Pete Rose

It's not like he bet against his team. Het bet for his team to win, not lose. He was a competitor, period. He found ways (through hustle) to beat you, even if you were more athletic, skilled, etc. The man was a winner and best hitter baseball has or will ever see that gave 100% at all times.
It's not like he bet against his team. Het bet for his team to win, not lose. He was a competitor, period. He found ways (through hustle) to beat you, even if you were more athletic, skilled, etc. The man was a winner and best hitter baseball has or will ever see that gave 100% at all times.
That article was BS. Imo
Pete is not a good guy, most people in Cincinnati will tell you that. However, that doesn’t mean he isn’t one of the best players in the history of Baseball. He should be in the HOF.
Yeah, he didn't ask if he was a Richard Cranium. ROTFLMAO! I'd have to agree there, but we're talking HOF.
It's not like he bet against his team. Het bet for his team to win, not lose. He was a competitor, period. He found ways (through hustle) to beat you, even if you were more athletic, skilled, etc. The man was a winner and best hitter baseball has or will ever see that gave 100% at all times.
That we know of.
Also, it it can affect how he managed games surrounding the games he bet on for the reds to 'win'.

He likes a matchup on Wednesday to place a wager. It is likely he possibly doesnt use certain relievers the day before. Maybe he plans the rest of a guy the day before. Maybe he has a chance to win a game late but holds a reliever back because he knows he plans on $$ that next night?

We all know how it feels when you watch a game that you have $$ on. It usually makes you feel a bit.....different about it. How about betting on something you have somewhat control over. Does it changed how he manages that day, consciencioulsy or subconscienciously? Very well could.

I am all for him being banned. Forever, or at least while he is alive.

I know, he gambled as a manager and his career as a player is different...but to me some things in sports are egregious and if anything can take down sports is if fans get the perception that players have $$ on the games, even if it is to win.

Personally, players/managers/anyone who has a hand in the outcome of a game who gambles should be dealt with the highest level, I.E. that NFL player. I know, he was injured at the time but.....insider information!

Bet to win........sure, sounds innocent enough, right? Start losing and guess what? Chasing the losses. Pretty damned certain ya will not cover? Why not place some $$ on it. Yeah, they make tons of money but ya know what......they spend it as fast as they make it.

To me, gambling my the players/managers/owners is T H E one big thing that can take down sports. A hint of the games not being on the up and up..........bad news
I grew up with a guy that was lucky enough to play a very small amount in the majors but attended spring training as a left handed reliever for 5 or 6 years before injuries forced him out of baseball. We talked about Rose and his banishment once and he said on the first day of spring training, every year, one of the very first things they talk to you about is betting on baseball while you are a player/manager/coach or really any affiliate of the big league club. They inform you that it is strictly forbidden and what the consequences of betting on baseball will be. In fairness, this was in the 90's, after Rose was banished, and maybe they held these meetings because of his actions, but I've always had the feeling that Rose knew full well what would happen if he was caught betting on any baseball team let alone the one he was managing. While, I agree that Rose is one of the greatest to ever do it and the way he did it on the field was the right way to do it, since that conversation with my buddy I've never felt like Rose's banishment should be lifted. He made a choice, knowing what the consequences would be if he was caught, and now he, and unfortunately his fans, have to live with the consequences of that choice. And truthfully, I don't really care whether he's a jerk, plenty of jerks reside in plenty of hall of fames.
Oh Pete, oh Pete. So many things here.
First of all, Pete Rose was a great baseball player. His statistics speak for themself and if they don't just ask Pete, he'll tell you. But there is a part of the HOF balloting that includes being "in good standing". Pete bet on baseball, clear, black and white. Doesn't matter if he bet on his team or the other team betting is betting. He then - I feel - had a small window in 1989-early 90's to admit/ ask for forgiveness and I feel he'd had been in the hall long ago. But Pete, like he played, dug in and fought. I truly think Pete felt he could just sit out a few years, apply for reinstatement - as he has many times and get in. But no. It took him about 15 years of the door being closed for him to realize this wasn't happening, and seeing his days sliding by decided to come clean. To me that's too long. Pete will get in, but he'll be dead before he get in, after all, it was a lifetime ban, right?

Now, back to this incident over the weekend. Very, VERY poorly conducted by the Phillies. They should have held the ceremony, NOT allowed media access to Rose - which they clearly could do. It's a ceremony to honor a championship team. Why in the heck allow reporters to try to steal the spotlight and bring up something that we have no idea if it occurred, when it happened or how old the girl was. So she says she wasn't 16??? This is Bill Cosby all over again. Back in the 60's and 70's these things - although not right - happened. You don't think this girls parents, friends would had been ticked if they knew about this at the time? Why the Phillies even had a presser and made Rose available for questioning is beyond me. It tainted an otherwise good ceremony for everyone else. Why can't the media be blamed for this?

Finally, for some unknown reason, Pete has no one who watches out for him. A few years ago, Bobby Knight stopped appearing in public and commenting on things. Pete needs that now, or he needs whoever he is close to to keep him out of these situations.
I forget, did he ever bet as a player or just as a coach?
As I recall, the league focused on 1987 when he was betting the most but said he also bet in 85 and 86. He was a player-manager in 85 and 86, until he was essentially removed from the 40-man roster in 86.

One of Pete's biggest failures is that he denied it all for 15 years, until 2004 when it was in his best financial interests because his book came out.
PED`s had more of a negative impact on the game than Pete Rose. The league new damn well what was going on. I know Pete and he knows me to some degree. It's been about 10 year's since I talked to him. Last time I walked up and shook his hand and said hey. I shake hands firmly and have a good grip. He looked at me and snarked. "Glad to shake someone's hand that's not a pu**y." I laughed and briefly chatted. Colorful Pete and all of his antics is what you get. He'll die not getting into the hall. At least he'll do it his way and not kissing ash. He's right, the world is full of pu**ies.
Getting p!$$ed about something controversial that Pete says is like being angry at the Pope for saying something against abortion. Get over yourself.

Pete's the same arrogant ignorant hillbilly he's been since long before he was railing 14 year olds.
I think the part about banging a 14 yr old is the controversial part. Even in the 70s, that wouldn’t fly.
I say put him in the day after he dies. That way his holishness is not rewarded. He was 1 great ballplayer, and his stats are most definitely HOF worthy. Reward his play, but not his character.
Not sure he'll get after he dies. Shoeless Joe is still "waiting" for his posthumous recognition by the HOF. You could argue what he was a part of was worse than Pete's transgressions, but he's the one guy from the Black Sox that appeared to be trying to win that series.
HOF to me is kind of like National Honor Society in high school. You have to achieve as well as be a respectable person. Grades alone will not get you into NHS. If the person(s) in charge of handing out the applications did not like you, you didn't get an application regardless of your GPA.

I see Pete that way, a great baseball player, a great story teller, but not a very good human being. Being socially unlikable is enough to disqualify one from the HOF.