Changing our democracy

man pool GIF

But I'm on vacation- MM
And I have posted 6 times in 6 days. You live on Yappi 24/7. What a pathetic loser. Get out of mom's basement and see the world. Nothing you say on Yappi matters to anyone but you. LOSER!
And I have posted 6 times in 6 days. You live on Yappi 24/7. What a pathetic loser. Get out of mom's basement and see the world. Nothing you say on Yappi matters to anyone but you. LOSER!
LMAO, says the loser posting here while on "vacation." Having your little blue pool in your Mom's yard isn't vacation...
Now go back and see how many times I have posted in the past week. When you are done with that compare it with how many times SayMyLame has posted in the past 2 days. I'll wait.
Sorry that I make you cry so much....LMAO...owned. You're crying about me on vacation.... ?
Now go back and see how many times I have posted in the past week. When you are done with that compare it with how many times SayMyLame has posted in the past 2 days. I'll wait.
Why would I go check his posts? He didn't say something ridiculous about his posting habits like you did.
Numbers are hard....
And yet you purposely limit who can see your profile because you are embarrassed that you post 100-150 times per day. Pathetic. You post more than anyone on this miserable forum. You live here. You are the biggest loser on Yappi and that says a LOT!!
And yet you purposely limit who can see your profile because you are embarrassed that you post 100-150 times per day. Pathetic. You post more than anyone on this miserable forum. You live here. You are the biggest loser on Yappi and that says a LOT!!
You can see his posts without having to see his profile.
And yet you purposely limit who can see your profile because you are embarrassed that you post 100-150 times per day. Pathetic. You post more than anyone on this miserable forum. You live here. You are the biggest loser on Yappi and that says a LOT!!
Link? Prove it, or more of your nonsense...Weird that not only to you cry about me on vacation, but also want to stalk me on vacation. I own you more than Trump....LMAO, loser.
2020 were not our first riots Yappi. Far from it. Throughout history. Entire populations have been massacred before. The 2020 riots involved a public execution in broad daylight not some made up conspiracy. (Personally I think Chauvin skates without the protests, as many have before him). It is also notable that many right wing extremists who were there only to agitate and push the violence were involved and arrested also. Not at all comparable to overturning an election by the actual POTUS lying about it to enrage followers. That would have ended our form of government.

Other than the pretext (an actual event vs. Big Lie) the riots themselves could be viewed similarly. Ie. peaceful protests that got out of hand. But the coup plotting happening behind the scenes, with fraudulent electors and fraudulent legal maneuvers goes WAY beyond that, and is more alarming. It is about making sure that that can not happen. Meanwhile republicans are putting people into place that would have allowed it. The threat is FAR from over.
But riots are always wrong, even if a completely innocent black man is wrongfully murdered by the police. Protesting and using the legal system are the constraints that we are supposed to work within. Destroying innocent businesses and governmental buildings. Attacking and murdering innocent people in these riots. It is never acceptable.

I've always felt that everyone has a right to protest no matter how wrong their thinking is about the subject. I've also felt no one had a right to riot no matter how justified their reason. We need to support the right to protest by everyone and condemn every form of rioting. That is what a civil society does.
Since Wednesday..... (6 days ago)

54 posts

Almost 6 ?
So 8 posts per day is a lot to you? Some of you douche bags live on Yappi and have 100 posts per day. And the best part is that you actually think the BS that you spew on Yappi makes any difference to anything. I am here to make fun of you fools. And business is good. But hey, have fun trying to change the world. Bunch of damn crybaby losers.
"Whaaaaaah, gas prices are too high, it's Joe's fault, he's a big meany. This inflation prevents mefrom buying the propane tank for my trailer, whhhhahhh"

But riots are always wrong, even if a completely innocent black man is wrongfully murdered by the police. Protesting and using the legal system are the constraints that we are supposed to work within. Destroying innocent businesses and governmental buildings. Attacking and murdering innocent people in these riots. It is never acceptable.

