DIII State Final: Toledo Central Catholic vs Bishop Watterson

Who wins?

  • Toledo Central Catholic by 1-8

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Toledo Central Catholic by 9-16

    Votes: 28 29.2%
  • Toledo Central Catholic by 17+

    Votes: 52 54.2%
  • Bishop Watterson by 1-8

    Votes: 11 11.5%
  • Bishop Watterson by 9-16

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Bishop Watterson by 17+

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters
Nothing new here to add to the TCC team formation. It is what it is.

What I did see (watched from comfort of my comfy chair last Friday), was 100% heart from Bishop Watterson kids. Holy cow where they undersized! But to be fair, TCC would make 50% of the big ten look undersized! Geesh. First, Watterson offense would struggle to score every time even if these teams played 100 times. Could not run the ball, AJ was harassed on passing plays where they only rushed 3 dudes with 5-6 blockers. The difference between TCC def and Watterson off was obvious.

Now, on the other side of the coin, Watterson Def was good enough to hang with TCC. They scored 21 points off turnovers (2 were special teams TO inside 15 yd lines). Although they gave up 94 lbs on avg per kid on Dline, they made it hell for those big kids. Youell and Spencer get a stand O from me! Dom Purcell was the best player on the field and Weber/Rundio were all over the field too stretching out sweeps and stuffing 300 LB lineman in holes! I knew this Watty def was legit but after this, it might be top 5 Def in any division in the state (TCC likely is in that top 5 too). I am sure TCC thought they would just lean on these little kids and they will fold. That did NOT happen. With under 2 minutes TCC RB had a 71 yard carry when game was over but before that, the all state back had 21 carriers for 98 yards - not sure you can hold that kid and that line to that many times.

What a cool season for BW as I loved following this year! Great group of kids and some of the best coaches around. I am looking forward to seeing next years Eagles.
Found the overruled catch on You Tube. Wow, it was close. I think it was the right call.

Whether or not replay should be used in high school when it wasnt used all year, that is a different question.


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Nothing new here to add to the TCC team formation. It is what it is.

What I did see (watched from comfort of my comfy chair last Friday), was 100% heart from Bishop Watterson kids. Holy cow where they undersized! But to be fair, TCC would make 50% of the big ten look undersized! Geesh. First, Watterson offense would struggle to score every time even if these teams played 100 times. Could not run the ball, AJ was harassed on passing plays where they only rushed 3 dudes with 5-6 blockers. The difference between TCC def and Watterson off was obvious.

Now, on the other side of the coin, Watterson Def was good enough to hang with TCC. They scored 21 points off turnovers (2 were special teams TO inside 15 yd lines). Although they gave up 94 lbs on avg per kid on Dline, they made it hell for those big kids. Youell and Spencer get a stand O from me! Dom Purcell was the best player on the field and Weber/Rundio were all over the field too stretching out sweeps and stuffing 300 LB lineman in holes! I knew this Watty def was legit but after this, it might be top 5 Def in any division in the state (TCC likely is in that top 5 too). I am sure TCC thought they would just lean on these little kids and they will fold. That did NOT happen. With under 2 minutes TCC RB had a 71 yard carry when game was over but before that, the all state back had 21 carriers for 98 yards - not sure you can hold that kid and that line to that many times.

What a cool season for BW as I loved following this year! Great group of kids and some of the best coaches around. I am looking forward to seeing next years Eagles.
I agree with everything you said here. BW DLine was smart to fire off the ball and not let the TCC OLine move on them first. Quickness can overcome bigness for awhile. The BW defense played great.
TCC's DLine is huge as well. In the past they have had a huge DLine and combined it with constant blitzing. It caused a lot sacks and also a lot of TD passes against DBs left one on one. I'm glad TCC learned their lesson from years ago.

TCC won by 20 and outgained BW by 200 yards or so. But the game was a lot closer than that. Hats off to Bishop Watterson.
Nothing new here to add to the TCC team formation. It is what it is.

What I did see (watched from comfort of my comfy chair last Friday), was 100% heart from Bishop Watterson kids. Holy cow where they undersized! But to be fair, TCC would make 50% of the big ten look undersized! Geesh. First, Watterson offense would struggle to score every time even if these teams played 100 times. Could not run the ball, AJ was harassed on passing plays where they only rushed 3 dudes with 5-6 blockers. The difference between TCC def and Watterson off was obvious.

Now, on the other side of the coin, Watterson Def was good enough to hang with TCC. They scored 21 points off turnovers (2 were special teams TO inside 15 yd lines). Although they gave up 94 lbs on avg per kid on Dline, they made it hell for those big kids. Youell and Spencer get a stand O from me! Dom Purcell was the best player on the field and Weber/Rundio were all over the field too stretching out sweeps and stuffing 300 LB lineman in holes! I knew this Watty def was legit but after this, it might be top 5 Def in any division in the state (TCC likely is in that top 5 too). I am sure TCC thought they would just lean on these little kids and they will fold. That did NOT happen. With under 2 minutes TCC RB had a 71 yard carry when game was over but before that, the all state back had 21 carriers for 98 yards - not sure you can hold that kid and that line to that many times.

