A Generation of American Men Give Up on College

WTF are you talking about? How have I looked down on the trades? By acknowledging that other people do? By acknowledging that it can take a toll on workers' health?

In post #6, I acknowledged that these people have worked on a specialized skill set, and I used a first-hand example of someone who did a job for me that I couldn't. I even used the word "gods".
Why do you deny what you are? It’s pretty obvious from your posting history you’re an effeminate, elitist who thinks he/she/they know everything
Of course you won’t read the book, it may open your eyes to what is going on around you.

Here is the direct link to “Wiser Universities”:

Here is a small snippet that tackles the “us vs them” stance:
View attachment 22498

Us vs them or marginalized vs unmarginalized in this case (Oberlin- straight males installing radiators in a “safe space” for women and alphabet crew.

This is not what constitutes an example. Within the walls and among the crazies at that dorm in Oberlin sounds hostile to white men, but I wouldn't even say Oberlin is hostile to white men.

Hostile to me means making the environment overtly and unmistakably unwelcome towards a certain population. Other than that dorm, I don't see any other examples here.
This is not what constitutes an example. Within the walls and among the crazies at that dorm in Oberlin sounds hostile to white men, but I wouldn't even say Oberlin is hostile to white men.

Hostile to me means making the environment overtly and unmistakably unwelcome towards a certain population. Other than that dorm, I don't see any other examples here.
I guess it’s difficult to debate when you keep moving the FG posts. The rising sentiment on college campuses, across the U.S., from sea to shining sea, is of liberal thought. Conservative speakers have been getting shut down for a while now, in the name of “word violence”.
The original argument from me was that the rising and prevailing attitude/culture on many (not just Oberlin) college campuses is wrought in liberal ideology. Somehow you have twisted that into an “are college campuses hostile towards men, specifically white straight men” debate. So I guess you win.
I have noticed many of my friends (St X parents) pushing this narrative...posting Mike Rowe. However, they are sending their kids to college. This track is for those other kids.

BTW- IMO trade skills require education and pay very well. (plumbing, electricians etc.) Bank!
Shouldn’t we be pushing women into trades? For diversity?
And I don’t like the Conservative narrative of college being useless. Certain majors are useless, but do you want your Dr to have a GED?
I guess it’s difficult to debate when you keep moving the FG posts. The rising sentiment on college campuses, across the U.S., from sea to shining sea, is of liberal thought. Conservative speakers have been getting shut down for a while now, in the name of “word violence”.
The original argument from me was that the rising and prevailing attitude/culture on many (not just Oberlin) college campuses is wrought in liberal ideology. Somehow you have twisted that into an “are college campuses hostile towards men, specifically white straight men” debate. So I guess you win.
Well, the topic is about why men are eschewing college campuses. You were the one who brought up "straight" (post 20 and 24). lotr introduced "white" to the discussion (post 27). It's you guys who cumulatively are talking about the plight of straight white men on college campuses.

Besides, when conservative speakers come to college campuses, they're supposed to make arrangements with the universities. Oftentimes, the universities invite them. If they're then shouted down by students, that's the students' doing, not the universities'.

I really don't have a problem with Oberlin designating a dorm for women and transgender students. To me, that's not the college acting out of hostility towards straight men. When the students at said dorm freak out about straight men installing radiators, that's the student acting out of hostility. Women, transgender, or any other non straight white male population by nature don't have a lack of coping skills, so if they want to freak out about an outsider just trying to do a job in their building, that's entirely on them.
And I don’t like the Conservative narrative of college being useless. Certain majors are useless, but do you want your Dr to have a GED?
Sure, valid point. I would just say that hospitals, much like other industries will begin to train/teach their own.
“Besides, when conservative speakers come to college campuses, they're supposed to make arrangements with the universities. Oftentimes, the universities invite them. If they're then shouted down by students, that's the students' doing, not the universities'.”

