Covid 19 Vaccine - Apparent Side Effects ? and was it worth it ?

Then please explain the fact Trump received a record number of votes and somehow Biden who could not get a crowd of more than a few to come see and hear him the few times in ventured out of his basement got even more. Truth is it does not make sense and there is no way to explain it and yet we have to listen to nonsense from the left on how they won fair and square. If Democrats said we are good at cheating and because of that fact we won. I could accept that and feel maybe it was our fault for letting it happen. At least I could feel Democrats are being honest for once. If what you are trying to claim above happened there is no way Trump would have received a record number of votes and to come to that conclusion only takes a little commonsense which is obvious you lack.
NOT TRUMP … MANY(MOST) PEOPLE VOTED FOR …. NOT TRUMP … I know it is hard for you to believe given your love for the man … but it is true … Biden didn’t need to do much other than not be Trump … people voting for NOT TRUMP didn’t need to go to pep rallies.

So if Trump got a record number of votes and Biden got a record number of votes … how come we can only conclude that Biden cheated and not Trump … wouldn’t it be commonsense that both cheated?
NOT TRUMP … MANY(MOST) PEOPLE VOTED FOR …. NOT TRUMP … I know it is hard for you to believe given your love for the man … but it is true … Biden didn’t need to do much other than not be Trump … people voting for NOT TRUMP didn’t need to go to pep rallies.

So if Trump got a record number of votes and Biden got a record number of votes … how come we can only conclude that Biden cheated and not Trump … wouldn’t it be commonsense that both cheated?
There you go proving beyond a shadow of doubt you do not understand commonsense. Biden did not campaign and if he was as popular has he would have had to be he would have gotten large crowds to meet and greet him the few times he came out of his basement. Trump did campaign and drew large crowds that supported him. You do not get a 81 million never heard of before vote count and not be popular. That is commonsense. joesports tell me the truth how old are you? I assume you at least graduated HS, what was the year? Do you have any college? Give me some idea how you can be so gullible to what the left leaning liberal democrats hand out that you swallow it hook, line and sinker. Can you tell that I grew up a half mile form the shores of Lake Erie? By the way I am 78 years old and I have been around the block more than a few times. I am college educated. The truth is I do not love Trump as much as you think. I just think what the Democrat party has become and under its leadership we will end this great nation in short order. If you want to know who I think was a great President you have to go back years to a man name Eisenhower. I truly wish I could understand how some people think and reason and you are trying to make the top of my list.
So if Trump got a record number of votes and Biden got a record number of votes … how come we can only conclude that Biden cheated and not Trump … wouldn’t it be commonsense that both cheated?

No one said he cheated, dope. We contend the election was rigged.

Convenient you left that thread and shut your mouth after once again overwhelming evidence is presented.

There you go proving beyond a shadow of doubt you do not understand commonsense. Biden did not campaign and if he was as popular has he would have had to be he would have gotten large crowds to meet and greet him the few times he came out of his basement. Trump did campaign and drew large crowds that supported him. You do not get a 81 million never heard of before vote count and not be popular. That is commonsense. joesports tell me the truth how old are you? I assume you at least graduated HS, what was the year? Do you have any college? Give me some idea how you can be so gullible to what the left leaning liberal democrats hand out that you swallow it hook, line and sinker. Can you tell that I grew up a half mile form the shores of Lake Erie? By the way I am 78 years old and I have been around the block more than a few times. I am college educated. The truth is I do not love Trump as much as you think. I just think what the Democrat party has become and under its leadership we will end this great nation in short order. If you want to know who I think was a great President you have to go back years to a man name Eisenhower. I truly wish I could understand how some people think and reason and you are trying to make the top of my list.

