Wapakoneta vs Badin

Where did this idea that Wapak has played “dumpster fire” teams come from? Badin’s average opponent ranking is #240 in the state, for Wapak it is #226. They have both played 6 top 200 teams and Marion Local is a better team and program than anybody on Badin’s schedule.

I feel like both fanbases are being exceptionally arrogant and it’s nice having neutral fans come in and offer their opinions on the game. As a Wapak fan, I really do think this is one of the better Wapak teams I’ve seen, but that doesn’t mean I think they’re going to come out and dominate Badin. Last year Badin completely dominated the game and that sticks out in my head when I think of this game. Wapak is much improved from last year but it sounds like Badin is too. I think the winner of this game goes on to win the region and I don’t think this game is decided by more than one possession. It’s going to be a good, close game on Friday.
You experienced these Catholic bastards week 1... you'll experience them again 😉
I'm not promising a Badin win but you Wapak lovers better know the dumpster fires you've been beating up on for 10 weeks, will not be present in Greenville tomorrow 😉
Of the teams Wapak played in the regular season 2 are still playing and 2 got beat last week. For Badin 1 is still playing 3 got beat last week. Seems like a pretty even schedule to me?
People need to keep Maria Stein in proper perspective. Phenomenal small school who would probably win the title in D6 but that’s it. They wouldn’t beat Perry in DV, Glenville in DIV, TCC in DIII, Hoban I’m DII etc.
People need to keep Maria Stein in proper perspective. Phenomenal small school who would probably win the title in D6 but that’s it. They wouldn’t beat Perry in DV, Glenville in DIV, TCC in DIII, Hoban I’m DII etc.
I disagree. D3 and up is more so based on enrollment numbers, not so much talent. I think Marion would still dominate up until D2 and even then, I think they would still put up a good fight. There’s a reason Marion is ranked top 10 in the entire state year in and year out.
I disagree. D3 and up is more so based on enrollment numbers, not so much talent. I think Marion would still dominate up until D2 and even then, I think they would still put up a good fight. There’s a reason Marion is ranked top 10 in the entire state year in and year out.
You’re delusional 😂 they’re a fantastic program but get real, there is no way they would compete with the teams I mentioned
I think the difference in this game will ultimately be the Badin defense. That unit has been the backbone of their team for 3+ seasons. If Wapak can produce on offense, that's the key to the entire game.
I disagree. D3 and up is more so based on enrollment numbers, not so much talent. I think Marion would still dominate up until D2 and even then, I think they would still put up a good fight. There’s a reason Marion is ranked top 10 in the entire state year in and year out.
I have nothing by respect for the Flyers, but enrollment numbers matter or we wouldn't need divisional assignments. Higher enrollment numbers might not necessarily mean better talent, but it more often than not will mean more talent. More talent equals more depth. If Marion Local had to go up against D2, D3, even D4 teams weeks after week it would show. They are a great team and a great program, but they would struggle against bigger teams if they had to play against them for 10+ weeks.
I have nothing by respect for the Flyers, but enrollment numbers matter or we wouldn't need divisional assignments. Higher enrollment numbers might not necessarily mean better talent, but it more often than not will mean more talent. More talent equals more depth. If Marion Local had to go up against D2, D3, even D4 teams weeks after week it would show. They are a great team and a great program, but they would struggle against bigger teams if they had to play against them for 10+ weeks.
No the Marion roster from top to bottom is quality ready to play kids the bigger schools half the kids are wearing uniforms that will never get dirty
I think the difference in this game will ultimately be the Badin defense. That unit has been the backbone of their team for 3+ seasons. If Wapak can produce on offense, that's the key to the entire game.
Agreed, Badin really has an old school approach. They want to play good defense, pick up first downs and control the clock. I think the first team to 20 wins this game.
