department supported by a quality PR and promotional media all working in unison.That’s the required pformula. Building a successful basketball program only requires landing a few blue chip prospects. ToRebuild a football program requires an army of tools. And money. Coach Cistone is the right man for the job and has committed himself to put the wheels in motion. However a lone Wolf is at a disadvantage when facing extremely well organized Rivals!!! It takes a village and time. As a alumni or fan temper your short term expectations and understand this program is closer to D4 than D2!!!
but I believe kids make their choice on whoever wins the Hoban game and Walsh game that's how its always been. But the narrative gotta change mentally for the kids. when coach boarman took the Job he asked those kids what was their goal and about 95% of those answers was to beat Hoban. Coach Nickol never understood the rivalry like we do that's why coach Cistone is a great hire. we'll worry about a state championship later but right now we gotta beat Hoban. Hoban already counts it as a win in their book in the 2022 season. we gotta improve and get better each and every day in every aspect.
but I believe kids make their choice on whoever wins the Hoban game and Walsh game that's how its always been. But the narrative gotta change mentally for the kids. when coach boarman took the Job he asked those kids what was their goal and about 95% of those answers was to beat Hoban. Coach Nickol never understood the rivalry like we do that's why coach Cistone is a great hire. we'll worry about a state championship later but right now we gotta beat Hoban. Hoban already counts it as a win in their book in the 2022 season. we gotta improve and get better each and every day in every aspect.
In reality, winning a D3 championship may be easier than beating Hoban.

Certainly, the road to the championship is tougher but there's not a D3 team recently that could beat Hoban. Take Chardon, a fine team and D3 champ. I'd prefer the Irish's chances over them as opposed to Hoban.
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In reality, winning a D3 championship may be easier than beating Hoban.

Certainly, the road to the championship is tougher but there's not a D3 team recently that could beat Hoban. Take Chardon, a fine team and D3 champ. I'd prefer the Irish's chances over them as opposed to Hoban.
Hoban schedule looks nationally hard they are facing 4 power houses 2 in state 2 out of state IONA PREP new York team and CATHEDRAL PREP PA team who both have combined record of 22-3 Iona is coming off a state championship. there schedule is preparing them for the playoffs. do y'all think our are schedule will do the same in d3?
Hoban schedule looks nationally hard they are facing 4 power houses 2 in state 2 out of state IONA PREP new York team and CATHEDRAL PREP PA team who both have combined record of 22-3 Iona is coming off a state championship. there schedule is preparing them for the playoffs. do y'all think our are schedule will do the same in d3?
Let's focus on being competitive in Ohio before we start worrying about national competition.
Reality check. Coach Cistone
Coach Larhlam and coach Carter are working hard and the weight room attendance is very good. However let’s talk football. The 2023 class is talented. However the gap between Hoban and Walsh is expansive. Hoban has 45 to 50 incoming freshman loaded with studs. Walsh will be closer to 60. To rebuild the STVM program and restock the cupboards require a community effort from the AD department, board members, the principal and a engaged admissions department supported by a quality PR and promotional media all working in unison.That’s the required pformula. Building a successful basketball program only requires landing a few blue chip prospects. ToRebuild a football program requires an army of tools. And money. Coach Cistone is the right man for the job and has committed himself to put the wheels in motion. However a lone Wolf is at a disadvantage when facing extremely well organized Rivals!!! It takes a village and time. As a alumni or fan temper your short term expectations and understand this program is closer to D4 than D2!!!
I didnt know Larhlam ended up at StV? I assume the same Larhlam that left CVCA? If so, nice addition.
NO im saying do you think the schedule that WE have can also prepare us for the playoff?
Is it enough to prepare STVM for the D3 playoffs? Yes. Is it anywhere near Hoban's schedule? No; nor should it be. Look, at this point, Hoban schedule is configured by a combination of factors: (1) They are not in a conference; (2) It is difficult for a lot of private schools to fill their schedules; (3) It's particularly hard for Hoban at this point due to their success (a lot of teams won't schedule them); (4) The Cincinnati D1 privates already schedule St. Edward and St. Ignatius, and don't see the need to add another NEO school (especially a D2 school that could beat them!); (5) I'm thinking neither the 2 big D2 Cincinnati schools (LaSalle or Winton Woods) nor Hoban really want to schedule each other before playoff time; and (6) The Hoban schedule becomes self-sustaining as a means to attract talent. With that, I mean, if a kid is deciding to go to Hoban or STVM, for example, he can look at Hoban's schedule and see that they have really upped the level of competition; by choice and by necessity. So, it helps attract top talent, which, in turn, helps keep the distance between them and the other local teams. In a way, it is more challenging for Hoban to come up with a schedule than it is for STVM basketball. While many of the factors mentioned above apply to the Irish basketball program, top teams across the state will still schedule the Irish because it's 1 in 20 games rather than 1 in 10, and a loss here or there in basketball won't affect your seeding the way it can in football.
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