One does not need to belong to a cult of personality to vote for someone.
I took both of the first shots, but that was it. No health issues. It also gets old hearing “we’re they vaxed” every time someone dies. At the same time, it’s not a vaccine if you need to take it annually.
There you go proving beyond a shadow of doubt you do not understand commonsense. Biden did not campaign and if he was as popular has he would have had to be he would have gotten large crowds to meet and greet him the few times he came out of his basement. Trump did campaign and drew large crowds that supported him. You do not get a 81 million never heard of before vote count and not be popular. That is commonsense. joesports tell me the truth how old are you? I assume you at least graduated HS, what was the year? Do you have any college? Give me some idea how you can be so gullible to what the left leaning liberal democrats hand out that you swallow it hook, line and sinker. Can you tell that I grew up a half mile form the shores of Lake Erie? By the way I am 78 years old and I have been around the block more than a few times. I am college educated. The truth is I do not love Trump as much as you think. I just think what the Democrat party has become and under its leadership we will end this great nation in short order. If you want to know who I think was a great President you have to go back years to a man name Eisenhower. I truly wish I could understand how some people think and reason and you are trying to make the top of my list.
I don’t get how you don’t understand that the number of people at their rallies makes no difference … the last two elections were not about who people wanted to be their President as much as it was about who they didn’t want … 2016 they didn’t want Hillary … 2020 they didn’t want Trump … it is that simple.

To me your version of “common sense“ needs people to believe something based on pure speculation … not facts … yes, the election in 2020 was unique … but that because we had a bunch of unique circumstances … COVID, elections made easier to vote, and an extremely polarizing candidate … all this lead to a historic number of people voting … to me this make sense (common sense) … I don’t buy all the so called conspiracy theories thrown out by King Donny … the reasons he lost has changed at least 20 times now … each conspiracy is based on only half truths … when looked into closely, they don’t hold up.

As far as me, I will just tell you this … I grew up in a Republican household, my first President I voted for was Ronald Reagan, my voting record is still about 50/50 Democratic/Republican … mostly Republican locally & Democratic nationally … I still believe in a balanced budget, just differ on how to get their … I don’t believe in abortion but do remember what it was like when they were banned and do not want to go back to that … still wish we could have a compromise on it … I grew apart from the Republicans nationally because I felt they cared about themselves and big business more than doing what was right for all … yea, I know the D’s go too far … can’t stand Bernie Sanders … but still think we should try to help people when in need (with limits) … I think Trump is the prime example of everything wrong with this country … a complete narcissist who truly only care about himself … and only cares about others based off how much they can help him … so there you go, how I think.
No one said he cheated, dope. We contend the election was rigged.

Convenient you left that thread and shut your mouth after once again overwhelming evidence is presented.

If they didn’t cheat … they did everything that was legal … then it was not rigged … the things listed in that thread (did not leave) are all normal things done in politics … the same type of things done in 2016 by Trump … you are only whining because your hero lost … explain how what happened in 2020 is any different than what happened in 2016 … but I know you are incapable of explaining anything you say so you will either leave the thread or come up with another lame excuse for not explaining
If they didn’t cheat … they did everything that was legal … then it was not rigged.

You can stop right there. If you accept what happened because you believe it was legal, I can't help you.

You were lied to, and it was with purpose. You were told going to school or even church was going to kill people. You fell for that, and now you forgive yourself for playing along because you don't believe it was illegal. With your obedience training complete you may go in peace, I guess.

Good luck with that.
For about the billionth time. Republicans were in charge. Both nationally and in the state of Ohio.

And it is an absolute fact that more people came through it just fine than not.

False. And just because some never Trumpers conspired with Democrats, I can't criticize the conspiracy?

It is an absolute fact everything you were told about covid was a lie. No one is better off because of it.
False. And just because some never Trumpers conspired with Democrats, I can't criticize the conspiracy?

It is an absolute fact everything you were told about covid was a lie. No one is better off because of it.
It’s your problem if you listened. None if that makes any difference in an election. The flow of information can never be controlled. If it could, the huge pile of BS that is this website would not exist.
False. And just because some never Trumpers conspired with Democrats, I can't criticize the conspiracy?

