100 wins

I agree with Bucksman on this one. 140 + is the number in todays wrestling world.
100 is still an acomplishment but not what it used to be in the years past simply due to the amount of matches wrestled.

I agree win / loss percentage is more a reflection on the wrestler than 100 wins is.
Is this because more wrestlers are quitting the sport or freshman are more talented than ever?

I know its because the freshman are more talented than they were when I was rolling around. With biddy wrestling in place, these kids are coming into Junior High with alot of wrestling knowledge. The kids of today are slick! Ohio has one of the best biddy wrestling in the country.
wrestling in the 80's, I won exactly 100 matches and was a league, sectional, and district champion. i was also a four year starter. it certainly was not as easy in the past is it is now to win 100. for example, my senior year, our team had a dual meet record of 19-1. that's a lot of duals. most teams don't come close to that anymore. the number of wins, to me, doesn't mean as much, the winning percentage will mean more.

that being said, as a coach, win 100 matches for me, and you have done a great service to your team and yourself. no easy accomplishment today or in the past.

I definately am not am picking on you or your wrestling record...Looks like you had a great career.

But what would you consider the winning percentage to equal 100+wins???
As much as 100 wins is an acomplishment it is a great goal to set for a young wrestler...be it, that may happen for a number of wrestlers earlier and earlier; it is still a goal that drives a young wrestler to success.

As time changes so will the numbers, less of an accomplishment than it was in the 80's but still produces the same outcome for a driven wrestler in today's more competitive wrestling atmosphere.
75% to me would be considered a very good career. 100 wins and a 75% winning percentage is getting the job done. very reliable. and these are just numbers. winning one match is a helluva accomplishment. just trying to bring old school numbers to the new school. most people are going to take some lumps if they are freshmen wrestling varsity.
and to beat the old dead horse yet again...there are a lot of kids in OHS wrestling today that are a year older per grade than back in our days. Neither parents nor kids had the 'foresight' or whatever you want to call it...to get an extra year in before HS. Heck, most of us back then just wanted to graduate, go to college and get out of the house and on with our lives. Most of us competed against 20-22 yr old men when we were 18.....not 15-17 yr kids. Of course, back in my day..wrestling scholarships were plentiful too. Even half the SEC schools had wrestling. I think the Milkovich's were at Auburn and had them a power in the south. If you won a state championship in any division in Ohio..you probably got a scholarship somewhere if you wanted to go.

10-12 dual meet seasons was the norm. Two 16 team tourney's per season (many of which got 'snowed out'...even the weather was tougher back then! lol). Most kids had low to mid 20 win records entering the state tournament.

Things have changed so much it just can't even be compared. Winning % is the only constant that transcends eras.
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and to beat the old dead horse yet again...there are a lot of kids in OHS wrestling today that are a year older per grade than back in our days. Neither parents nor kids had the 'foresight' or whatever you want to call it...to get an extra year in before HS. Heck, most of us back then just wanted to graduate, go to college and get out of the house and on with our lives. Most of us competed against 20-22 yr old men when we were 18.....not 15-17 yr kids. Of course, back in my day..wrestling scholarships were plentiful too. Even half the SEC schools had wrestling. I think the Milkovich's were at Auburn and had them a power in the south. If you won a state championship in any division in Ohio..you probably got a scholarship somewhere if you wanted to go.

10-12 dual meet seasons was the norm. Two 16 team tourney's per season (many of which got 'snowed out'...even the weather was tougher back then! lol). Most kids had low to mid 20 win records entering the state tournament.

Things have changed so much it just can't even be compared. Winning % is the only constant that transcends eras.

Yes, with Jaime's help Tom had a growing power at Auburn until the school pulled the plug on the program.

Absolutely correct about no comparison, as I said earlier Tom won 100 on the nose and he was a 3-time undefeated state champ. What would that get you in this era? 150 wins? More?
All of you are absolutely right! How dare anyone post congratulations on any wrestler achieving what they feel a milestone in their wrestling career. After all, only 90 to 95 % of the topics posted on this website are dedicated to the ultra elite. How dare any of those falling below this threshold receive any acknowlegement. So, unless you are posting comments about Graham, St Eds, one of the children they are falling all over or any of the other flavor of the month to the adults that worship children, please keep your comments to yourself. Otherwise, one of these tailcoat riders will get upset that you dare talk about someone other than their chosen few. And they wonder why wrestling is a slowly dying sport!
Be honest here.
What does it really mean anymore?
Relax, I'm not downplaying it. I still think it's an accomplishment. I just think it doesn't mean as much with wrestlers getting upwards of of 50 matches before state.
Please don't kill the messenger. I've just seen plenty of kids never make it to state in a four-year career and finish with 120 wins.

I have an idea magedona, why don't you let us minions know what you find acceptable to post a congratulatory message to a kid that has worked hard to achieve something and we'll try to meet your lofty expectations. So sorry to give any props to a wrestler that doesn't meet your level of accomplishment!
Was simply asking -- once again warrior -- if 100 meant what it used to. Wasn't pointing at anybody or any post. Or even degrading someone. Pound that gavel, though.
10-12 dual meet seasons was the norm. Two 16 team tourney's per season (many of which got 'snowed out'...even the weather was tougher back then! lol). Most kids had low to mid 20 win records entering the state tournament.

