Elder beats Mason in Overtime

Observation #8...

Who was working the PA system?

Mason throw in: "THROW-IN MASON!!!"
Elder throw in: "Throw in Elder... sigh."
Mason corner kick: "CORNER KICK COMETS!!!!!!"
Elder corner kick: <cricket> ... <cricket>

Had I known a Mason community member was working the PA, I would have brought my HOA dues and paid them at the gate (I'm a month behind). ;)

Actually, it was a Princeton guy. My guess is that he showed more emphasis towards the Mason crowd because they were the home team and the higher seed. Just my opinion.
Actually, it was a Princeton guy. My guess is that he showed more emphasis towards the Mason crowd because they were the home team and the higher seed. Just my opinion.


Were you on the Mason side or the Elder side of the field? There were at least three penalties that could/should of been called on Mason in the box. The one at the end of regulation on Meyer was blatant and was a terrible no call. I can see not wanting to have a game decided by a penalty kick, but that's not a good reason to eat your whistle when it was that blatant of a foul. A penalty is still a penalty no matter if it happens in the first half or when there's 5 minutes to go in a tight game. JMHO...

Were you on the Mason side or the Elder side of the field? There were at least three penalties that could/should of been called on Mason in the box. The one at the end of regulation on Meyer was blatant and was a terrible no call. I can see not wanting to have a game decided by a penalty kick, but that's not a good reason to eat your whistle when it was that blatant of a foul. A penalty is still a penalty no matter if it happens in the first half or when there's 5 minutes to go in a tight game. JMHO...

Read my first post. You'll know where I was.

What people don't understand is that there is an unwritten rule regarding the penalty box, so to speak. Basically, it is that if it's not necessary to call the foul, then don't. Don't get me wrong, though. I've called my share of PK's before. But, in a game that's as physical as it was last night, those fouls will not get called. I wasn't the center referee, so I don't know what was going on in his mind, but he was letting the physical play continue, so my guess is that is what he was doing.

The other thing is that I am not supposed to watch for fouls as an AR as my primary focus. I'm to stay on the offside line and watch that. Secondary calls are for out of bounds and tertiary calls are for fouls. There was no way that I was going to call any foul in the box unless it was worthy of a booking.
Read my first post. You'll know where I was.

Gotcha...I just re-read your first post. I'm not faulting you, I just wasn't impressed with the center ref and his lack of calls. It seemed like he did not want to make a call in the box, but then he would make up for the no-call with a questionable penalty outside of the box. I thought he did this on the winning goal penalty kick on Mason outside the box. He could of called one on Mason inside the box right before that play when a Mason kid shoulder tackled an Elder player when he was getting ready to shoot.

We can go back and forth about this until the GMC wins a championship (ha! just kidding), but until you are actually out there with the whistle in your mouth, there really isn't much more to say about it. The ref didn't win or lose the game for either team. It's just the way that it went. Given, yes, I would have made some calls he didn't and wouldn't have made some calls he did, but that's up to the discretion of that individual. It's one thing to know the Laws of the Game, but another thing in how to apply them. Some are different than others, but as long as they are consistent, it is up to the players to adjust to it.

We can go back and forth about this until the GMC wins a championship (ha! just kidding), but until you are actually out there with the whistle in your mouth, there really isn't much more to say about it. The ref didn't win or lose the game for either team. It's just the way that it went. Given, yes, I would have made some calls he didn't and wouldn't have made some calls he did, but that's up to the discretion of that individual. It's one thing to know the Laws of the Game, but another thing in how to apply them. Some are different than others, but as long as they are consistent, it is up to the players to adjust to it.

Are you trying to say that refs ar human. That's crazy. :angel:
Oh brother.....so because some high school kids cheered something stupid all of Elder fan's lack class.

What was with the stupid signs Mason had? What does 'Panthers take Bombers to prom' mean?

Or the stupid 'Purple Pansies' and 'We have girls' cheers.

Was Niro wearing a sign? Just curious??? Pretty cruel to pick out one individual and treat him like a dog. :confused:
Observation #8...

Who was working the PA system?

Mason throw in: "THROW-IN MASON!!!"
Elder throw in: "Throw in Elder... sigh."
Mason corner kick: "CORNER KICK COMETS!!!!!!"
Elder corner kick: <cricket> ... <cricket>

Had I known a Mason community member was working the PA, I would have brought my HOA dues and paid them at the gate (I'm a month behind). ;)

The PA guy was from Princeton.
Elder scored on a nice attack which never should have happened. I am not sure if it was #12 or #10 (Meyer) for Elder that was clearly tripped and drug down in the box....no call was made.

Did you ever hear of ADVANTAGE? The ref will not call a foul if it appears that the team that was fouled has maintained advantage. If the anticipated advantage does not develop he can still call the foul.

