DIII State Final: Toledo Central Catholic vs Bishop Watterson

Who wins?

  • Toledo Central Catholic by 1-8

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Toledo Central Catholic by 9-16

    Votes: 28 29.2%
  • Toledo Central Catholic by 17+

    Votes: 52 54.2%
  • Bishop Watterson by 1-8

    Votes: 11 11.5%
  • Bishop Watterson by 9-16

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Bishop Watterson by 17+

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters
How many in the band? ;) A couple years ago 75 and that includes freshman. Impressive nonetheless and the MAC recipe has been shared on this forum several times over. However, they do not have 15-20 DI/DII (scholarship) kids in the program every year and are not a so-called private institution propped up by taxpayer scholarships for who they WANT in the school.

Had cousins in Marion local...one year they had only like 5 kids on thenwhole HS who were not in a sport or the band.

I just think many participate so they don't have to do rhe evening milking ha ha.
Are you really going full grammar nazi on a high school football message board to take an unnecessary shot at me? 😂😂 pathetic
Irish Buffalo is not an Irish fan, however he's OBSESSED with TCC. Eats, sleeps, dreams repeat. It's the same old hack year after year though, nothing new or creative. TCC keeps on winning and he keeps on crying!

P.s. The IGNORE feature comes in handy for clowns like him.
You had to know I wasn't serious

Getting ready for Basketball
The Catholic schools struggle in the marching band department. We don't have the privilege of having an elementary/junior high band to develop that. SFS has had the same band director for like 20+ years now and gets to draw from multiple schools (SUA & NDA), yet has always been similar in size to TCC. Akron Hoban didn't even have a band when we played them last year.
This year, the OHSAA cost Chardon and Avon the opportunity to play for a state championship. Future inaction will cost other schools their rightful shots at earning a state title of their own.
Chardon I can see and sympathize with. I personally would have liked to be in D2 or higher this year. We should not have been in D3, that's for sure.

Avon though? Avon holds a winning record against CC and would have definitely given CC a game, if not beaten them this year if they met in the playoffs. They nearly beat Hoban with their backup QB who was thrust into action last week had it not came down to a couple plays. Not saying I have no sympathy for them, but rather a lot of respect as a closed-enrollment program that has historically bested or competed with the private programs listed in the article.

In a sense, Hoban and TCC have gamed the system, because they have enrollment figures low enough to keep them out of Division I. While they do not have Division I enrollment numbers, the talent on their rosters is clearly at the Division I level. This has to count for something and needs to be taken under consideration when assigning divisions.
Lol. CC as a school is nowhere near the privilege of holding their enrollment numbers to "sink divisions." There may be a "gaming" going on, but thats not where it's at. I'm sure Hoban and CC would compete fairly well in the D1 arena.

A poster on the CB thread suggested Indiana's method of CB. "As for competitive balance, I like Indiana's system. 4 points for a state title, 3 for runner up, 2 for regional title, 1 for regional runner up. 6 points in a 2 year span, you move up. 2 points in that higher division, you stay there. 1 or 0 you get moved back down."

I'd have no qualms with that system.
Reads like a bunch of Sour Grapes. Just look at recent tournament results.
The Public’s have won a majority of the State Titles. For Heavens Sake.
He’s Crying about Chardon. Chardon has recently won Back to Back Titles.
TCC is just very Blessed at this time. It comes and Go’s. The only thing
I think would be correct is for TCC Defend their Title in D2 this year if they Lose
and their CB #’s are correct then move down. If they Defend their D2 Title
Then they will play football another year in D2. Other than that if they are
D3 then there D3. Get tougher Work Harder and double buckle the Chin Strap.
There have been a Bunch of TCC’s over the years. Both Public & Private.😎😎😎
Go Herd
Reads like a bunch of Sour Grapes. Just look at recent tournament results.
The Public’s have won a majority of the State Titles. For Heavens Sake.
He’s Crying about Chardon. Chardon has recently won Back to Back Titles.
TCC is just very Blessed at this time. It comes and Go’s. The only thing
I think would be correct is for TCC Defend their Title in D2 this year if they Lose
and their CB #’s are correct then move down. If they Defend their D2 Title
Then they will play football another year in D2. Other than that if they are
D3 then there D3. Get tougher Work Harder and double buckle the Chin Strap.
There have been a Bunch of TCC’s over the years. Both Public & Private.😎😎😎
Go Herd
Saying BS like "TCC is just very Blessed at this time" and "Get tougher Work Harder" simply shows your ignorance or blindness or both.

