2023 Massillon Football

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Why is the OHSAA investing Owens and not the kid from Alliance? Why is one Ok and the other isn't. Not trying to start anything. Just a legit question.
I thought Jalen played very well considering he’s been rotating in and out and barely played at all last week. We had some guys open he missed and a couple drops. I don’t care what anyone says we set him up to fail at times. Here’s what I mean by that. We don’t roll him out enough. He sits in the pocket way too much for me. And he never has a safety outlet. No back to dump it off to. His completion percentage isn’t going to jump off the charts at ya with that being the case. He almost had 300 yards and had 3 TDs. Just like everyone else on the team, he has to get better. Everything that happened last night is correctable. This TEAM hasn’t even peaked yet which is great.
I thought Jalen played very well considering he’s been rotating in and out and barely played at all last week. We had some guys open he missed and a couple drops. I don’t care what anyone says we set him up to fail at times. Here’s what I mean by that. We don’t roll him out enough. He sits in the pocket way too much for me. And he never has a safety outlet. No back to dump it off to. His completion percentage isn’t going to jump off the charts at ya with that being the case. He almost had 300 yards and had 3 TDs. Just like everyone else on the team, he has to get better. Everything that happened last night is correctable. This TEAM hasn’t even peaked yet which is great.
To be fair, there was a few times last night where he rolled left and threw it at the feet of open receivers
They have said in the past that is exactly how it works. When they "get enough" paperwork they act.
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"Your papers, please."
To be fair, there was a few times last night where he rolled left and threw it at the feet of open receivers
He also hasn’t played much. Which is why I said we don’t roll him out enough. He needs more reps. Whether that’s practice or game time. Yes he missed Emy twice I agree. And there were a few others. But considering the amount of playing time he’s had he played well last night. Also last week Owens did the same thing on the same play. Under thrown ball at the feet. And you’re right WIDE OPEN. And again never an outlet to the back out of the backfield. Just a few things I feel we should or could be doing better or adding to the offense
He also hasn’t played much. Which is why I said we don’t roll him out enough. He needs more reps. Whether that’s practice or game time. Yes he missed Emy twice I agree. And there were a few others. But considering the amount of playing time he’s had he played well last night. Also last week Owens did the same thing on the same play. Under thrown ball at the feet. And again never an outlet to the back out of the backfield. Just a few things I feel we should or could be doing better or adding to the offense
I believe he’s thrown the ball more and probably played more snaps overall than Owens. This is where the rotation sucks…neither has gotten the necessary reps
I believe he’s thrown the ball more and probably played more snaps overall than Owens. This is where the rotation sucks…neither has gotten the necessary reps
That’s true he has thrown it more and has more snaps and I agree 100 percent. It’s tough rotating like that. They’re both doing a great job considering. We’re lucky to have both of these kids
Because the Copley AD sent a letter to the OHSAA.
Interesting. Because ORC says that a school district may not adopt a policy which deters a student from transferring. What is administrative action by that district if not a reflection of policy? If telling a student "We will prevent you from fully participating in extracurricular activities at your new school" is not a deterrent, what is it?

IMHO, it might be beneficial to adopt a two-pronged strategy:
- File the requisite appeal with OHSAA.
- Go directly after Copley for violating state law. It costs them nothing to write a letter. Maybe schools will think twice if there are potential costs.
Oh and btw our defense to date, is probably the best I’ve seen here in a very long time! Other than the first quarter week 1, holy shizz lol

Yes. Middleton was ranked 1 (i know its DE) and scoring alot of points and we should have had a shut out. Did they rule that strip down by contact, that led to their td? Or did i miss something?
That's an explanation; it's not an excuse. Inadequate allocation of resources would not justify telling kids they can't play.

To be fair, maybe his paperwork wasn't submitted until this week. Maybe it hasn't yet been submitted. Maybe it was rejected. But if OHSAA has had it since before the season, it is hard to think of a legitimate reason why it would not have been reviewed by now.
I completely agree, I think OHSAA allocates their resources very poorly.
"ORC says that a school district may not adopt a policy which deters a student from transferring."

If it was the case that Copley's intent was to have a chilling affect on Massillon's success of attracting transfers, in turn, negatively affecting the student athlete in this specific case, then the harmed parties, (parents and athlete + Massillon City Schools) may have a basis for civil action.

Most importantly, it's the financial harm being done to the student athlete and his parents - diminished potential scholarship and NIL exposure, maybe? Punitive damages could be a b*ltch for Copley in a case llike this.

Hopefully this is resolved quickly and this can be addressed in the off season.
Speaking of OHSAA bylaws is it true Owens could have transferred to Hoban or private school and not had to move? That’s what someone told me. That can’t be right can it?
Yes and no. He wouldn't have had to move (neither did Owens), but he would have needed to meet one of the other exceptions.

Ursuline has a player currently in the same situation. He transferred in this year, and has been ruled ineligible for the rest of the season.
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