#15, 2-6, "Control Own Destiny"...THE PLAYOFFS KINDA SUCK.

I like my idea
Top 4 teams in each region automatically make the playoffs. Any additional teams may elect to participate in the playoffs with the caveat that if they lose by 23 or more points in week 11 or 12, then they get permanently banned from the playoffs from henceforth and forever more. That way it prevents teams from electing to participate in the playoffs that don't belong that would just get running clocked and lose by 70.
I like my idea
Top 4 teams in each region automatically make the playoffs. Any additional teams may elect to participate in the playoffs with the caveat that if they lose by 23 or more points in week 11 or 12, then they get permanently banned from the playoffs from henceforth and forever more. That way it prevents teams from electing to participate in the playoffs that don't belong that would just get running clocked and lose by 70.
The average HS football game has almost a 30 point margin. And you want to make 23 the cutoff? Sure...
I'm in the minority with this but I'm all for watching my son, grandson or nephew play one more game. Just call it week 11, then you can't hang that banner saying playoffs. When I played my teams were .500 teams but I would've loved to play one more game with all my buddies.

How many kids get to play at the next level. I don't understand people knocking this. Especially saying go back to 4 per region. People complain about teams not scheduling good teams. Going back to 4 would eliminate that all together. Man I just don't get it.

I love high school football, like the rest of everyone on this site. Why take one more game away from all of us watching another Friday night game. Kinda of like going to just Friday games for the playoffs really sucks.
The average HS football game has almost a 30 point margin. And you want to make 23 the cutoff? Sure...
That will discourage any non-legitimate state title contenders from participating. The point is to not disclude any legitimate state title contenders without having blowouts in week 11 and 12.
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It’s only bad for D1. I like 16 for the other divisions. Region 9 has like 12-16 good teams, so they benefit having 16 instead of 8, and that was true in past years too. Just enjoy the extra games.
Another reason not to: so you don’t keep potential state champs out of the playoffs. I wish I had a list of how many 5-8 seeds won titles.
Since 1999, when the OHSAA went to 8 teams per region in the playoffs making it, 22 out of 154 (roughly 15%) state champions were 5-8 seeds in their region. No 9 seed or worse has never done so since the move to 16. The list:

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You can keep 16 but take it to 6 divisions again. If you insist on D7 then it should revert to 8.

If coaches want to end 16 teams, run up the score and stick some 100 spots on teams. It will embarrass OHSAA and get the gears moving.
You can keep 16 but take it to 6 divisions again. If you insist on D7 then it should revert to 8.

If coaches want to end 16 teams, run up the score and stick some 100 spots on teams. It will embarrass OHSAA and get the gears moving.
OHSAA doesn’t give a crap what the score lines are.
I'm going to underscore the 8 vs 4 point even further. From 1985-1998 (the era of 4 teams per region), 411 teams finished undefeated. Of those, 51 missed the playoffs. Since 1999, the only really notable examples are Newcomerstown in 2001 and Gibsonburg in 2019. The list of the 51 teams, and their final regional ranking (only 5 were below #8):

I'm a fan of the 16 team playoff, why not? Sure many kids are happy to have one more game.

I do believe it was the coaches themselves that pushed for the 16 team playoff; influenced by the covid year where every team made the playoffs, really changed their minds in favor of it. Plus the 16th seed has beat the #1 seed has happened at least once.

D1 could got back to the only 2 regions thing they tried for a few years if you really care about less of them making the playoffs, but I think there is no harm how it is. And with 8 teams, sometimes a good school gets left out, my 2011 Pick North team went 8-2 and ended in 9th place.