Chronicles Of The 2024 Presidential Election Part 2

It is for you because you're totally disconnected on the reality of the workplace.
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I fully understand the reality of the modern workplace. That's why I thank God ever day that he has elevated my economic status above the need to remain in the American workplace, you dimwit.

The American workplace has aggressive, protected freaks tryna catch a case like yourself, sprinkled about like "union salts", in it now. It's the returd revolution, but your "revolution" is simply going to result in you perverts going around in circles. Most of those that feign support of your "progress" hate you and use you lot, and the elites will throw you aside when you idiots cease to be useful, and are merely a burden.
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I fully understand the reality of the modern workplace.
No you don't.
That's why I thank God ever day that he has elevated my economic status above the need to remain in the American workplace, you dimwit.
No he hasn't.
The American workplace now has aggressive, protected freaks tryna catch a case like yourself, sprinkled about like "union salts", in it now. It's the returd revolution, but your "revolution" is simply going to result in you perverts going around in circles. Most of those that feign support of your "progress" hate you and use you lot, and the elites will throw you aside when you idiots cease to be useful, and are merely a burden.
The world you grew up in no longer exists. And you have behavioral health issues that prevent you from being able to adapt. Go cry to mama or a therapist.

The George Costanza Presidency​

With each expedient act, from climate policy to the Mideast, Joe Biden digs a deeper hole for himself.​

George Costanza Seinfeld GIF

Allysia Finley
May 12, 2024 3:00 pm ET

In a classic “Seinfeld” episode, George Costanza bemoans that every decision he’s made has been wrong. His life, as a result, has turned out the opposite of what he intended.

Joe Biden might relate. His presidency probably hasn’t gone as he’d hoped. Two wars, a border crisis and near-record inflation have erupted. A Gallup poll last week found that confidence in his economic stewardship is lower than for any president this century other than George W. Bush during the height of the 2008 financial crisis.

But like George Costanza, Mr. Biden has only himself to blame. Both men create more trouble for themselves, as each poor decision leads to another. George’s schemes to woo women—say, by enlisting Elaine to take an IQ test for him—boomerang. So do the president’s ploys to win voters. Mr. Biden, like George, now risks getting dumped.

Consider the chain of expedient acts that led to the president’s threat last week to withhold weapons from Israel to appease his party’s leftists. Mr. Biden worries he’ll lose re-election if young progressives don’t turn out in November—or if they cast ballots for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or Jill Stein. It isn’t an unreasonable concern. Young’uns never fell in love with Mr. Biden, and they increasingly resent being forced by party elders into a political marriage of convenience.

Yet Mr. Biden’s bigger problem is that the pandemic handouts that Democrats hoped would win them votes have backfired. Excessive spending has fueled inflation and led to the highest interest rates in a generation. Young people have been especially harmed because those who don’t own homes now can’t afford them. Mr. Biden boasted a 33% approval rating among voters under 30 in an Economist/YouGov poll last week. Only 24% of them said the economy was excellent or good. A mere 13% thought it is improving and 15% believed it will get better if Mr. Biden is re-elected.

By comparison, 36% believed it would improve if Donald Trump won in November. Young voters aren’t fond of the former president; they simply find Mr. Biden as attractive as George Costanza.

Mr. Biden has tried to boost his support with young people by canceling student debt. It hasn’t worked. His repeat rounds of debt forgiveness have instead infuriated Americans who didn’t go to college, grads who repaid their loans, and parents who made sacrifices to pay tuition.

Mr. Biden’s climate policies have proved similarly ineffective at energizing young voters, while alienating working-class Americans and fueling higher energy prices. The president in January surrendered to a small army of TikTokers calling for a halt to new liquefied-natural-gas export projects, without thinking how it would play with U.S. allies or workers whose jobs depend on the natural-gas industry, especially in Pennsylvania. This includes workers who produce steel for pipelines, as well as members of building-trades unions.

Then Mr. Biden charged forward with a de facto electric-vehicle mandate that is deeply unpopular, especially in Michigan, heart of the auto industry. A January poll by the Glengariff Group found that 74% of likely Michigan voters and a nearly equal share of independents strongly opposed such mandates.

EVs require less labor but more financial capital to produce. U.S. automakers have laid off thousands of employees to finance the government-forced EV transition. Ford in March announced plans to slash its hourly workforce at the Dearborn, Mich., factory that builds the F-150 Lightning amid slackening demand for the vehicles. Michigan has lost about 7,000 manufacturing jobs in the last year, while mining, logging and construction employment in Pennsylvania has declined by 4,000. No wonder Mr. Trump is leading him in these swing states.

Mr. Biden has tried to compensate for these unforced errors with working-class voters by opposing Nippon Steel’s acquisition of Pittsburgh-based U.S. Steel. While the United Steelworkers union cheered, the president’s intervention will discourage foreign investment that creates good-paying U.S. jobs. It’s also another snub to Japan, whose help the U.S. needs to contain a bellicose China.

Meantime, to counter higher energy prices caused partly by his anti-fossil-fuel policies, Mr. Biden has eased enforcement of oil sanctions on Iran and Russia. This has given America’s enemies more ammunition to attack Israel and Ukraine.

His flagging support among working-class voters, particularly in Michigan, has heightened the imperative to keep progressives under his collapsing tent. Hence, the embargo last week on U.S. weapons to Israel. This display of weakness will embolden America’s enemies and may result in more casualties.

Like George Costanza, Mr. Biden keeps digging his hole deeper the harder he works to get out of it. Perhaps he should take Jerry’s advice to George and do the opposite of what his instincts tell him.
I'm not a Trumper.
I question if you're even under human control, damaged or otherwise. You have no idea who is a Trumper, either.

Even if Biden wins, elective transcrap for emotionally disturbed minors is going away in American healthcare, just like in Europe.

If you want to keep ruining young lives, you'd better hurry up, groomer.
I question if you're even under human control, damaged or otherwise. You have no idea who is a Trumper, either.
This is not surprising. The dehumanization of others by Trumpers is why yall keep losing elections. And ya'll don't get it.
Even if Biden wins, elective transcrap for emotionally disturbed minors is going away in American healthcare, just like in Europe.
Healthcare will evolve. As it always does. It certainly is not going away.
If you want to keep ruining young lives, you'd better hurry up, groomer.
I'm not a Trumper.

The conditional wisdom is that Trump should prevail over frail Joe. Yet never underestimate Trump's ability to anger and fly off the handle when some one gets under his skin. Reference the first debate from 2020:

Supposedly it took Joe 12 takes to make the 15 second ad accepting Trumps debate proposal. See you in Atlanta “pal”
Supposedly it took Joe 12 takes to make the 15 second ad accepting Trumps debate proposal. See you in Atlanta “pal”
One thing about being an old curmudgeon, is that I have seen many a sure thing fail to materialize. I despise Trump but his winning in November is the only way to slow down the damage being inflicted on America by Team Biden. Trump needs to be strategic and not be Conan the Barbarian.