I've always felt that everyone has a right to protest no matter how wrong their thinking is about the subject. I've also felt no one had a right to riot no matter how justified their reason. We need to support the right to protest by everyone and condemn every form of rioting. That is what a civil society does.
"Civil society". ??????. Yep, that's what we got.
So 8 posts per day is a lot to you? Some of you douche bags live on Yappi and have 100 posts per day. And the best part is that you actually think the BS that you spew on Yappi makes any difference to anything. I am here to make fun of you fools. And business is good. But hey, have fun trying to change the world. Bunch of damn crybaby losers.
"Whaaaaaah, gas prices are too high, it's Joe's fault, he's a big meany. This inflation prevents mefrom buying the propane tank for my trailer, whhhhahhh"

fail knock knock GIF
Then you know that he posts hundreds of times per day and you are fine with it because you two douche bags think alike.
I don't care how often anyone posts on here but when you say ridiculous chit that can easily be verified....don't get mad for being called out.
Show any proof that I've posted hundreds of times per day....LMAO, you're getting abused...
The proof is on the first 10 pages of this loser forum. Maybe go back and see how many times you have posted. I am embarrassed for you. Wow. But hey, really cool GIFs. ?????????
We have something here that has "worked", perhaps "survived" is a better word, for 246 years. It's ugly, it's messy, the way the sausage gets made is bloody, and sometimes it is ineffective at addressing issues quickly, but it does seem to get there eventually. It is the worst form of government on the earth - except for all the rest. We need to be careful about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

The hyper-partisanship is nothing new. I am often amazed at reading what some congressman said in the 1850's or 60's about their political opponents - things no one would say today. I look at our two-party system and see the good in it - the moderating influence it has. Law is hard to make because our founders specifically wanted to avoid tyranny of the majority, thus we got checks and balances, a constitution that law has to fit into, a legislative chamber based on population that is prone to passions and political turbulence, and one that is based on 2 representatives per state that has a more calm and deliberate tone (usually) and generally must bring some from the other side to advance a law.

Parties don't necessarily seek the good of the country, but rather what benefits them, but because of the constitutional structure of government, those kinds of things get attenuated. The "gridlock" is a good thing imo. Each new law necessarily takes a bit of freedom away from someone. So, the less congress does, the better in most cases. When something has to be done, the parties seem to find a way to work it out eventually.

Acknowledging my bias and how the following reflects that bias, I think the change we have seen in the last decade or so is a shift toward conservatism and away from establishment Republicanism in the one party and a significant lurch to the left in the other party. Both have been reactionary toward the other. My bias aside, I think conservatism is a reasonable, not a radical, place for an American party to politic and govern from. I do not think the cultural Marxism, anarchy, and economic socialism of the left is reasonable, but rather radical - and it is what is driving most of our current dysfunction. Trump accelerated the reactionary radicalism of the Dems because of the visceral hatred they had for him and he fed that by constantly poking them in the eye.

Politics has a wonderful way of forcing correction on parties. When you get your brains beat in with an election, it normally causes a party to reevaluate their policy positions and messaging. The Dems should have done that in 2016, but they went the "Russia, Russia, Russia" route and those chickens are going to come home to roost this fall. Until they have their come to Jesus moment, the Dems will not recalibrate and reconfigure, and will continue to bleed voters. Wise heads on that side of the aisle need to reign in the more radical elements of their tent and certainly stop following their policy ideas - that include ideas that seek to change the rules of the game to help them win. Center-left ideas have won before and will win again. Get back to that, run solid, common sense candidates that are good communicators, and they will win in a lot of places. But continuing the drift toward being the Amercian hammer and sickle party will make them a minority for decades.

Never know with predictions. Obama served 2 terms, Trump 1, and the center-left has actually been a majority of voters for decades. How to win elections in an electoral system is a tad different but I expect elections to swing the way they usually do. Every 4-8 years. From your vantage I am sure back-to-back 2 term republican presidencies for 16 years is an exciting notion, but we'll see.

Dems do need a better candidate also. I'll be the 1st to admit Biden is too old, not a good speaker, and uninspiring. But if that was the best way to remove Trump then he's one of the most important presidents ever. I sure as hell don't regret voting for him. Hell I'd have voted for YOU before that orange stain.