Elder Enrollment Strategy

Yes, I would be extremely surprised. People do not take into account the impossible task it would be to keep such a thing secret. If any of that goofy conspiracy theory crap was remotely true, we'd know. People can't keep their mouths shut.
Agree, but most people just lie these days. Even if someone said it happened, there's just as many saying they are lying. It's impossible to know who to believe anymore.
There is just no reason to read beyond this nuttery.
Again what? It definitely leaked from a lab. There was definitely a lab in Wuhan funded by American dollars. Now whether or not it was created on purpose is certainly up for debate, but the rest of that has already been confirmed. Have you been living under a rock for the past 3 years?
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than I am with the deranged block of lunatics on the right.
This right here is the root of the problem with anything you've said on here. You seem to only see the world through black and white, in this case right and left. Your posts reek of, it doesn't bother me/affect me, so it shouldn't bother you/affect you and if it does, you're a right-wing lunatic. Fantastic showing on your end.

This is the biggest problem with our country right now, the division based on political affiliation. There is no middle ground for the majority of people out there and that's why we find ourselves in the situation we're in now and have been in since 2016 really.
There is just no reason to read beyond this nuttery.
I see you tried to find one sentence where you could come back at me. If I was in your position and guilty of everything described, I'd choose to ignore the mountain of evidence as well. That's fine. Let's focus on your one rebuttal specific to the lab leak...

I challenge you to watch this brief HBO Real-TIme feature and then comment

And also begin at the 3:30 minute mark of the following clip with

Yeah, just keep calling people names and ignore what they have done.
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Sure there is And TBH, I mostly disagree with that group. But I'm far less concerned with a bunch of folks who want me to police my slang or use a different pronoun to address them than I am with the deranged block of lunatics on the right.
Except they also cause massive amounts of damage to cities whenever they get the chance. I guess you missed what happened in Atlanta last month.

And I’m far more concerned about people who want to use political leverage to restrict freedoms. I have no issue prosecuting the J6 Rioters. They’re morons, but pretending like a bunch of unarmed yahoos were going to overturn an election, is moronic.
Yes, I would be extremely surprised. People do not take into account the impossible task it would be to keep such a thing secret. If any of that goofy conspiracy theory crap was remotely true, we'd know. People can't keep their mouths shut.
The impossibility of keeping the conspiracies secret is the part the theorists want to skip. It would be crazy enough to believe our own government was able to keep a secret like alien autopsies and fake moon landings a secret for decades but when the conspiracy is a worldwide effort by dozens, if not hundreds, of governments all acting in agreement I just shake my head.
Meanwhile back to the topic of the thread -- I heard that the entire incoming freshman class has decided not to attend Elder ... or is that a conspiracy theory someone started ? :stirthepot: let it go people -- move it to another thread.
Yeah, let's please not turn this into the Debate forum; go there if you want this stuff. It always devolves into pointless back and forth because everyone is stuck in their ways. It is, again, pointless and directionless.
Yeah, let's please not turn this into the Debate forum; go there if you want this stuff. It always devolves into pointless back and forth because everyone is stuck in their ways. It is, again, pointless and directionless.
It started off relevant. Someone mentioned they were surprised all the Catholic schools, big and small (like Seton, Roger Bacon) doing so well still. But you're right the tangent has has run its course. Doesn't look like anyone wants to keep that discussion going anyways.
Thanks for that. Does the report mention "... it was likely created on purpose in a Chinese lab and partially funded by American dollars"?
No. But this one does. https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/el...an-paub/?utm_source=collin&utm_medium=twitter. “Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, lied to Congress about it, and now both the FBI & the Department of Energy have concluded that the coronavirus originated at the Wuhan lab.”

See, this is the entire problem with you and everyone else who wants to shut down free speech.

First you want those on the other side completely silenced (banned, cancelled, etc).

Then you label (nuttery, conspiracy theory, anti-vaxxer, Russion disinformation, racist, etc),

Then the facts eventually emerge and the lies are exposed...and they refuse to admit they are wrong.

This has happened OVER and OVER again to you and the left the during the past 6 years. So many L's.
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No. But this one does. https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/el...an-paub/?utm_source=collin&utm_medium=twitter. “Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, lied to Congress about it, and now both the FBI & the Department of Energy have concluded that the coronavirus originated at the Wuhan lab.”

See, this is the entire problem with you and everyone else who wants to shut down free speech.

First you want those on the other side completely silenced (banned, cancelled, etc).

Then you label (nuttery, conspiracy theory, anti-vaxxer, Russion disinformation, racist, etc),

Then the facts eventually emerge and the lies are exposed...and they refuse to admit they are wrong.

This has happened OVER and OVER again to you and the left the during the past 6 years. So many L's.
I don't want to shut down your free speech or silence you.
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St. Ignatius posted photos on Facebook of where the members of their 8th grade class will attend high school.

Elder: 11
St. Xavier: 15
La Salle: 31
Cov Cath: 1
Seton: 11
MND: 1
Mercy Mc: 12
SUA: 10
RB: 9 (7 girls, 2 boys)
McNick: 1 (1 boy)
Colerain: 2 (2 boys)
Harrison: 1 (1 girl)
Oak Hills: 3 (2 girls, 1 boy)

11 is probably the most boys in a single class from St. Ignatius to enroll at Elder. Hopefully that number continues to grow.

31 boys from St. Ignatius is probably 20%(?) of La Salle's freshman class. (Assuming a class size of around 150 which I think is in line with what people have said on here about recent La Salle freshman classes.)
Today, St. Ignatius posted photos to Facebook of where their 8th grade class will attend high school.