They have been invited by student groups or some universities themselves ( a University doesn’t typically invite the speakers much anymore, typically up to student-led groups). Still shouted down and in many cases, met with physical violence for their perceived “word violence”. Where have you been the last 5-7 years? Look up Milo Yiannopolis (sp?). Look up Evergreen college.
“Besides, when conservative speakers come to college campuses, they're supposed to make arrangements with the universities. Oftentimes, the universities invite them. If they're then shouted down by students, that's the students' doing, not the universities'.”

They have been invited by student groups or some universities themselves ( a University doesn’t typically invite the speakers much anymore, typically up to student-led groups). Still shouted down and in many cases, met with physical violence for their perceived “word violence”. Where have you been the last 5-7 years? Look up Milo Yiannopolis (sp?). Look up Evergreen college.
I understand this. What I'm looking for is the college being hostile toward the demographic, either by policy, curriculum, or removal of privileges. Also, specifically towards its own students, staff, and faculty.

If students shout down Milo or worse, start physical violence, that doesn't qualify to me as the college becoming hostile to the demographic. All that is simply due to like-minded students bringing their own ideologies and behaviors together to act like a-holes.

Again - it'd be cool if this article weren't behind a pay wall. I'm interested in the rest of this.
Do you think physical work “ravages” your body by fifty? There is tremendous need in this country for all the trades and it’s so much cheaper than college. Pretty much guaranteed jobs that are paying historically well. Try to find a good plumber, carpenter or electrician today and you’ll know what I’m talking about
Only a dumb*ss would start a major remodeling project in this day and age..............Nevermind:mad:
No, it is you who is taking this out of context. You're strawmanning my argument by ushering in "fear" and "wussification". All I'm saying is people might not choose physical fields because of the very real possibility of the physical toll that accumulates over years of doing such jobs, not to mention accidents (which we've had two people in this thread support by pointing out what their family members have had to deal with).

You're hearing "people might prefer that their job doesn't leave their bodies a certain way 20-30-40 years down the line" and internalizing it as "people are afraid doing the day to day physical work."
Get rid of sports and band.
No debt, can make good money young. Not have to deal with ideologically possessed professors. Can't blame them
The professors are only an issue in the majors that don’t matter. Somewhat ironic it’s never the Econ professors pushing Marxism, it’s never Biology Professors who think trans men are men and Vice versa.
Not exactly. Administrations are dictating curriculum and the people who are entering administrative positions are overwhelmingly woke. There are already efforts to "decolonize math" and such nonsense.
Even more ironic, all the little b***h a** losers who talk about a “worker revolution” aren’t in trades that have unions, they’re the same idiots who waste time and massive amounts of $ getting some useless Liberal Arts Degree.

Seriously, does anyone know an actual tradesman who would call themselves of socialist or communist? I don’t.
Not exactly. Administrations are dictating curriculum and the people who are entering administrative positions are overwhelmingly woke. There are already efforts to "decolonize math" and such nonsense.
Even if you’re woke, it doesn’t matter. Supply & Demand curves can’t be wokified.
Higher Education is good for fields that require degrees, but avoid Oberlin at all costs. For the millionth time, this is why we need bullies.

Don't underestimate their efforts to alter reality to confirm to their beliefs
I think you’re a little too paranoid about this. I agree, there’s some real POS in academia and it’s really awful, but that’s only in certain fields.
I think you’re a little too paranoid about this. I agree, there’s some real POS in academia and it’s really awful, but that’s only in certain fields.

I've said it a bunch of times throughout the years here, however radical and loony you think these people, it's worse. I speak from first hand experience on this. These people will go to any length to alter people's realities to make their quasi-reality seem true. They'll alter studies, fudge statistics, etc. there's no low they won't stoop.
Higher Education is good for fields that require degrees, but avoid Oberlin at all costs. For the millionth time, this is why we need bullies.

Lol. I literally read this just before logging into Yappi just now. Hysterically funny, but also sad because this idiot really believes he has a valid complaint. Like Crusaders said, "altering people's realities to make their quasi-reality seem true."