Musk dropped the bomb. Twitter was Liberal

Crazy…I would be interested to hear how some Libs on here feel about being duped. Blumenthal is a bit##. All you have to do is look at him and then listen.
Another report
The trouble with suing these government actors is that they will not pay for it personally. Any damages that might be awarded will likely come from government funds, which means that you and I (and our children) will be paying for their malfeasance. Lawsuits aimed at people who used the force of the federal government to coerce big tech as an end-run around the 1st Amendment won't stop the next guy unless it's personally painful for them to repeat these actions.

Great summary.

Make this entirely understandable:

TESLA UP 60% in the last month. Leftists crying in the streets.

Booyah !!!
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