in the DEBATE forum... lets talk uncle Joe VS Orange man DEBATE in June and September


Well-known member
so CNN and ABC to hold debate in No audience debate... I hope they add one more, just hope D Brazille doesn't have the questions, she tends to give them out, and for sure it won't be to TRump..
Biden's handlers will have him cranked up on meth or whatever drug was used for his State of the Union address. They would rather have him red-faced and angry than wander off the stage looking for ice cream.

Trump will spew insult after insult.

Can't we come up with better candidates?
Biden's handlers will have him cranked up on meth or whatever drug was used for his State of the Union address. They would rather have him red-faced and angry than wander off the stage looking for ice cream.

Trump will spew insult after insult.

Can't we come up with better candidates?
You are welcome to step up and expose all your skeletons and put your family in the spotlight anytime.

Rational people don't care if Trump spews insults, the policy he'll implement is what actually matters.

Is Team Biden setting Trump up with the debate rules?

Three Reasons Biden Wants To Control The Debate Rules

Can Biden be coached up and enhanced to lure Trump into angry responses while Biden himself remains calm and looking presidential?

Does Trump have anything to gain but a lot to lose in a debate?
View attachment 58665

Is Team Biden setting Trump up with the debate rules?

Three Reasons Biden Wants To Control The Debate Rules

Can Biden be coached up and enhanced to lure Trump into angry responses while Biden himself remains calm and looking presidential?

Does Trump have anything to gain but a lot to lose in a debate?
Trump needs to tell America what Biden is responsible for in ruining in America.... and tell the things that that he will do on DAY ONE!!!

I would repeat the words that he actually said a month or so ago...I will be a dictator on day one, the first day he will say DRILL BABY DRILL...and CLOSE THE BORDER that uncle JOE opened on his DAY ONE 3 1/2 years ago
Trump needs to tell America what Biden is responsible for in ruining in America.... and tell the things that that he will do on DAY ONE!!!

I would repeat the words that he actually said a month or so ago...I will be a dictator on day one, the first day he will say DRILL BABY DRILL...and CLOSE THE BORDER that uncle JOE opened on his DAY ONE 3 1/2 years ago
View attachment 58665

Is Team Biden setting Trump up with the debate rules?

Three Reasons Biden Wants To Control The Debate Rules

Can Biden be coached up and enhanced to lure Trump into angry responses while Biden himself remains calm and looking presidential?

Does Trump have anything to gain but a lot to lose in a debate?
Trump has a whole lot to lose by debating a guy who cognitively is not up to the task. If I were Trump, I would sit these debates out and let Biden debate himself.
Biden's handlers will have him cranked up on meth or whatever drug was used for his State of the Union address. They would rather have him red-faced and angry than wander off the stage looking for ice cream.

Trump will spew insult after insult.

Can't we come up with better candidates?
There was some talk of possibly better ca didates being available, but no one wanted them as shown by the primary vote.
View attachment 58665

Is Team Biden setting Trump up with the debate rules?

Three Reasons Biden Wants To Control The Debate Rules

Can Biden be coached up and enhanced to lure Trump into angry responses while Biden himself remains calm and looking presidential?

Does Trump have anything to gain but a lot to lose in a debate?
I would be willing to bet that that the Biden team was PRAYING that Trump would turn down the offer and then they would claim Trump was the one standing in the way. That backfired. Also by having the first one in June long before anyone is paying attention means Biden will have time to try to recover.
I agree, it's a trap. Those Democrats will do/say anything. But if a Republican does/says it, they will be punished/degraded.
IMO, these debates are hokum without the "third party". The battle is not between hard liners but winning the fence setters, nothing changes without the "third party" hitting both for their defenses. I see this as a boxing match. We love to see the hard upper cuts, the damaging body blows (Trump) but the basis of landing more point-based jabs (Biden) can be the difference. No way in the world does Trump come out ahead unless Slappy has a total melt down...which is entirely possible but the same can be said for Trump. Regardless of what anyone thinks the MSM are the judges and will turn their score cards into the official as Slappy being the split decision winner.

How about Biden goes to a Trump rally and answers hundreds of questions, while Trump attends a Biden rally and answers ten questions.

Trump laid the "trap", now its kind of a step up or shut moment(s) for him. It is after all called Politics.
Trump needs to tell America what Biden is responsible for in ruining in America.... and tell the things that that he will do on DAY ONE!!!

I would repeat the words that he actually said a month or so ago...I will be a dictator on day one, the first day he will say DRILL BABY DRILL...and CLOSE THE BORDER that uncle JOE opened on his DAY ONE 3 1/2 years ago
America is ruined? Why do you hate America?
I'm not sure Trump has anything to gain in these debates. How do you debate a guy that can't put together a full sentence unless he's reading from a teleprompter, and even then he has trouble. I wonder if Joe will be all hopped up on meds and screaming like he was during the State of the Union?
I'm not sure Trump has anything to gain in these debates. How do you debate a guy that can't put together a full sentence unless he's reading from a teleprompter, and even then he has trouble. I wonder if Joe will be all hopped up on meds and screaming like he was during the State of the Union?
When Joe surprises you nutjobs and can speak to the issues and trump raves like an aderall addicted nut about his greatest hits you will run to Rightwing media safety and claim it is not real just like after the SOTU. (Those edited videos the Russian Troll farm feeds you are not real)
Not sure what is funny about going back to what was working before Obama./Biden effed everything up by undoing everything that was working.

Maybe you can enlighten us?

Why in gods name would anyone want to go back to the days of W. I could get wanting to go back to the good ole days of Bill Clinton but W? Are you trying to get us in more forever wars?
When Joe surprises you nutjobs and can speak to the issues and trump raves like an aderall addicted nut about his greatest hits you will run to Rightwing media safety and claim it is not real just like after the SOTU. (Those edited videos the Russian Troll farm feeds you are not real)
Beverly Hills Please GIF by BH90210
Trump needs to tell America what Biden is responsible for in ruining in America.... and tell the things that that he will do on DAY ONE!!!

I would repeat the words that he actually said a month or so ago...I will be a dictator on day one, the first day he will say DRILL BABY DRILL...and CLOSE THE BORDER that uncle JOE opened on his DAY ONE 3 1/2 years ago
Agreed, but can Trump find it within himself to do so. Trump's nature is to attack and denigrate his opponent. We have seen Biden being able to be enhanced for a crucial event. Can Trump control himself from self destruction?
When Joe surprises you nutjobs and can speak to the issues and trump raves like an aderall addicted nut about his greatest hits you will run to Rightwing media safety and claim it is not real just like after the SOTU. (Those edited videos the Russian Troll farm feeds you are not real)
Joe hasn't spoken to an issue in 3 years, why would he start now?