Body fat/hydration test results

Its a simple answer. The test are totally inconsistent depending on who is pulling the skin! Absolutely end of story. You could go to 3 different places the same day and get 3 totally different results. The tests are a waste of time and money.

The test are there to cover and protect someone's arse, and that's the bottom line. Total agreement about the fluxuation in testing results, hense, CYA Theory.
I thought all numbers had to be entered within 72 hours. I know of some schools that did the test Wed and their info is still not there.
I thought all numbers had to be entered within 72 hours. I know of some schools that did the test Wed and their info is still not there.

It does say 72 hours, but what if the team had the test done on Sunday and the school was closed the following Wednesday through Friday due to the Holiday. Can the numbers be put in on the following Monday?
The tests are silly! Lets be honest. Last year my one son was at Min. body fat at 119. This year he is bigger by far stronger by far less body fat than a year ago at 119 and he certified at 112( he would have to cut off a foot to make 112)!?! Laughable inconsistency! Its all How hard and who is pulling on those fat calipers. Its a joke some kid can't wrestle his Goal weight because of a tenth of a percentage one way or another!

I've had this same complaint for years. At one school the wrestlers knew which line to get in based on the fact that one trainer consistently determined higher body fat % than the other. The only true measure is the bod pod, and that is too expensive for most schools.
There are numerous ways to change your bodyfat reading preparing for a pinch test ,if its done in the morning it will be different than the afternoon if a kid trains then waits 4 or 5 hrs and has it done he will pinch higher ,so many variables to a pinch test but none greater than the actual person doing it, 10 people could do the same kid one after the other and every test would come up different .
I have reserved judgement on this topic and do believe it was implemented with good intentions, but now that I have more knowledge/experience, I am not a fan of the whole system and testing process. In addition to the inconsistencies that others have pointed out, it also creates a lot of unnecessary stress and distraction for the kids involved. I'm sure it costs a fortune to do all this testing (at a time when many districts do not have money to spare) and the handful of wrestlers who want to cut excessively are going to find a way to do so anyway.
Allowing teams to test themselves using their own trainers (with at least one other team present) is questionable at best. The fact that you only have to wrestle at scratch one time before late Jan is a HUGE incentive for kids to suck down to skeletal proportions. They end up only wrestling one time all year at that weight and come state tourney time knock some kid out of the lineup who's been filling that slot all year. Only solution to this issue is to have mat side weigh in's an hour before matches and no weigh out's the evening before 2nd day of tourney. The OHSAA tournament is the biggest offender come the state finals as I've seen kids 15 lbs above their weight competing. Until this changes everything stays the same.
Allowing teams to test themselves using their own trainers (with at least one other team present) is questionable at best. The fact that you only have to wrestle at scratch one time before late Jan is a HUGE incentive for kids to suck down to skeletal proportions. They end up only wrestling one time all year at that weight and come state tourney time knock some kid out of the lineup who's been filling that slot all year. Only solution to this issue is to have mat side weigh in's an hour before matches and no weigh out's the evening before 2nd day of tourney. The OHSAA tournament is the biggest offender come the state finals as I've seen kids 15 lbs above their weight competing. Until this changes everything stays the same.
I agree mat side weigh ins would be the best
I have reserved judgement on this topic and do believe it was implemented with good intentions, but now that I have more knowledge/experience, I am not a fan of the whole system and testing process. In addition to the inconsistencies that others have pointed out, it also creates a lot of unnecessary stress and distraction for the kids involved. I'm sure it costs a fortune to do all this testing (at a time when many districts do not have money to spare) and the handful of wrestlers who want to cut excessively are going to find a way to do so anyway.