If a goal was ultimately scored by Elder on the play it sounds like they maintained ADVANTAGE!
Did you ever hear of ADVANTAGE? The ref will not call a foul if it appears that the team that was fouled has maintained advantage. If the anticipated advantage does not develop he can still call the foul.

If a goal was ultimately scored by Elder on the play it sounds like they maintained ADVANTAGE!

Meyer had a huge "advantage" of just putting a shot straight in until he was tripped. Elder just got lucky that the ball made it's way over to an open player. There was no advantage whatsoever after the trip, just a lucky break for Elder IMHO...
i don't understand why you guys are whinning...in case you didn't know Elder still won the game 2-1

Elder should of had one PK but the referee didn't call it and the ball was sent across the box for the goal.

The other foul that some of you are referring to was just outside the top of the box on Corbett. It could of been a foul or it couldn't of been. It looked like the mason kid got a touch on the ball with his outstretched leg and collided into the back of the kid at the same time.
3. Yes, there were some questionable no calls inside the box and/or just outside of it. However, as a referee in a game like that, you don't want to call a PK if it is not a blatant foul. That's not to say that it will never be called and you can basically murder someone in the box, but as SOREF said, you don't want to have something like that decide the game if it was agressive play.

4. The supposed foul on the Elder GK where he came out and took out the Mason player while clearing the ball was not a foul. The GK has every right to the ball as a field player. However, because he can use his hands, he has more leniancy for going for the ball. He cleary made every attempt at the ball and not the player, so that would never be called. I'm a GK, too, and I would do that every time without worrying about a call.

5. Speaking of GK.......the Mason GK made some pretty obvious fouls of his own that I saw but not in my jurisdiction to call. For example, on set pieces and/or corner kicks, the Elder player that stood in front of the Mason GK was continuously pushed out of the way by the Mason GK. To the Elder guy's credit, he didn't complain about it at all and continued to play.

I saw exactly what you are talking about... The Elder goalie was physical in going for the ball while the Mason goalie was putting his arms in the Elder players back and fully extending them... I was actually surprised none of the coaches/captains politely asked any of you guys to keep an eye out for it.

Oh, and I didn't see this mentioned before, but was I the only one that was amazed on the early free kick for Mason when it hit the crossbar and the Elder goalie jerked his head around like he didn't even see it coming.
Oh, and I didn't see this mentioned before, but was I the only one that was amazed on the early free kick for Mason when it hit the crossbar and the Elder goalie jerked his head around like he didn't even see it coming.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he had time to blink...That shot looked like it came out of cannon!
Regardless of whether the USA chant had racial undertones or not, I think it really reveals the class and ingorance of the Elder Fans when they were yelling things like "get a Green Card" and "you f****** immigrant go back to Afghanistan". Niro was born in the US btw and his parents are from Sri Lanka. Good luck to Elder in the tournament, but their fan's lack of class is appalling.
As a neutral attendee of the game I think the same could be said to the saintly fans of Mason. The cheers and the banners were clearly out of line. Don't they say those in a glass house should not throw stones?
I saw exactly what you are talking about... The Elder goalie was physical in going for the ball while the Mason goalie was putting his arms in the Elder players back and fully extending them... I was actually surprised none of the coaches/captains politely asked any of you guys to keep an eye out for it.

Oh, and I didn't see this mentioned before, but was I the only one that was amazed on the early free kick for Mason when it hit the crossbar and the Elder goalie jerked his head around like he didn't even see it coming.

You are correct. They said nothing, surprisingly.

Let me tell you about that shot that hit the crossbar...........I was behind the play at midfield watching it (as the sweeper was at midfield, too). That shot had absolutely no spin on it whatsoever and it was dancing like a Tim Wakefield knuckleball. Combine that with the velocity of it and that keeper had no chance on it at all!!! He just stood there like he saw a ghost! Unfortunately for the kicker, that shot didn't go in.
You took the USA cheer wrong. I am sure they ment USA as in United Soccer Association

Even you don't beleive that.

Mason fans in the parking lot, young fans, yelled at elder parents in Purple, F#$#$# you and FL#$#$K Elder. The parents from Elder took it in stride and just stared at the boys yelling, this is a fact, they just let it go. It was a terrible thing to see, much like the barbsr directed towards Niro. Niro has class, didn't let it get to him. I think he put it off to stupidity just as the Elder aldults did. Kudos Niro, Kudos Elder parents. No winner here, just high school stupidity. It went BOTH WAYS, let it go guys.
Can someone explain why on two occasions the linesman, from the Mason fan side, walked up to the Mason goalie and patted him on the butt? He made no attempt to hide the fact that he obviously was a friend of his. I thought that was inappropriate.
In response to Anonymous, You obviously were too high on your horse to see or hear what was being said from your side of the stands. I wonder if other predominately male organizations such as the US Marines or US Army would appreciate the comments made by the Masonites.
wow elder get used to it...u know as soon as u go to a catholic all boys school that ur going to get slurs thrown ur way...i dont agree with it but it just comes with the territory...but u cant tell me mason is the only school thats called u guys gay namesand made homosexual comments towards u...i felt that the USA chant was below classless especially to a kid like niro who might be the nicest guy on this earth not to mention one of the classiest individuals i kno... i think that elder might be the sorest winners ive ever met...but w/e...atleast u have jesus
let it go!

