2023 Benedictine Football

Crickets about last night's game. Crickets! 0-10 still on the table. Nothing has changed. Nice pump up video on X. Good to see the players from 1973.
Real supporters -unlike most on here- don’t sit on a thread talking negatively or waiting for negativity, they support the school, teams and future. Video was great, team is young, one game isn’t a reflection of a season. Some people are just best equipped to run bars. 😂🍺😂
Crickets about last night's game. Crickets! 0-10 still on the table. Nothing has changed. Nice pump up video on X. Good to see the players from 1973.
Disagree. The kids played hard. Defense needs some work. Considering all the players that were lost, this was a good showing, despite the score. I look for them to win some games this year.
Understood that, thanks, I was referring to the varsity. But same rule applies in my book as far as LINEMEN, no matter what level. Thanks for the heads up!
I agree totally about Linemen. Just off the top of my head, we lost our 2 best returning linemen,who went both ways, to Glenville. Our starting,and back-up Qbs. And 2 other guys who started at DB,and WR. Thats like replacing 8 positions. Many of the boys who played yesterday are young,and may not have been out there had everybody stayed.
I agree totally about Linemen. Just off the top of my head, we lost our 2 best returning linemen,who went both ways, to Glenville. Our starting,and back-up Qbs. And 2 other guys who started at DB,and WR. Thats like replacing 8 positions. Many of the boys who played yesterday are young,and may not have been out there had everybody stayed.
I see another long tough season for the Bengals. They will get even worse as injuries dig into their depth. It takes time to rebuild a program.
Some minor technical critiques
1) first play of each of first 2 possessions were the same, throwing hitch to wideout for screen, but to the side of the field were the kid probably couldn’t see the ball with sun blaring into his eyes.
2) Only one underneath crossing pattern to the good big receiver.
3) Qb not part of running game?
4) kicking game needs better kickers, especiallypunting, in any tight game this year probably a defeat just due to this
I don’t believe it played as big of a role as you may guess, from what I heard the number was at 85 in early June before the changes were made/announced.
I tend to agree with this. I work in a Catholic grade school and we are thinking that EdChoice numbers won't really start growing until next year. I don't think a lot of people were aware of the changes.
For those interested in seeing the Baby Bengals play .....They will be playing Avon Lake at noon next Saturday at Avon Lake. There will be NO JV game next week.
We’ll see how right this guy is … or how wrong hahahana
Maloney should be back for Thursday’s game and Baldwin has to sit a half, for his two unsportsmanlike like penalties.


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I see another long tough season for the Bengals. They will get even worse as injuries dig into their depth. It takes time to rebuild a program.
If done right, it can be done pretty quickly. Hoban was pretty down when coach Tyrell took over. He won a title in his 3rd year,and has never looked back. Walsh was 7-43 from 2015-19. Their coach .turned them around within 2 years. Benny was very good as recently as 2 years ago. I saw some positives against Walsh. As young,and depleted as we are, it was still a 14-14 game midway through the 2nd qtr. Walsh is a very good team that will win 8 games this year. Their talent,depth,and experience then took over.
It's all about instilling the culture starting at the freshman level, and building from there. And keeping classes together, something that Bene has struggled to do in recent years
It's all about instilling the culture starting at the freshman level, and building from there. And keeping classes together, something that Bene has struggled to do in recent years
I love a post like this! This is the culture this page used to have. I really like some of the guys on that freshman squad. Watching the Blue and White game gave me high hopes and if this class stays away from the Tarblooder pipeline, I see a great team in 2-3 years!
So the Bengals fall 2 points short of covering, not a disaster but they still lost by 3 scores.

AL should be much of the same, their strength is along the lines so it will probably be a tough match up for this version of Benny football. I guess patience will be the word over the next few years but kind of worried that they just will never have the depth to keep up in Div II which if they continue to pull in from multiple grade school will be their future in football.
Anyone that saw the JV game knows if they have to go into their depth they are in trouble. That was a brutal game.

On varsity, the biggest disappointment was the reaction of the coaches and Bene players to the penalties. It was a horribly officiated game - FOR BOTH SIDES. I didn't understand the chirping at the refs constantly, and heard one player yelling directly from the sideline about coming out to fight a ref until someone stopped him. That's not good in any way. The offense benefitted from several PI and holding penalties. There is never an excuse to go after a ref, especially if its not being called one-sided.

