Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon


Well-known member
Anyone catch the series premiere last night?

Pretty solid start IMO. More politics than action, but knowing the story to come there will be plenty of action in the series.
It was underwhelming IMO. Of course that could change in the next couple of episodes.

The visual effects and sets were okay but nothing special and not as good as we got in the later years of GOT.

The characters were almost all flat with the exception of Damon Targarian. Both the actor who played the guy and his character stood out to me. The young girl who would be queen was wooden. The king was tepid and the rest of the "council" was nondescript . Go check out an episode of Becoming Elizabeth and you'll see several supporting actors making a much bigger impression in the Kings council scenes.

As PantherProud noted this episode focused on the politics which makes the flat performances and nondescript characters stand out to me. This was their moment to shine. Compare them to the characters in a small council scene from season 1 of GOT.

They better up their game over the next few episodes or this series is going to crash & burn.
It was underwhelming IMO. Of course that could change in the next couple of episodes.

The visual effects and sets were okay but nothing special and not as good as we got in the later years of GOT.

The characters were almost all flat with the exception of Damon Targarian. Both the actor who played the guy and his character stood out to me. The young girl who would be queen was wooden. The king was tepid and the rest of the "council" was nondescript . Go check out an episode of Becoming Elizabeth and you'll see several supporting actors making a much bigger impression in the Kings council scenes.

As PantherProud noted this episode focused on the politics which makes the flat performances and nondescript characters stand out to me. This was their moment to shine. Compare them to the characters in a small council scene from season 1 of GOT.

The actor you liked most was Matt Smith's character, he's probably the best actor in the show.

I think it will take more than a few episodes before you can determine if a show has "crashed and burned" or not.
it also just donned on me that Daemon Targaryan totally has a Vigo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters 2 look going on.


Still too damaged from the last season of GOT. Need to wait a few episodes, listen to the buzz, before I dive back in.
Seems like a basic fantasy type show to me, if it didn't have the GOT brand name it could have been one of many. Looks like they spent $s on the sets and SFX, not so much the acting talent. Bonus points though for continuing the GOT tradition of highly necessary nudity and violence to set a scene!
The actor you liked most was Matt Smith's character, he's probably the best actor in the show.

I think it will take more than a few episodes before you can determine if a show has "crashed and burned" or not.
Fair enough and I liked it enough to have no problem giving it a full season to win me over.

As an aside my experience has been that in the truly great series the characters and the actors that portray them jump off the screen at you in the opening episode. The show itself may still need a season to really get going but when I watched the opening episodes of Sopranos, The Wire, GOT, Deadwood, Breaking Bad and a couple of others I knew there was something special there. I didn't get that feeling after watching the 1st episode of the House of Dragons.
I'm not a huge GOT fan. I watched and liked certain aspects very much, others not so much. With that said I enjoyed this opener. Probably because with so many shows out there in today's world 95% $uck.

Peak tv comes with a price. Imagine how bad the stuff that doesn't get greenlit is.
Fair enough and I liked it enough to have no problem giving it a full season to win me over.

As an aside my experience has been that in the truly great series the characters and the actors that portray them jump off the screen at you in the opening episode. The show itself may still need a season to really get going but when I watched the opening episodes of Sopranos, The Wire, GOT, Deadwood, Breaking Bad and a couple of others I knew there was something special there. I didn't get that feeling after watching the 1st episode of the House of Dragons.

Oh sure, though I think we are talking about slightly different things. Certainly you’d hope a show grabs you from the opening episode.

I was speaking more regarding a show “crashing and burning” as a series as a whole. It may not end up not being your cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean it “crashes and burns” as a widely successful and popular show.

I think we are just coming at “crashes and burns” with different definitions.
I thought it was just okay. It was pretty boring until the dragons showed up. We're still in the character development stage so I have to be patient.

Every time I see the guy playing Viserys with that long string hair and beard scruff I envision a falling off of his trike at Sturgis.