Look, Wapak may very well win tonight but hanging your hat on a close loss to Maria Stein is pretty embarrassing for a DIII team. Now if the Redskins had beat them, that’s something to pound your chest about
No the Marion roster from top to bottom is quality ready to play kids the bigger schools half the kids are wearing uniforms that will never get dirty
Half the kids at Marion Local will never get dirty on a Friday night either, same as most any other school in the state. That's why they play JV games on Saturdays. Again, I'm not putting down anything Marion Local has accomplished. What they do is the prototype for small school football in the whole country IMO. But also again, if enrollment didn't matter then we wouldn't have divisions. Same as Badin beating a solid DI team week 1 this year. It was a good win, but if Badin played DI schools for 10 straight weeks they wouldn't be sitting at 12-0 right now.
I have nothing by respect for the Flyers, but enrollment numbers matter or we wouldn't need divisional assignments. Higher enrollment numbers might not necessarily mean better talent, but it more often than not will mean more talent. More talent equals more depth. If Marion Local had to go up against D2, D3, even D4 teams weeks after week it would show. They are a great team and a great program, but they would struggle against bigger teams if they had to play against them for 10+ weeks.
I think that’s a fair, respectable point. I wasn’t thinking at it as in long term, but you’re right, I think if they had to go up against those teams weekly, it probably would be a whole different ball game for sure. Though, I do still think they would adapt quickly, be very solid, and do well through the regular season, I just think the playoffs wouldn’t be as easy for them. Them farm boys are tough and when you’re at a program that is used to winning, they have the mental aspect to go far in any division.
Look, Wapak may very well win tonight but hanging your hat on a close loss to Maria Stein is pretty embarrassing for a DIII team. Now if the Redskins had beat them, that’s something to pound your chest about
I mean, there’s no win win for wapak though, even if they would have beaten Marion, the narrative would be so what, you beat a d7 school.. 😆
I disagree. D3 and up is more so based on enrollment numbers, not so much talent. I think Marion would still dominate up until D2 and even then, I think they would still put up a good fight. There’s a reason Marion is ranked top 10 in the entire state year in and year out.
Marion Local isn't beating TCC.
I think it would honestly be cool to take state champs from different divisions and have them play just to see how it would go.🤔 It would either prove a lot of people wrong or a lot of people right
I think it would honestly be cool to take state champs from different divisions and have them play just to see how it would go.🤔 It would either prove a lot of people wrong or a lot of people right
Well it may be cool for Mount St Joseph who is a very good DIII program to play Ohio State. Maybe they could compete like Maria Stein could compete with St Ed’s 😂
Well it may be cool for Mount St Joseph who is a very good DIII program to play Ohio State. Maybe they could compete like Maria Stein could compete with St Ed’s 😂
You just crack yourself up don’t yuh? College is much different than high school. There very clearly is a gap between divisions in college because players get offers, and scholarships and you get the best of the best going to top tier colleges, so that’s not a fair comparison at all lol.
You just crack yourself up don’t yuh? College is much different than high school. There very clearly is a gap between divisions in college because players get offers, and scholarships and you get the best of the best going to top tier colleges, so that’s not a fair comparison at all lol.
I just find it astonishing how dense people are and yes it is hilarious
Well it may be cool for Mount St Joseph who is a very good DIII program to play Ohio State. Maybe they could compete like Maria Stein could compete with St Ed’s 😂
Also maybe you should work on how you respond to people. I understand making jokes and talking a little trash talk every now and then is part of the sport, but you seem to overdo it. People are more prone to respond better to someone like @NewOldBlood who made a polite and respectable comment without having to call me delusional to get his point across. You can have respectful debates without digging low
Also maybe you should work on how you respond to people. I understand making jokes and talking a little trash talk every now and then is part of the sport, but you seem to overdo it. People are more prone to respond better to someone like @NewOldBlood who made a polite and respectable comment without having to call me delusional to get his point across. You can have respectful debates without digging low
Oh, I’m sorry Karen, didn’t know you are so sensitive. My pappy used to say “if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen”
Can we talk about the game ? Both teams are having great success this year. This should be a great game. I don’t give a about what Marion local could do against other divisions. We will never know. This post is about wapakoneta and badin.
I take wapakoneta- go WBL
Wapakoneta 17badin 14.