3-7 only because the schedule will give Buchtel, Normandy and Brush. Gonna be tough otherwise. Hope I'm wrong.
It's all about instilling the culture starting at the freshman level, and building from there. And keeping classes together, something that Bene has struggled to do in recent years
Actually,the "culture" starts with the leadership inside the school- the Abbot, President, Principal,Ath.Director. The problem is Benny keeps changing these positions,theres no continuity. Benny has had 6 head Football coaches since 2010! They need to find the right people,and pay them so they want to stay. We all were spoiled for 50 years with coach Rufus and coach Bossu, now that was culture!
Instead of the school investing in walking areas on campus, they should invest the money into paying their coaching staffs. The pay is a joke.
Currently the pay scale at Benedictine is from the 1970's for all coaches. If you want to attract top coaching talent, you're going to need to raise the bar. Have a yearly fund raiser to raise money for the coaching staffs of all sports at the school.
Instead of the school investing in walking areas on campus, they should invest the money into paying their coaching staffs. The pay is a joke.
Currently the pay scale at Benedictine is from the 1970's for all coaches. If you want to attract top coaching talent, you're going to need to raise the bar. Have a yearly fund raiser to raise money for the coaching staffs of all sports at the school.
I think this view is little too simple. To get those paying customers armed with ed choice $s to the school you need the nice things that moms go for like the recent upgrades on the campus, this is not the old days where parents just tell your kid where to go to school and know the Monks at Benny will whip them into shape. Benny has to compete with not only the Ed's & Iggy's of the world but also the prep schools that are basically like country clubs or public schools with great facilities. I agree that teacher and staff compensation should also be addressed but Benny just doesn't have the alumni numbers the bigger schools have or the 1%-ers like Gilmour does; there is also fund raising fatigue on those that primarily chip in. Recruit and maintain a healthy enrollment and those tuition $s will make better pay a much easier goal than constantly going to the donor class of alums and supporters.
It's a Catch 22 at Benedictine. An All-Boys Catholic School needs to be able to compete in athletics to keep the enrollment up. The school has made some cosmetic improvements over the years. Unfortunately to compete with Ignatus & Ed's, a nice campus is not the only answer. The coaching pay scale needs to increase. Beautiful campus, Academics are great, closed school because football, basketball, & baseball aren't winning. Add wresting, soccer, & track to the mix. What do you have? Just 8 short years ago all sports were on the upswing, as well as being competitive in the classroom. There are alumni whales who could change the demographics at the school. Unfortunately, these gentlemen have no interest in donating to the cause. Same old story. Same 100 alum that donate heavily to the school. To the point they have nothing left to give. Benedictine is a great school that is going through some unprecedented times. Hopefully the new President & Staff, as well as the Alumni, can right the ship.
It's a Catch 22 at Benedictine. An All-Boys Catholic School needs to be able to compete in athletics to keep the enrollment up. The school has made some cosmetic improvements over the years. Unfortunately to compete with Ignatus & Ed's, a nice campus is not the only answer. The coaching pay scale needs to increase. Beautiful campus, Academics are great, closed school because football, basketball, & baseball aren't winning. Add wresting, soccer, & track to the mix. What do you have? Just 8 short years ago all sports were on the upswing, as well as being competitive in the classroom. There are alumni whales who could change the demographics at the school. Unfortunately, these gentlemen have no interest in donating to the cause. Same old story. Same 100 alum that donate heavily to the school. To the point they have nothing left to give. Benedictine is a great school that is going through some unprecedented times. Hopefully the new President & Staff, as well as the Alumni, can right the ship.
What has changed since 8 years ago? Donations? Just curious. I never really thought about the HCs they are going through. Six in 13 years isnt stability. I had a lot of freinds go to Benedictine and would hate to see this continue.
It's a Catch 22 at Benedictine. An All-Boys Catholic School needs to be able to compete in athletics to keep the enrollment up. The school has made some cosmetic improvements over the years. Unfortunately to compete with Ignatus & Ed's, a nice campus is not the only answer. The coaching pay scale needs to increase. Beautiful campus, Academics are great, closed school because football, basketball, & baseball aren't winning. Add wresting, soccer, & track to the mix. What do you have? Just 8 short years ago all sports were on the upswing, as well as being competitive in the classroom. There are alumni whales who could change the demographics at the school. Unfortunately, these gentlemen have no interest in donating to the cause. Same old story. Same 100 alum that donate heavily to the school. To the point they have nothing left to give. Benedictine is a great school that is going through some unprecedented times. Hopefully the new President & Staff, as well as the Alumni, can right the ship.
I think the new and upcoming families in the system creating a new generation to pipeline along with the existing alum need to join together in order to keep driving growth and stability. We can’t rely on the same people to keep the school going. I’ve been a part of this school for many generations and it will take the old getting with the new to keep it going strong. New visions, new leadership, committed staff, dedicated alum and the entire Benedictine community need to work together. Keeping up with other schools nowadays isn’t easy for all the reasons mentioned, we just don’t have the numbers. From what I’ve heard, the stability we need, to keep this going, is in development. Prayers for continued growth. This is a special place that carry traditions worth fighting for.
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Actually,the "culture" starts with the leadership inside the school- the Abbot, President, Principal,Ath.Director. The problem is Benny keeps changing these positions,theres no continuity. Benny has had 6 head Football coaches since 2010! They need to find the right people,and pay them so they want to stay. We all were spoiled for 50 years with coach Rufus and coach Bossu, now that was culture!
Having Sal there did more damage than you think!
Anyone that saw the JV game knows if they have to go into their depth they are in trouble. That was a brutal game.