What a cool season for BW as I loved following this year! Great group of kids and some of the best coaches around. I am looking forward to seeing next years Eagles.
Id say that was the best defense tcc faced this season. Your players are tough and well coached. Purcell is an absolute stud. Your program has alot to be proud of.
Found the overruled catch on You Tube. Wow, it was close. I think it was the right call.

Whether or not replay should be used in high school when it wasnt used all year, that is a different question.
Ill be honest here. I hate that they use instant replay for one game and not the other 15. I believe they shouldve stayed with the call on the field. It was just too close to overturn, but its out of my hands
Ill be honest here. I hate that they use instant replay for one game and not the other 15. I believe they shouldve stayed with the call on the field. It was just too close to overturn, but its out of my hands
I agree. It was close. Probably the right call when you examine it with a microscope. But I agree that it probably could have/should have been upheld.
Oh come-on, is that what your vaunted private education taught you? Run from a debate on facts or was it to reconstruct your OWN opinion when presented facts of which you may not have been aware? You don't even seem to realize that you're arguing against posters that went, used, worked and volunteered within private schools, Catholic and otherwise. You seem rather to presume their bias. This come from personal experience or handed down to you by some entertainment puppet master on the radio/tv?

YOU called out the public education system as failing. Are you presuming the private system is less failed, educating the same students in the same context? Or is YOUR idea of a private CATHOLIC education a hide-hole for those afraid to work and live with the most in need?

If my local "failing" public school can put even one kid into an IVY, a B10 or other highly rated program (which it does), doesn't it seem reasonable to at least consider, it's not the effort of the school that's failing? Why don't you ask TCC how many successful academics they got in from those supposed failing public schools and how many they kick back because they "can't reach them?"

Private Catholic schools used to be about Catholic education. Now, it's all pretense of social status. The most belligerent of the bunch I come across are those that wore the mascot uniform, those worried more about social status than education and those that didn't pay their own way, lol.

Fact: the "complaints" presented are not about parents who choose to pay their own money for that social status. No one is trying to prevent anyone from sending their kids to private school. The complaint is about the use of public monies without public representation and the sabotage used to attempt to justify it for a very select few. The diversion of funds has nothing to do with "failing" public schools; urban or otherwise.
Fact: The value added numbers have been posted many times. On the whole, the private Catholic schools are doing worse than the local public and are failing the vouchered students.
Fact: Private schools are by definition selective and do not even choose to educate those that are resulting in what you call the high cost of education. Or OPINION; that's just you believing certain types are not deserving the opportunity to pull themselves out. Most likely the latter
Fact: On equal economic basis, the public schools out-perform the private schools at all levels.
Fact: the public has no access to policies and curriculum of private schools that use public money vouchers to sustain their operations.

Personal Fact: I've never heard a single private school teacher complain about the efforts of their colleagues in public schools. Many started in public education and left because they couldn't handle it. They know. It takes purpose and love for all to work with the most in need. Send your kid to private school, pay for it yourself. That's all well and good. But your attitude towards public educators is right out of the puppet master's mouth. Think for yourself.
It’s a Shame you post all of these fallacy statements as Fact. You are so far from
Accurate your in another World. Just Stop. Your fingers are typing pure Diarrhea.
One Fact for sure!!! Teacher Unions are destroying Public Education. That’s a Fact...Pal
Nothing new here to add to the TCC team formation. It is what it is.

What I did see (watched from comfort of my comfy chair last Friday), was 100% heart from Bishop Watterson kids. Holy cow where they undersized! But to be fair, TCC would make 50% of the big ten look undersized! Geesh. First, Watterson offense would struggle to score every time even if these teams played 100 times. Could not run the ball, AJ was harassed on passing plays where they only rushed 3 dudes with 5-6 blockers. The difference between TCC def and Watterson off was obvious.

Now, on the other side of the coin, Watterson Def was good enough to hang with TCC. They scored 21 points off turnovers (2 were special teams TO inside 15 yd lines). Although they gave up 94 lbs on avg per kid on Dline, they made it hell for those big kids. Youell and Spencer get a stand O from me! Dom Purcell was the best player on the field and Weber/Rundio were all over the field too stretching out sweeps and stuffing 300 LB lineman in holes! I knew this Watty def was legit but after this, it might be top 5 Def in any division in the state (TCC likely is in that top 5 too). I am sure TCC thought they would just lean on these little kids and they will fold. That did NOT happen. With under 2 minutes TCC RB had a 71 yard carry when game was over but before that, the all state back had 21 carriers for 98 yards - not sure you can hold that kid and that line to that many times.