Maybe the fans on this thread should have went to the West Beavercreek game. The fans cheered for their teams! The Players played hard! While the refereeing was not the best, as usual it was bad for both sides. It did not decide the outcome of the game! Just a well played game with two very good teams and the game could have went either way.

Let's let it go, so congrats to both teams for a great season and good luck to Elder in the Regional Finals!
I'm a little surprised at how both sides are crying about how many penalty kicks should have been awarded! Have people gone completely nuts! I didn't see a single incident in a box that was worthy of a PK in a playoff game.

This isn't some Saturday night non league game where a hack ref can decide the outcome of the game! Nor are these 6 - 1 blow out games where a PK doesn't mean anything! Last night was a Regional Semifinal game for crying out loud. Act like you guys have been there before!

I come from the school of thought that you don't award a penalty kick in the playoffs unless the offensive player has the ball at his feet and is TACKLED as he gets ready to shoot. Haven't you noticed these games are decided by 1 - 0 & 2 - 1 scores. Had the ref last night awarded a PK to either side, he was handing them the win and what a shame that would be!

Were there some close calls in the box? Yes, but none of them warranted a PK in a low scoring playoff game. I'll say it again, the reffing last night was outstanding!

As for the cheering sections, I love the school spirit but adult supervision is needed and both Mason & Elder are responsible for policing their kids. I'm glad the "USA" chant was stopped and I realize kids will be kids. One thing to keep in mind though is that the parochial schools have had these huge cheering sections for years and they're expert at getting under your skin. It's been more recent that public schools have adopted the practice. Last year for instance, Fairfield had a huge student section in their run through the state championship game. The sense I get is that the public's are quick to go over the line as a result of being baited by the parochial cheering sections. But ultimately it comes down to adults from the respective school districts taking the lead in keeping things under control.

Well, good luck Elder as I hope a Cincinnati area school can bring home the trophy.
wow elder get used to it...u know as soon as u go to a catholic all boys school that ur going to get slurs thrown ur way...i dont agree with it but it just comes with the territory...but u cant tell me mason is the only school thats called u guys gay namesand made homosexual comments towards u...i felt that the USA chant was below classless especially to a kid like niro who might be the nicest guy on this earth not to mention one of the classiest individuals i kno... i think that elder might be the sorest winners ive ever met...but w/e...atleast u have jesus

I agree with you in the fact that all boy catholic schools have had homosexual cheers thrown their way. Let me tell ya, it gets OLD. Think of something new. But the banners took it over the top. As far as the USA chant, how is that any less classy than homosexual slurs?? Both are on the same level. Both are classless. Both will be used. Both student sections are obviously filled with students! Mason was chanting for Meyer as well. Elder's AD put a stop to it. Mason's AD did not or was not in attendance. After that being said, along with other people's comments(especially phatneff's about not complaining on the field), how can you say Elder is the sorest winners you have ever met?

I thought both teams played with a great amount of class. Barely any talking to the refs or the other team. Cheering sections will be cheering sections.
2) More surprising were Mason's corner kicks. (I'm surprised no one has commented on them.) Not one comes to mind where a true chance on goal was created. How a team "that good" does so poorly on corner kicks is beyond me.
Big time ditto on that. Mason had what seemed like a dozen corner kicks in the second half and I can't really remember one of them creating a scoring opportunity.

Elder controlled the ball a good deal less during the match than Mason did, but the Panthers made more of their limited opportunities to score.
Big time ditto on that. Mason had what seemed like a dozen corner kicks in the second half and I can't really remember one of them creating a scoring opportunity.

Elder controlled the ball a good deal less during the match than Mason did, but the Panthers made more of their limited opportunities to score.

This really does not surprise me. Mason is a finess team starting with Niro. While they have many with great skill, most of those players do not like or can take a lot of physical contact which is what you get on corners.

This is one of the reasons I am not surprised that Elder won even though Mason controlled the ball more.....
does anybody know where Niro is considering going to college at? I'm sure he's probably getting a ton of looks. Just curious if he's looking to stay local or go elsewhere.
does anybody know where Niro is considering going to college at? I'm sure he's probably getting a ton of looks. Just curious if he's looking to stay local or go elsewhere.

From what I understand he is a thinking person - yes more concerned with the right academic opportunity. A great choice for someone with his SAT scores!
does anybody know where Niro is considering going to college at? I'm sure he's probably getting a ton of looks. Just curious if he's looking to stay local or go elsewhere.

Niro's first priority is and will always be academics. I know he is looking to play at Case Western, Washington U in St. Louis, and possible Ohio State if he can get good scholarship money.