It is an absolute fact everything you were told about covid was a lie. No one is better off because of it.
Trump/admin Downplayed the danger and sidelining experts. Testing Failure, Inadequate tracing, isolating and quarantines, Confusing mask guidance, Decentralized response.

Key was the Decentralized response. "The U.S. government’s structure meant that much of the pandemic response was left up to state and local leaders. In the absence of a strong national strategy, states implemented a patchwork of largely uncoordinated policies that did not effectively suppress the spread of the virus. This caused sudden, massive spikes of infections in many local outbreaks, placing enormous strain on health care systems and leaving no region untouched by the disease."

Not everything we were told was a lie. That is a lie. You are good at that.
So, now Pharmacists are mindless sheep?

No you are! Follow the money

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Not everything is conspiracy. Very few things are. Stop letting that control your thinking. Follow the money with the Republican Party if you want to. That might be an eye opener.
It has nothing to do with the Republican Party. It's understanding how greed and power corrupt and people like you who follow like good sheep are a part of the problem.
It has nothing to do with the Republican Party. It's understanding how greed and power corrupt and people like you who follow like good sheep are a part of the problem.
I have no issue if people follow greed and power. Capitalism.
I'm not part of any problem.
He is a whack job who thinks you did things against your will and he did not. He is trying to assert some kind of fake intellectual superiority. In reality, he is just a grievance filled dude unable to move on with his life. It’s called MAGA Victimhood.
He is a whack job who thinks you did things against your will and he did not. He is trying to assert some kind of fake intellectual superiority. In reality, he is just a grievance filled dude unable to move on with his life. It’s called MAGA Victimhood.
From the people that preach personal responsibility.
I have no issue if people follow greed and power. Capitalism.
I don't see greed or power in this definition. As usual you attempt to distort the real issue and that is certain people tend to corrupt elements in society to fulfill their desire for money and power. This happens in all financial models not just Capitalism but I realize that goes a little deeper than you are able to comprehend.


  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

For about the billionth time. Republicans were in charge. Both nationally and in the state of Ohio.

And it is an absolute fact that more people came through it just fine than not.
Do you fail to understand what you read on Yappi on purpose? Those of us who slowly (and in some cases not so slowly) came around to seeing just how badly they were screwing up the covid response DID NOT spare the Republicans in charge, both in Ohio and on a national stage.

* Trump's biggest screw up his first term was his mishandling of covid. When it became clear that Fauci & Birx were part of a Public Health gang refusing to reopen the country by Easter, as Trump wanted, he should have fired them both and replaced them with some of the real medical health public policy experts that would later sign the Great Barrington Declaration. I've always thought that Trump being a germophobe made him susceptible to the scare mongering that passed for public health policy by Birx & Fauci. But in the end Trump owns some of this.

* If you don't remember the anger and mockery directed by conservatives at DeWine & Acton over their handling of covid you need to boost your Super Beets memory enhancing brain supplements. Remember the county covid coloring code system? Has a public health bureaucracy working in lockstep with politicians ever come up with some something as stupid and useless as that?

* But as weak as DeWine was at the start of covid thank goodness we live in a red state here in Ohio. Because in the end we stopped the insanity of school closings and other damaging mitigation efforts before a lot of other states did. Because even on his dumbest day, DeWine is an Einstein compared to the democrat governors of Michigan, NY, California & New Jersey. In the end PARTY did matter.

* And to be fair to Trump, DeWine and other republicans/conservatives who supported the crazy ideas of lock downs they at least had the excuse of ignorance. Covid was scary in the late winter/early spring of 2020. But what excuse do democrats have for tripling down on the dumb stuff some republicans initiated.

* The FACT is that democrats expanded the bad things some republicans embraced early on even adding new and more damaging public policies to the mix. From their refusal to reopen schools in a timely fashion, to their distortion of the science to their embrace of an unproven vaccine and their support for highly divisive mandates involving that vaccine the democrats made matters worse - MUCH WORSE.
Meanwhile, keep punching back twice as hard!