The only blessing they have is the Ohio legislature passing laws that allow private schools to use taxpayer funded athletic scholarships. It has nothing to do with hard work or buckling up a chin strap. It has everything to do with an extreme advantage that people like yourself refuse to acknowledge. Without current CB Central would be D4 which incredibly would be an even bigger joke.

Know what you are talking about before you say dumb $chit.
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Saying BS like "TCC is just very Blessed at this time" and "Get tougher Work Harder" simply shows your ignorance or blindness or both.

The only blessing they have is the Ohio legislature passing laws that allow private schools to use taxpayer funded athletic scholarships. It has nothing to do with hard work or buckling up a chin strap. It has everything to do with an extreme advantage that people like yourself refuse to acknowledge. Without current CB Central would be D4 which incredibly would be an even bigger joke.

Know what you are talking about before you say dumb $chit.
Dude, I have Been Paying for a Failing Public School System the
Last 40years. The Biggest Problem is it’s substantially more
expensive to fund a Public Education per student than a Catholic Education.
So you need to take a Long Look in the Mirror before complaining about parents
That make the sacrifice to send their Kids to a Catholic School.
Holy Cow we’re Free Money. So Buckle Up your Bias Hypocritical Mouth
your a Bit embarrassing.
Sure, just allow public schools the ability to deny the less desirables and only accept the kids that run fast and jump high.

If a private school wants to stay afloat using public dollars they can abide by the same rules a public school must.
Have you ever seen the halls of these Catholic schools? If you want truth instead of your story you tell yourself it is that there are plenty of non athletes in all of those schools. Not everyone is an elite athlete. Most medium to large Catholic high schools have programs for students with learning disabilities. The only undesirables that arent allowed are criminals and habitual discipline problems. How is that an athletic advantage? Traditionally strong programs attract talent……wait for it….are you ready…..in both private and public schools! There are plenty of Catholic schools with poor football and basketball programs that simply rely on their feeder system and transfers that weren’t good enough to play for their public school. Not everyone is TCC or St Ed’s ( or Pickerington and Lakota for that matter) when it comes to attracting top talent in sports
Reads like a bunch of Sour Grapes. Just look at recent tournament results.
The Public’s have won a majority of the State Titles. For Heavens Sake.
He’s Crying about Chardon. Chardon has recently won Back to Back Titles.
TCC is just very Blessed at this time. It comes and Go’s. The only thing
I think would be correct is for TCC Defend their Title in D2 this year if they Lose
and their CB #’s are correct then move down. If they Defend their D2 Title
Then they will play football another year in D2. Other than that if they are
D3 then there D3. Get tougher Work Harder and double buckle the Chin Strap.
There have been a Bunch of TCC’s over the years. Both Public & Private.😎😎😎
Go Herd
Spot on. ;)
You have no idea who I am. TCC runs in my blood. Find a new hobby, old man. This can't possibly be the way you want to go out.
I wish we could just talk about football and about the game.

I just don't get the constant harassment that IB does. I get it. He doesn't like Central. That's fine. But the constant negativity and attacks get tiresome. The times have changed and Central and others have adapted. It seems like he'd rather Central close than see inner city kids go there. I'm not one to call people racist, but it almost gets to that point. It's almost like he is saying that the black kids at Central shouldn't be there and should go back to the public school they came from. I hate to say it, but that is the interpretation I get from IB when he constantly attacks Central.

I don't know him. I imagine he either grew up on the East Side and went to St. Thomas, Sacred Heart, or Good Shepherd or lives in the East Side, judging by his screen name which is that of the old bar on Broadway that burnt down. The old times have changed, for better or worse. The Polish, German, and Hungarian populations that fed Central for many years have moved away. It is a different dynamic now. You either adapt or you become irrelevant. Central chose to adapt.

The voucher system was set up many years ago to help families escape failing schools. That still chaps many people. It was expanded recently to help any family, regardless of failing schools or income. I personally support the concept. I don't feel a child should be forced to go to a school just because they cannot afford to live in a different or better area of town. I know its a hot button issue. But that is my view.

Dempsey was hired 20+ years ago. He's an alum coach, like many other alum around the state who come back to coach their school. He turned out to be pretty good. Whatever you say now about Central's success, that 2005 team was a masterful coaching job. With the exception of Sanzenbacher, none of those kids went far in their football careers afterward. That success earned him a reputation among football families in the area. With the decline of football (CYO football is no more) and the lack of depth around the area, better players saw and still see Central as a place to go to have the best shot at getting to the next level.