On varsity, the biggest disappointment was the reaction of the coaches and Bene players to the penalties. It was a horribly officiated game - FOR BOTH SIDES. I didn't understand the chirping at the refs constantly, and heard one player yelling directly from the sideline about coming out to fight a ref until someone stopped him. That's not good in any way. The offense benefitted from several PI and holding penalties. There is never an excuse to go after a ref, especially if its not being called one-sided.

3-7 only because the schedule will give Buchtel, Normandy and Brush. Gonna be tough otherwise. Hope I'm wrong.

Anyone that saw the JV game knows if they have to go into their depth they are in trouble. That was a brutal game.

On varsity, the biggest disappointment was the reaction of the coaches and Bene players to the penalties. It was a horribly officiated game - FOR BOTH SIDES. I didn't understand the chirping at the refs constantly, and heard one player yelling directly from the sideline about coming out to fight a ref until someone stopped him. That's not good in any way. The offense benefitted from several PI and holding penalties. There is never an excuse to go after a ref, especially if its not being called one-sided.

3-7 only because the schedule will give Buchtel, Normandy and Brush. Gonna be tough otherwise. Hope I'm wrong.
The JV game was brutal for 2 reasons. 1. As far as I know,they only won 1 game as Freshmen. 2. Most of the better ones are up on the Varsity to help replace all the guys who transferred.
Having Sal there did more damage than you think!
We had a very nice run from 2001-05, during which we won 2 state titles,and a runner-up. Sal came in and helped torpedo that. I believe he was at Benny from 2005-10. He did a lot of damage, but hes been gone long enough that we should be over it. We did a state title since he left in 2014.
We had a very nice run from 2001-05, during which we won 2 state titles,and a runner-up. Sal came in and helped torpedo that. I believe he was at Benny from 2005-10. He did a lot of damage, but hes been gone long enough that we should be over it. We did a state title since he left in 2014.
Sal left sometime before 2011. He was no longer in the building in 2014.

Regarding the comment about the sports teams 8 years ago, perhaps someone else more well informed about the current sports teams can pitch in, but in 2015, the football team was excellent. Basketball and baseball were fair, as were the other sports.

I don’t think the 2015 (with the exception of football) were significantly better than the current teams, though I could be wrong about that. Our hockey team is great right now, basketball is on the uprise with a well-disciplined team.

Again, maybe someone more well informed of the current teams can fill me in, but I have a decent knowledge of the 2015 teams, and most were fair, though I would not say significantly better than the current teams.
Sal left sometime before 2011. He was no longer in the building in 2014.

Regarding the comment about the sports teams 8 years ago, perhaps someone else more well informed about the current sports teams can pitch in, but in 2015, the football team was excellent. Basketball and baseball were fair, as were the other sports.

I don’t think the 2015 (with the exception of football) were significantly better than the current teams, though I could be wrong about that. Our hockey team is great right now, basketball is on the uprise with a well-disciplined team.

Again, maybe someone more well informed of the current teams can fill me in, but I have a decent knowledge of the 2015 teams, and most were fair, though I would not say significantly better than the current teams.
I apologize DB, i misread your original post regarding Sal.
We had a very nice run from 2001-05, during which we won 2 state titles,and a runner-up. Sal came in and helped torpedo that. I believe he was at Benny from 2005-10. He did a lot of damage, but hes been gone long enough that we should be over it. We did a state title since he left in 2014.
I believe Gressock came back in 2007 or 2008 and tried to bring back Benedictine traditions and values. Hired Bennie guys Schaefer, Kobylinski, and Wilson. Got rid of punks that did not belong in the school (expelled 13 the July he was hired from what I heard. He corrected a coach hire mistake by putting Schaefer in charge. Went to hell after he left (swinging door principal office) Now we have this. New principal is big step up.