Wow thanks kooz,
I thought only coaches had access to this.
I have been to the site, but not being a coach or accessor how do you see the weights and wrestlers?
go to nwca stat tracker --HS team stats then click on roster
Didn't work. There is nothing under HS Team Stat that says roster.
I wonder what the listed weights mean. Are they the calculated lowest weight class, or are they the weight class they are in right now, or are they whatever the coach entered for a weight class?
Interesting and almost useless. I know a lot of kids personally who will NEVER see those weights.
Question for you guys...if someone isnt on the list does it mean they are hurt or failed the hydration test?
Question for you guys...if someone isnt on the list does it mean they are hurt or failed the hydration test?
Question for you guys...if someone isnt on the list does it mean they are hurt or failed the hydration test?
Thnx for the replies.
Is there a cut off date to take it?
has to be done before the wrestler's 1st contest.
Could also mean that they just haven't taken it yet. This is more common with players who played football into the playoffs.
The tests are silly! Lets be honest. Last year my one son was at Min. body fat at 119. This year he is bigger by far stronger by far less body fat than a year ago at 119 and he certified at 112( he would have to cut off a foot to make 112)!?! Laughable inconsistency! Its all How hard and who is pulling on those fat calipers. Its a joke some kid can't wrestle his Goal weight because of a tenth of a percentage one way or another!
"Last year my one son was at Min. body fat at 119. This year he is bigger by far stronger by far less body fat than a year ago at 119 and he certified at 112"
I've read this a few times and am still wondering how a kid can be at minimum body fat last year but have far less bodyfat this year. Is this where the system is flawed? Maybe it's the way it was worded that I don't understand. I'm not picking, it just doesn't make sense. If a kid is at minimum bodyfat but growing how is he the same weight and now less than minimum bodyfat?
Its a simple answer. The test are totally inconsistent depending on who is pulling the skin! Absolutely end of story. You could go to 3 different places the same day and get 3 totally different results. The tests are a waste of time and money.