What a cool season for BW as I loved following this year! Great group of kids and some of the best coaches around. I am looking forward to seeing next years Eagles.
You guys have nothing to be ashamed of. Your kids fought as hard as they could, gave it all that they had. They were just outgunned by TCC.
You need to lock up the Bottle. Talk about Poaching Tax Dollars. How is it possible
that we send Kids to school for 6k less per year than a public student. K-8 is like 11k
per year less. Your statement poaching Tax Dollars is Hilarious. Good Gravy get the
Blinders Off.😎😎😎
Go Herd
And what does self-reflection tell you are your blinders? You insult rather than discuss and debate FACTS?

Do you at least recognize your school by their choice, does not educate the same population as the public schools? Do you recognize that if there's a problem with the public education in your area, you DO have input. You don't even have that with your own private educational facility, let alone what conservative principals say should happen when public money is involved.

Public money should not be used for private businesses without public input. Basic conservative principles,

How is the cost difference possible?
Your "we" chooses not to educate those most in need, which accounts for the majority of that difference. Yes even on even basis, public AP students to private AP students, public will still offer a higher salary. YOUR public teachers require more training as those teachers attend to a general population, not a selected population, not just an AP population.

YOUR private needs public money because they failed in their mandated educational objectives. They no longer have the low paid (not as low as many assume) Priests and Nuns to provide education. They did not gain enough loyalty to get the endowments they needed to self-sustain.

Let's run with your idea though. No public education at all. Or lower the salaries to the point you cannot find enough teachers to meet community population needs, the needs of ALL. Is this the real destruction you're looking for? Education only for those you select.? Do you think the results of that will not hit your lovely private school? The chaos would end its existence.

So why does public education cost "more." Because it has higher returns for the community. Because your "we" would do $$ trying to teach the same students to the same quality as the public.
And what does self-reflection tell you are your blinders? You insult rather than discuss and debate FACTS?

Do you at least recognize your school by their choice, does not educate the same population as the public schools? Do you recognize that if there's a problem with the public education in your area, you DO have input. You don't even have that with your own private educational facility, let alone what conservative principals say should happen when public money is involved.

Public money should not be used for private businesses without public input. Basic conservative principles,

How is the cost difference possible?
Your "we" chooses not to educate those most in need, which accounts for the majority of that difference. Yes even on even basis, public AP students to private AP students, public will still offer a higher salary. YOUR public teachers require more training as those teachers attend to a general population, not a selected population, not just an AP population.

YOUR private needs public money because they failed in their mandated educational objectives. They no longer have the low paid (not as low as many assume) Priests and Nuns to provide education. They did not gain enough loyalty to get the endowments they needed to self-sustain.

Let's run with your idea though. No public education at all. Or lower the salaries to the point you cannot find enough teachers to meet community population needs, the needs of ALL. Is this the real destruction you're looking for? Education only for those you select.? Do you think the results of that will not hit your lovely private school? The chaos would end its existence.

So why does public education cost "more." Because it has higher returns for the community. Because your "we" would do $$ trying to teach the same students to the same quality as the public.
This. Vouchers are not a conservative principal let the Archdiocese buy State Championships quit using my tax dollars.
This. Vouchers are not a conservative principal let the Archdiocese buy State Championships quit using my tax dollars.

I'm honestly less concerned about state championships than the effects on education for all. But I can see both concerns. TCC might and hopefully would still be competing but without the contributions of some might rich alum families, that competing at most likely at a much lower division.

They'd still be recruiting but as in the old days, on their own dollars. IB (if I can speak for) and I remember the days we were all part of the same conference. Some selfish actions, instead of Christian sacrifice or at least comaradary by the privates taking advantage of the covid restrictions placed on the publics, caused a divorce.

Those of us opposing vouchers are doing no more than trying to get old friends to at least acknowledge written facts. Opinions are only for the effects of those concrete facts. The negative effects of vouchers and the artificial "success" they create for schools supposedly created in the image.

Any reasonable coach knows, you remove just a few good leaders, a few from the top, their synergy goes to crap and it's hard to replace. "Next man up" is a nice goal, a nice theory. By lopping off the top in athletics and academics, the only students the privates will accept, vouchers are profoundly contributing to the decay of urban public education for all, which is what keeps alive the communities in which the urban privates (accept SJJ who escaped to the burbs) reside. No neighborhood near any of our private schools has been improved due to their efforts. The area around Central particularly, continues to decline as those alums make no effort to sustain but insist on bragging rights for their artificially created teams of players coming from the mess they created and left. And those players and families, don't get it or care as long as they can "win: and pretend to be better than those publics left behind. They are the ones that call us left behind, "trash" while their comrade posters have no balls to speak against as the nice sayings as you enter their schools say is mandated by Christian principles. Those schools have failed to educate. They are the ones that are failing.