Elder: 23
St. Xavier 22
La Salle: 13
Mercy McAuley: 12
Seton: 15
Oak Hills: 6
Roger Bacon: 3
SUA: 10
Ursuline Academy: 3
(And a bunch of others)

I looked back at their class of 2022 since I missed the post last year and for GCLS schools it was Elder 8, La Salle 19, and St. X 16.
Today, St. Ignatius posted photos to Facebook of where their 8th grade class will attend high school.

Elder: 23
St. Xavier 22
La Salle: 13
Mercy McAuley: 12
Seton: 15
Oak Hills: 6
Roger Bacon: 3
SUA: 10
Ursuline Academy: 3
(And a bunch of others)

I looked back at their class of 2022 since I missed the post last year and for GCLS schools it was Elder 8, La Salle 19, and St. X 16.

That’s great news. I had been hearing for a while it was about to turn big time in the coming years towards Elder.
Today, St. Ignatius posted photos to Facebook of where their 8th grade class will attend high school.

Elder: 23
St. Xavier 22
La Salle: 13
Mercy McAuley: 12
Seton: 15
Oak Hills: 6
Roger Bacon: 3
SUA: 10
Ursuline Academy: 3
(And a bunch of others)

I looked back at their class of 2022 since I missed the post last year and for GCLS schools it was Elder 8, La Salle 19, and St. X 16.
Yea thats great news for Elder. Some of the long time parishes like Lourdes and Dominics aren't sending as much as they used to.

I never thought I would see the day where they would send 10 more kids to Elder than they would to Lasalle.... That's Lasalles biggest feeder normally from what I have heard.
More bad news for LaSalle and Mercy McAuley. That's hard to believe that Elder outdrew X and LaSalle at St Ignatius. The Admissions Director has been an amazing addition to the staff. He's done a great job. 5 years ago, there was real fear of classes dropping below 170.

They have been awesome at Seton as well.
More bad news for LaSalle and Mercy McAuley. That's hard to believe that Elder outdrew X and LaSalle at St Ignatius. The Admissions Director has been an amazing addition to the staff. He's done a great job. 5 years ago, there was real fear of classes dropping below 170.

They have been awesome at Seton as well.
Only 20 boys at Jude 8th grade this year. Small class temporarily.
17 Elder
1 LaSalle
1 X
1 Bacon

What? Just because you either identify with the woke crowd (which based on your posts seems likely) or you didn't experience any firsthand doesn't mean it isn't a thing. There absolutely is a group called Antifa, they did in fact protest and riot, burning down cities in the aftermath of George Floyd's death. That actually happened. You saying that is more more gaslighting than CNN and MSNBC claiming "mostly peaceful protests" as parts of the city is literally burning in the background.

Additionally there were a lot of people who lost their jobs over the Covid Vaccine, include nurses who were on the front lines during the worst parts of Covid. People in our own government were calling for non-vaccinated people to lose any privilege to go out into society - grocery shopping, work, etc.

So don't sit here and tell us that being "woke" is just fear porn like the boogeyman, because that clearly isn't true.
Which cities were "burned down"? There was a riot and many people took advantage to steal and cause chaos, some of them would identify as Antifa or anti-fascist. What they did to destroy other people's property was wrong and any caught should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but to say those that are "woke" are bad and responsible for riots is frankly just completely ridiculous. Its like saying the Elder O-line is responsible for Roger Bacon not making the playoffs.
This right here is the root of the problem with anything you've said on here. You seem to only see the world through black and white, in this case right and left. Your posts reek of, it doesn't bother me/affect me, so it shouldn't bother you/affect you and if it does, you're a right-wing lunatic. Fantastic showing on your end.

This is the biggest problem with our country right now, the division based on political affiliation. There is no middle ground for the majority of people out there and that's why we find ourselves in the situation we're in now and have been in since 2016 really.
You are right. So let's find common ground and rally around common sense ideals that nearly everyone agrees on...stop creating insane state laws designed to limit voting, outlaw women's personal autonomy, and marginalize anyone on the LGBTQ spectrum as "abnormal and to be shunned."
People are people and they get to be who they want. Why is that so hard?
More bad news for LaSalle and Mercy McAuley. That's hard to believe that Elder outdrew X and LaSalle at St Ignatius. The Admissions Director has been an amazing addition to the staff. He's done a great job. 5 years ago, there was real fear of classes dropping below 170.

They have been awesome at Seton as well.
I think Mercy McAuley is in worse shape than LaSalle but both are seriously trending in the wrong direction. I could see a merger or each eventually dropping down to DIII. Just not as many students available and it seems like they are missing out on the ones that are available.
I think Mercy McAuley is in worse shape than LaSalle but both are seriously trending in the wrong direction. I could see a merger or each eventually dropping down to DIII. Just not as many students available and it seems like they are missing out on the ones that are available.
Not sure what Mercy McAuley is up to, but La Salle switching to the president/principal model seems to be an effort to address this. Hopefully we see a Seton-style resurgence although, smaller seems OK to me when I have a kid there 2025-2029. A very small grade school has been excellent as opposed to the overstuffed 30-kid classes we had at Three Rivers in Grades K-1.

Overall, there are just less kids period and these schools need to address the cost. I'd also imagine the St. Ignatius thing has as much to do with Elder grads sending their kids to St. I as anything else.
Today, St. Ignatius posted photos to Facebook of where their 8th grade class will attend high school.

Elder: 23
St. Xavier 22
La Salle: 13
Mercy McAuley: 12
Seton: 15
Oak Hills: 6
Roger Bacon: 3
SUA: 10
Ursuline Academy: 3
(And a bunch of others)

I looked back at their class of 2022 since I missed the post last year and for GCLS schools it was Elder 8, La Salle 19, and St. X 16.
Dang...How big is the grade? I've counted 107 here plus (and a bunch of others)