With all due respect MOMx3, it really is not that expensive. I know for a fact some schools are charged/invoiced at $5 per wrestler taking the test.
Allowing teams to test themselves using their own trainers (with at least one other team present) is questionable at best. The fact that you only have to wrestle at scratch one time before late Jan is a HUGE incentive for kids to suck down to skeletal proportions. They end up only wrestling one time all year at that weight and come state tourney time knock some kid out of the lineup who's been filling that slot all year. Only solution to this issue is to have mat side weigh in's an hour before matches and no weigh out's the evening before 2nd day of tourney. The OHSAA tournament is the biggest offender come the state finals as I've seen kids 15 lbs above their weight competing. Until this changes everything stays the same.

You just described how college does weight ins. Only problem is the wrestlers still kill themselves. You would have to do matside weight ins before every match to stop weight cutting.
With all due respect MOMx3, it really is not that expensive. I know for a fact some schools are charged/invoiced at $5 per wrestler taking the test.

I am not as much referring to the individual cost per wrestler as I am the overall cost of the system. I'm guessing it was a big part of someone's job to create and implement this system, write the guidelines and handbook, etc. I'm guessing some school districts had to buy equipment. Someone has to manually enter all that data into the system, and then it's one more item that coaches have to worry about during the season. From a resource standpoint (time + money), I question whether it's a good investment.
As for cutting the extra weight you can probably see a lot of kids who could make a lower weight choose to go higher then actually fill out adding sise knowing they have some breathing room and still end up having to cut hard when the time comes at least where the lighter to mid weights are concerned.In other words a lot of the talk about kids bumping up and being a little small for their weight is garbage .
The fact that you only have to wrestle at scratch one time before late Jan is a HUGE incentive for kids to suck down to skeletal proportions. They end up only wrestling one time all year at that weight and come state tourney time knock some kid out of the lineup who's been filling that slot all year.

You don't have to wrestle at scratch even once during the regular season.....if you are so inclined, you can wrestle scratch at sectionals for the first time at a given weight. Now mind you that you will be giving up 2 lbs. to the field, but theoretically it can be done.

You must wrestle at least one time during the regular season at scratch weight to be eligible to receive the 2 lb weight allowance for sectionals.
You just described how college does weight ins. Only problem is the wrestlers still kill themselves. You would have to do matside weight ins before every match to stop weight cutting.

The sense of reason once again. All this complaining, and this is the first viable fix that I have seen. :clap:

Cut out the hydration test, then do matside weigh-in before each match. It would be easy enough, they're already at the table.
The sense of reason once again. All this complaining, and this is the first viable fix that I have seen. :clap:

Cut out the hydration test, then do matside weigh-in before each match. It would be easy enough, they're already at the table.

I can already see the problem with that system. Only programs that prioritize wrestling will be able to afford the $300 feather-light singlets - similar to the hi-tech swim suits - and BANG! someone cries, "Foul!"

As far as the hydration tests are concerned, as long as no one is watchin' the pee actually go from body to cup or taking the temperature of the sample, we'll never know.
As far as the hydration tests are concerned, as long as no one is watchin' the pee actually go from body to cup or taking the temperature of the sample, we'll never know.

Right on. I've heard on more than one occasion of wrestlers dipping into the same punch bowl. Hearsay indeed, but not surprising.
.7 away from certifying for 112 ,like i said i know how to totally own those pinch tests.:laugh:

We need your training regiments because I have a few boys that need your help! How did you get your results before NWCA posted them? Unless your boy was weighing 112.7 it's kinda hard to gauge...?
He could have easily certified for 112 ,he weighed in at 127 and his lowest weight allowance was 112.7 so he certified for 119 ,had he lost a few more lbs probably even less than 2 he would have made 112 ,.
Not sure when they post it or how long of a delay they have.
You dont have to be at 112.7 to know your certification weight if you know how to calculate the pinches.
Like i said there are ways to manipulate ones body by training ,diet,Sleep etc in order to achieve a goal on a pinch test(not that i would know anything about it because i am a fat old man:laugh: :laugh: ) either way it wont matter hes going 125.
And i can help your kids if you really want me to and they will listen and its all perfectly safe and fair just let me know.