He is a good coach and a good man. He has helped many kids become better players and better men. If he was never hired at Central and the program was average, I believe Central would still be open, but would be a bit smaller than it is now. It has about 635 kids this year; up from about 565 in 2019. Maybe it would be at 400 or 450 or so without the success and notoriety Dempsey has brought.

At some point, we have to move on. The current CB discussion and division discussion is valid. OHSAA is always looking to adapt and tweak things. That's fine. But the constant attacks against Central and Dempsey are unbecoming.

God Bless.
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I wish we could just talk about football and about the game.

I just don't get the constant harassment that IB does. I get it. He doesn't like Central. That's fine. But the constant negativity and attacks get tiresome. The times have changed and Central and others have adapted. It seems like he'd rather Central close than see inner city kids go there. I'm not one to call people racist, but it almost gets to that point. It's almost like he is saying that the black kids at Central shouldn't be there and should go back to the public school they came from. I hate to say it, but that is the interpretation I get from IB when he constantly attacks Central.

I don't know him. I imagine he either grew up on the East Side and went to St. Thomas, Sacred Heart, or Good Shepherd or lives in the East Side, judging by his screen name which is that of the old bar on Broadway that burnt down. The old times have changed, for better or worse. The Polish, German, and Hungarian populations that fed Central for many years have moved away. It is a different dynamic now. You either adapt or you become irrelevant. Central chose to adapt.

The voucher system was set up many years ago to help families escape failing schools. That still chaps many people. It was expanded recently to help any family, regardless of failing schools or income. I personally support the concept. I don't feel a child should be forced to go to a school just because they cannot afford to live in a different or better area of town. I know its a hot button issue. But that is my view.

Dempsey was hired 20+ years ago. He's an alum coach, like many other alum around the state who come back to coach their school. He turned out to be pretty good. Whatever you say now about Central's success, that 2005 team was a masterful coaching job. With the exception of Sanzenbacher, none of those kids went far in their football careers afterward. That success earned him a reputation among football families in the area. With the decline of football (CYO football is no more) and the lack of depth around the area, better players saw and still see Central as a place to go to have the best shot at getting to the next level.

He is a good coach and a good man. He has helped many kids become better players and better men. If he was never hired at Central and the program was average, I believe Central would still be open, but would be a bit smaller than it is now. It has about 635 kids this year; up from about 565 in 2019. Maybe it would be at 400 or 450 or so without the success and notoriety Dempsey has brought.

At some point, we have to move on. The current CB discussion and division discussion is valid. OHSAA is always looking to adapt and tweak things. That's fine. But the constant attacks against Central and Dempsey are unbecoming.

God Bless.

Very nice write up. Just a completely different base for these teams but game played on field not in Yappi boards!

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Have you ever seen the halls of these Catholic schools?
My siblings and I attended several. When they could stand on their own.
If you want truth instead of your story you tell yourself it is that there are plenty of non athletes in all of those schools. Not everyone is an elite athlete. Most medium to large Catholic high schools have programs for students with learning disabilities. The only undesirables that arent allowed are criminals and habitual discipline problems. How is that an athletic advantage?
They control who comes in. Their public counterparts must take everyone. Now, if they want to remain private they have the choice, but using taxpayer vouchers as athletic scholarships crosses the line. Once they take that money they should abide by the rules all the same.
Traditionally strong programs attract talent……wait for it….are you ready…..in both private and public schools! There are plenty of Catholic schools with poor football and basketball programs that simply rely on their feeder system and transfers that weren’t good enough to play for their public school. Not everyone is TCC or St Ed’s ( or Pickerington and Lakota for that matter) when it comes to attracting top talent in sports
Correct, not all private schools take advantage of the voucher system as egregiously as Central. This is not like pre-EdChoice when the private schools competed and used private scholarships for a handful of kids, not even close actually. EdChoice is BS and Central uses it for a distinct athletic advantage, and it must be called out as often as possible.
I wish we could just talk about football and about the game.

I just don't get the constant harassment that IB does. I get it. He doesn't like Central. That's fine. But the constant negativity and attacks get tiresome. The times have changed and Central and others have adapted. It seems like he'd rather Central close than see inner city kids go there. I'm not one to call people racist, but it almost gets to that point. It's almost like he is saying that the black kids at Central shouldn't be there and should go back to the public school they came from. I hate to say it, but that is the interpretation I get from IB when he constantly attacks Central.
I've watched Dempsey run off other coaches who messed with his honey hole. And do not throw the "R" word around as you guys take FULL advantage of ALL city kids to prop up your school. If Central was concerned about education they would take in all of God's children and not just the kids who serve an athletic purpose. On taxpayer funded scholarships ta boot.
I don't know him. I imagine he either grew up on the East Side and went to St. Thomas, Sacred Heart, or Good Shepherd or lives in the East Side, judging by his screen name which is that of the old bar on Broadway that burnt down. The old times have changed, for better or worse. The Polish, German, and Hungarian populations that fed Central for many years have moved away. It is a different dynamic now. You either adapt or you become irrelevant. Central chose to adapt.

