Welcome Back...


Well-known member
to myself. hopefully my other OH yappi buddies are allowed to return to the OH yappi to spread the truth, and to clear the red and black blinders that some of our posters have.

my month long vacation has been served attending anger management classes on a retreat to price hill. by the looks of things, nothing exciting has happened and the season is still on the downward spiral it has been on all season.

good news, we have hoops season to look forward too, and the girls soccer team is still playing.

I am reporting this post. How dare you talk about high school girls... They could be under 18 for Pete's sake
sorry....they are 18-1 or something like that and in sectional finals. just wanted the optimists to know there was a good fall sport on ebenezer rd. :)

also, thanks for coming to the party.

if you see jerry, steve, or any of the elder folks tell them to join in the celebration.

Jerry is still banned from the OH forum. How did you manage to get reinstated? I am sure that Jerry would like to return.

just be a good boy and the millions and millions of fans from around the world requested my return.;)

Jerry has been a good boy lately, he hasn't written a bad check to a hooker in years. He just had a hard time dealing with the likes of Woodrow.
tell jerry that therapy will help cleanse his soul. lots of beer and internet movies will get his mind right and he will be able to deal with woodward. also, filling the pacer with beer and going for a long drive could help.

Yeah, okay. I do like to troll on here so I thought maybe you were talking about me, but then I remembered I don't say idiotic things like Springer and littlewood.
yeah it's littlewood and someone else. Springer isn't bad.

Bigwood aka Killa both are terrible.

I did get an email from my boy Springer, apparently he is in rehab for another 30 days. He told me to tell all of you that he wishes you well and to tell bigwood to find a very high building, and jump.