Chca Tennis will be hardest opponet in div 2

St. X Team

New member
If strunk dosent play CHCA has a great shot at beating Indian Hill. Dahmus is starting to play sick, hes playin #2 for them. I heard he beat shidler 3 and 2 in the challenge match. If he can beat mccarthy then CHCA will win, cause shidler will beat Vinod
I don't believe that Dahmus could beat (I assume Devin) Mccarthy, even if he is playing amazing from what I have seen him play (which is limited). They would play each other in the sweet 16 of the state tournament, assuming either team does not have a MAJOR choke.
ok..whatever man ....their pretty close...dahmus just dosent work hard enough sometimes...but hes been working hard this year and he has a better chance at beating devin than ryan does thats for sure. I just think it would be hard for him to beat JT...He just cant play well against JT
strunk is definitely playing so ive gotta take ih over chca. the only match chca would take would be havens over mccarthy at 1st singles.
well st xavier until you say ur name and speak up...dont be sayin stuff bout me cause ill work u so hard uill never come out again
Teddy i do not know you at all and i am sorry if my comment offended you. I meant no disrespect to you, i just feel and i am allowed to post it because thats what this site is for that devin is a better player. So relax and have a good year
welll if you dont no me at all ....then how do u no devin will beat me?...i dont care if u wanna talk smack...fine my be..cause ur right the site is meant for it...just get your sources right cheif
"fine my be" or did you mean "fine by me". Although i have no sources but myself i have been around the came long enough to know that devin is a better player. YOUR GOOD TRUST ME I KNOW but devin is better
Only a fair match can really say who is better, and we will have to wait for that possible later in the year when they play.
well....were the not only the best team in division 2 but were the best team in div 1...thats all im going to say.....CHCA 3....SYCAMORE 2
Ok Teddy keep running ur mouth even thought u have never taken a set off me or even more than 3 games in a set off me.
show him your better than him on the court. responding to his bs only brings you down to his level. let him run his mouth and than when he loses he will have nothing negative to say about you because you will have been a better person and a better player.
teddy ive got news for you. people dont like other people who make bold predictions and dont back them up. you are playing with fire. the last thing you want is for devin to put a target on your head.
what did I even say about Devin.....I am reading through all the messages ive sent and i havent said one word about him....and ill prolly be playin billy neways cause i heard he was playing number 2...and devins as immature as they come so i really dont care what the ---- he says....because i havent ran my mouth about nething
good....since i didnt even say nething about all the posts if u dont believe me ....but i want em to be pissed...i want to play him when hes at his best...he just better not hook me
but this is to devin

say what u want devin...put me down all u want buddy....but i didnt post nething bad disprespecting your game at u need to get your facts straight before you accuse me of running my mouth little buddy
teddy whether you like it or not you did rip on devin. and he didn't put you down he said that you have never taken a set off him. dont try to turn this around on him.