Brecksville seeding not right!


Active member
Its ridiculous that Brecksville lets these kids from Georgia get these high seed for there "state placement" they got kids that didnt even place at the tournament last year and are getting #2 seeds. Its a total joke and I can't believe they let it happen every year.
The disclaimer is that this is the "nomination", not the actual seed (yet).

I noticed that a bunch of the Georgia wrestlers already have 35 or so matches...

Going to watch how the 130 from Sonoraville,GA does.....seed nomination has him placing 3rd in State at 112 in 2009, and 1st in State at 103 in 2010. If that's right he's gone from 112 to 103 to 130.
Toledo CC hasn't entered a roster. Beauch and Martin will be seeded, either at 45 and 52 or 52 and 60. Martin should be the #1 seed if he is at 160.
The pre-seeds will be posted to at some point today.

The criteria was posted on the other thread and is what it is. There are some quirks in the criteria that Baumspage may not order perfectly.

Toledo CC lineup is in there now.
I agree Chincup. I think seeding a tournament it good BUT it is not the end of the world. There are many times when some coaches pull kids from being seeded in order to take their chances on the draw to get away from a 1 seed.
I agree Chincup. I think seeding a tournament it good BUT it is not the end of the world. There are many times when some coaches pull kids from being seeded in order to take their chances on the draw to get away from a 1 seed.

it does not work that way.In fact if a wrestler has little or no seeding info there is a very good chance that he ends up with the #1 guy in the first match
you cant

not seed a seedable kid at brecksville its a rule that they made because Mike Milkovich Senior did back in the day. He pulled out one of there studs from seeding and pissed everyone off cause he drew the 1 seed first round.
What I dont get

Bucksman I am not picking on you at all I know your involved in the tournament. But why not have a seeding format like ironman? Ty Davis the returing BIT champ at 135 returing at the same weight is the 5 seed! Really?
Its ridiculous that Brecksville lets these kids from Georgia get these high seed for there "state placement" they got kids that didnt even place at the tournament last year and are getting #2 seeds. Its a total joke and I can't believe they let it happen every year.

When I first read your post my knee jerk reaction was, a state champ is a state champ. There is not need to be discriminatory in seeding criteria of seeding to be reflective of one perspective on the given strength in any particular state. We don't grade State champions in Ohio differently based on division so we shouldn't by state. However have looking at the wrestlers alive in the quarterfinals, I notice not many seed GA kid there. In fact some very highly seeded GA wrestlers are already in consi's. So maybe Mr. Tyson you have a point.
Am I to believe the number 1 seed from Georgia at 152 went 2 and out including getting teched in the consolation bracket?

I know 152 was pretty weak this year, but if that is true, I see what 5th place in Georgia means in Ohio
it affected the bracketing

you saw a lot of good quarterfinals matches because of the bad seeding...then you saw the semi final round suffer a bit.