The voucher system was set up many years ago to help families escape failing schools. That still chaps many people. It was expanded recently to help any family, regardless of failing schools or income. I personally support the concept. I don't feel a child should be forced to go to a school just because they cannot afford to live in a different or better area of town. I know its a hot button issue. But that is my view.
The voucher system is veiled legislation to prop up private institutions that would otherwise die without them and to chip away at the teachers union. Plain and simple.
Dempsey was hired 20+ years ago. He's an alum coach, like many other alum around the state who come back to coach their school. He turned out to be pretty good. Whatever you say now about Central's success, that 2005 team was a masterful coaching job. With the exception of Sanzenbacher, none of those kids went far in their football careers afterward. That success earned him a reputation among football families in the area. With the decline of football (CYO football is no more) and the lack of depth around the area, better players saw and still see Central as a place to go to have the best shot at getting to the next level.
I'll agree with this. The OC on that team (Donnelly) was ahead of his time.
He is a good coach and a good man. He has helped many kids become better players and better men. If he was never hired at Central and the program was average, I believe Central would still be open, but would be a bit smaller than it is now. It has about 635 kids this year; up from about 565 in 2019. Maybe it would be at 400 or 450 or so without the success and notoriety Dempsey has brought.

At some point, we have to move on. The current CB discussion and division discussion is valid. OHSAA is always looking to adapt and tweak things. That's fine. But the constant attacks against Central and Dempsey are unbecoming.

God Bless.
I will not stop as long as the obvious poaching with taxpayer dollars continues. If Central was 100% private it would be a different story. Without vouchers Central would either be closed or on deaths doorstep and most would not know who Greg Dempsey is.
Im as interested as anyone in the dynamics that result in Private school advantages. Everyone knows there are both public and privates that exploit crazy advantages. Oh well!!! It ain't changing!! So, let's hope for a classic today between TCC and BW. Personally, being from SEOH im rooting for BW since they play in the SE region.
Good luck to both teams. Hopefully we can get a showdown (maybe a little higher scoring) like the Massillon Hoban game.
Ive said it all season, one dimensional programs (on average) in D3 or bigger can only get a team so far. State semi appearance for Chardon (even though they've won 2 titles since 2020) is still a success.
very wel said .......... was at this game ..........TCC ............. too big ....too strong .....too fast .......... but it was impressive to see chardon late in the game , when they broke the huddle of offense ........ really hustled to the line .......... when the game was really over ........
I've watched Dempsey run off other coaches who messed with his honey hole. And do not throw the "R" word around as you guys take FULL advantage of ALL city kids to prop up your school. If Central was concerned about education they would take in all of God's children and not just the kids who serve an athletic purpose. On taxpayer funded scholarships ta boot.

The voucher system is veiled legislation to prop up private institutions that would otherwise die without them and to chip away at the teachers union. Plain and simple.

I'll agree with this. The OC on that team (Donnelly) was ahead of his time.

I will not stop as long as the obvious poaching with taxpayer dollars continues. If Central was 100% private it would be a different story. Without vouchers Central would either be closed or on deaths doorstep and most would not know who Greg Dempsey is.
You need to lock up the Bottle. Talk about Poaching Tax Dollars. How is it possible
that we send Kids to school for 6k less per year than a public student. K-8 is like 11k
per year less. Your statement poaching Tax Dollars is Hilarious. Good Gravy get the
Blinders Off.😎😎😎
Go Herd
“Todd Dempsey”… “Ty’Shaun Clark”…

We’re in for a doozy on this Spectrum pregame show already lol, hoping the actual sportscast is different.
You need to lock up the Bottle. Talk about Poaching Tax Dollars. How is it possible
that we send Kids to school for 6k less per year than a public student. K-8 is like 11k
per year less. Your statement poaching Tax Dollars is Hilarious. Good Gravy get the
Blinders Off.😎😎😎
Go Herd
Watterson playing a great game. Exact strategy they need on offense, standing up the run on D.

CC with a great bounce back drive off the interception from Kevin Arnold. Smart play on Greenlee to focus on the catch instead of the open field in front of him, capped off with a great run by Braswell.

We are in for a treat.