Former troops are suing the U.S. government for lost pay and benefits due to the Biden administration’s military vaccine mandate, one of the lawyers who successfully brought down the Anthrax vaccine told Breitbart News.
Attorney Dale Saran, a retired Marine, and fellow attorneys Andy Meyer and Brandon Johnson are representing the former troops in three separate lawsuits they plan to turn into a class action lawsuit on behalf of all service members who were either kicked out or illegally ordered to stop drilling, resulting in loss of pay or benefits. Saran said the amount is in the “billions.”
“It’s worth billions. That’s just flat-out. That’s what it is in backpay. It’s billions of dollars,” he said.
I don't see greed or power in this definition. As usual you attempt to distort the real issue and that is certain people tend to corrupt elements in society to fulfill their desire for money and power. This happens in all financial models not just Capitalism but I realize that goes a little deeper than you are able to comprehend.


  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

And when you have private owners driven for profit you will naturally have greed and power. Greed and power are inherently part of the system. Blaming a natural byproduct of something you support is MAGA Dumb.
Do you fail to understand what you read on Yappi on purpose? Those of us who slowly (and in some cases not so slowly) came around to seeing just how badly they were screwing up the covid response DID NOT spare the Republicans in charge, both in Ohio and on a national stage.

* Trump's biggest screw up his first term was his mishandling of covid. When it became clear that Fauci & Birx were part of a Public Health gang refusing to reopen the country by Easter, as Trump wanted, he should have fired them both and replaced them with some of the real medical health public policy experts that would later sign the Great Barrington Declaration. I've always thought that Trump being a germophobe made him susceptible to the scare mongering that passed for public health policy by Birx & Fauci. But in the end Trump owns some of this.

* If you don't remember the anger and mockery directed by conservatives at DeWine & Acton over their handling of covid you need to boost your Super Beets memory enhancing brain supplements. Remember the county covid coloring code system? Has a public health bureaucracy working in lockstep with politicians ever come up with some something as stupid and useless as that?

* But as weak as DeWine was at the start of covid thank goodness we live in a red state here in Ohio. Because in the end we stopped the insanity of school closings and other damaging mitigation efforts before a lot of other states did. Because even on his dumbest day, DeWine is an Einstein compared to the democrat governors of Michigan, NY, California & New Jersey. In the end PARTY did matter.

* And to be fair to Trump, DeWine and other republicans/conservatives who supported the crazy ideas of lock downs they at least had the excuse of ignorance. Covid was scary in the late winter/early spring of 2020. But what excuse do democrats have for tripling down on the dumb stuff some republicans initiated.

* The FACT is that democrats expanded the bad things some republicans embraced early on even adding new and more damaging public policies to the mix. From their refusal to reopen schools in a timely fashion, to their distortion of the science to their embrace of an unproven vaccine and their support for highly divisive mandates involving that vaccine the democrats made matters worse - MUCH WORSE.
So basically you are assigning more blame to Dems for doing the exact same things as Pubs just because of the “D”.
So basically you are assigning more blame to Dems for doing the exact same things as Pubs just because of the “D”.
No I blame the Dems for doubling down on what the Pubs did after much more was know and understood about the virus and the harm we were doing to our nation that made no sense in regards to the real dangers of covid.
* But as weak as DeWine was at the start of covid thank goodness we live in a red state here in Ohio. Because in the end we stopped the insanity of school closings and other damaging mitigation efforts before a lot of other states did. Because even on his dumbest day, DeWine is an Einstein compared to the democrat governors of Michigan, NY, California & New Jersey. In the end PARTY did matter.
This is true. This is incorrect.

Dewine would have continued his tyranny for much longer if the General Assembly hadn't limited his ability to issue perpetual public health orders.