...End of season...had 25 total matches that included 3 at State.
Was simply asking -- once again warrior -- if 100 meant what it used to. Wasn't pointing at anybody or any post. Or even degrading someone. Pound that gavel, though.

Your question was PERFECTLY legit. No different than people questioning the 'achievement' of 1000 yards rushing after season expanded to 14 games, and then to 16.
No problem. What you initially asked was just common sense, though I was told many years ago that common sense is not so common.
That's all fine and wonderful, but the fact remains that EVERY time someone posts a congratulatory message about a wrestler reaching 100 wins, someone like you posts a topic about how it doesn't meet current expectations. If you doubt what I say check previous like-minded posts. I have been involved with High School wrestling for the past 8 years and EVERY year someone posts a congratulatory post about someone achieving 100 wins and EVERY time, someone like you post a topic in response about how 100 wins doesn't mean anything anymore. Frankly, I'm sick of prima-donnas like you that can't allow anyone but your chosen few to be mentioned on this website! We get it! You and those like you don't respect those that achieve 100 varsity wins!! How about you let others congratulate kids we are proud of in a public forum without you trying to downgrade it in some form or fashion? And in return, we'll let you follow your child heroes around and allow you to bow at their alter without dying in laughter! Fair enough?
Enough with this hyper-sensitivity. I am sick of extreme whiners with thin skin.

I understand both sides of this discussion. 100 wins means something - to what extent, I don't know.
Of course it doesnt mean the same as what it use to...but it is still a great accomplishment and means you have contributed a lot to your team over the years.
With so many candy kids that dont go out anymore because "it's too hard" or "I want to get bigger for football"(which is actually code for too hard), I think its great for any kid to get to the century mark.
Of course it's not the same watershed mark as it use to be but so be it.
We have a new kid on our team that kids pinned most every match(because we dont have the numbers there), but I admire his work ethic to keep going out there and trying. I'm sure it's not easy on him or his parents to see that.
Warriorgrapplers, I believe your the one acting like a baby about this. So your kid achieved 100 wins that is great, know one is saying that it isn't an acomplishment What others including myself are saying is that in todays wrestling environment its not a great acomplishment, yes it is tough acomplishment to achieve and nothing taken away from your son accomplishing it, as a matter a fact, I will say it again congratualations!!, but back 20 + yrs ago 100 wins meant alot more than it does in todays wrestling schedules. In the early 80's my team only wrestled in four years 116 matches. thats 4 years worth of matches ! not 2 1/2 or 3 years of matches like it is today. Oh my record after 4 years varsity was 98-18, missed the 100 mark by 2 but if I had 25 more matches in my career I bet I would have won 2 of them. Again congratulations on obtaning one of your goals.
Warriorgrapplers, I believe your the one acting like a baby about this. So your kid achieved 100 wins that is great, know one is saying that it isn't an acomplishment What others including myself are saying is that in todays wrestling environment its not a great acomplishment, yes it is tough acomplishment to achieve and nothing taken away from your son accomplishing it, as a matter a fact, I will say it again congratualations!!, but back 20 + yrs ago 100 wins meant alot more than it does in todays wrestling schedules. In the early 80's my team only wrestled in four years 116 matches. thats 4 years worth of matches ! not 2 1/2 or 3 years of matches like it is today. Oh my record after 4 years varsity was 98-18, missed the 100 mark by 2 but if I had 25 more matches in my career I bet I would have won 2 of them. Again congratulations on obtaning one of your goals.

84th percentile......extremely high level.
That's all fine and wonderful, but the fact remains that EVERY time someone posts a congratulatory message about a wrestler reaching 100 wins, someone like you posts a topic about how it doesn't meet current expectations. If you doubt what I say check previous like-minded posts. I have been involved with High School wrestling for the past 8 years and EVERY year someone posts a congratulatory post about someone achieving 100 wins and EVERY time, someone like you post a topic in response about how 100 wins doesn't mean anything anymore. Frankly, I'm sick of prima-donnas like you that can't allow anyone but your chosen few to be mentioned on this website! We get it! You and those like you don't respect those that achieve 100 varsity wins!! How about you let others congratulate kids we are proud of in a public forum without you trying to downgrade it in some form or fashion? And in return, we'll let you follow your child heroes around and allow you to bow at their alter without dying in laughter! Fair enough?

Tell me your schedule and I'll tell you if # 100 means something, every year someone goes 40-0 but didn't wrestle a single match against SP, SQ and wonder why they go 2 and skidoo...:shrug:
Was simply asking -- once again warrior -- if 100 meant what it used to. Wasn't pointing at anybody or any post. Or even degrading someone. Pound that gavel, though.
i think it is hard to do. especialy if it's done in less than the four years in high school. some kids like mine, dont have but two n a half-three years in, plus when a wrestler starts wrestling makes a difference too. some kids didn't start wrestling untill there freshman year, witch leaves them behind playing catchup. surely if you start first year wrestling as a freshman, the 100 wins means alot if it can be accomplished. agreed?