Wapakoneta vs Badin

R12 has two very competitive Regional Semi-Finals. I tend to go against Drew Pasteur in these two instances and slightly favor both Badin and Tipp City. I do think both games are close and within a score in the 4th quarter. The Badin/Wapak game in particular looks like more of a defensive battle. I'm going with:

Badin 21
Wapak 17
Still not a “tirade” Karen, no anger involved. Just some good ole sarcasm that obviously some on here stupidly took as a real statement.
Here's a tip RR. If your sarcasm or humor have to be explained it is not good. I agree with Tucson your not funny.
I just have this weird suspicion that Badin wont be able to put up enough points against Wapakoneta and Wapakoneta sneaks out with a win.
Noted, and it’s “you’re” not funny. Alter education at work
Hey yo

Scott Hall Post GIF
While I do not have a dog in this fight, I will levy my prediction based on the games I have seen. Badin will likely want to slow the tempo and control the clock. Wapak will want to outscore Badin. I think both will be successful in that Badin will produce clock consuming drives and Wapak will score more quickly. I feel Badin can match Wapak score for score. Both are good teams and both deserve to be where they are. I just have to give the advantage to Badin’s 12-0 record against a very difficult schedule and very diverse opponents this season. While some look at the score lines as a show of weakness, I view it as Badin being better able to adapt and execute diverse game plans to get the W. Wapak has dropped two of their most competitive games this season. I think they do the same here. Badin 31. Wapak 27
The key to this game will be 3rd down conversion, in my opinion. Wapak is stout against the run and likes to get their opponent in passing situations on third down. The will often blitz in those situations and have been susceptible to long plays when they don’t get to the QB, fortunately they are normally successful with that pressure. If Badin handles it well they will probably win, but I’ll take Wapak in a close one, 31-28.
The key to this game will be 3rd down conversion, in my opinion. Wapak is stout against the run and likes to get their opponent in passing situations on third down. The will often blitz in those situations and have been susceptible to long plays when they don’t get to the QB, fortunately they are normally successful with that pressure. If Badin handles it well they will probably win, but I’ll take Wapak in a close one, 31-28.
Certainly seems like a plausible story line. When you get to week 13, there are no easy games (Except Marion Local in DVII). The teams left deserve to be here and all teams are beatable. Who comes out to play.......... Should be some great games tomorrow. Good luck to all....
The key to this game will be 3rd down conversion, in my opinion. Wapak is stout against the run and likes to get their opponent in passing situations on third down. The will often blitz in those situations and have been susceptible to long plays when they don’t get to the QB, fortunately they are normally successful with that pressure. If Badin handles it well they will probably win, but I’ll take Wapak in a close one, 31-28.
Badin gets the ball out quickly and their QB is pretty mobile. On the other hand, Badin isn’t a juggernaut running the football. Badin has shot itself in the foot with penalties and turnovers but has seemed to have cleaned that up somewhat. Badin defensively is bend but don’t break and are hard to score on in the red zone. Should be a dandy as I think these are the best two teams in the region
Wapakoneta 31
Badin 20

Wapak vs Tipp next Friday for the D3 Region 12 Championship
The key to this game will be 3rd down conversion, in my opinion. Wapak is stout against the run and likes to get their opponent in passing situations on third down. The will often blitz in those situations and have been susceptible to long plays when they don’t get to the QB, fortunately they are normally successful with that pressure. If Badin handles it well they will probably win, but I’ll take Wapak in a close one, 31-28.
Badin has only given up more than 14 points twice this year, Alter (24) and McNick (35). Wapak has a legit chance to win, but I don't see them putting up 31 points. I'll taken Badin in a defensive struggle and I won't be surprised if neither team gets to 20.
Badin has only given up more than 14 points twice this year, Alter (24) and McNick (35). Wapak has a legit chance to win, but I don't see them putting up 31 points. I'll taken Badin in a defensive struggle and I won't be surprised if neither team gets to 20.
I don’t know about Badin enough to make a proper judgement on them, but I think people are heavily sleeping on Wapak’s offense. Since those first 2 games, they have averaged almost 40 points a game. They have a very smart and mobile qb, a beast at running back, very good, fast wide receivers, a huge d1 tightend, one of the best kickers in the region, and to top it all off, a very big and strong oline. They’re offense is MUCH better than it was last year and they are all around a much more complete team. I don’t doubt that Badins defense is really good but I don’t think they’ve faced as complete of a team as Wapak yet, I definitely would not be surprised if Wapak scored over 20 points on them this year. BUT that’s no disrespect to Badin because I think they’ll be Wapak’s toughest opponent so far this year too besides maybe Marion and I think it’ll be a very good, competitive game. My original prediction for this game was Wapak 24-14 but I’m thinking it’ll be closer than that now. I’m saying Wapak 27-24.
These two played last year and Badin won by a TD. Last years Badin team was mostly juniors so obviously most of them are seniors now 😂
I’ll go
Badin 24
Wapak 21
I doubt Badin will have many fans other than moms and dads. The teams fans think they have no chance so they’re not going to drive all the way to Greenville
Why send a fan base like Wapak has to a small stadium it's ridiculous
Not sure why everyone is writing off Badin here. I understand that Wapak is playing well, but let's not forget that Badin doesn't hide from competition. They are pretty battle-tested and seem to be healthy. Badin has a great 50/50 attack on offense and their defense is pretty solid. You don't go undefeated and have a lot of holes really. A lot of people are quick to compare year-to-year teams and don't realize that EVERY team loses valuable seniors each year.

Should be a good game nonetheless....
Their offensive line is big but they are slow and not physical. It is going to be a long night up front.
Their offensive line is big but they are slow and not physical. It is going to be a long night up front.
Welcome to yappi with your first post.
With that being said......why did you quote four posts and then not reply to any of them? Also which o-line are you talking about? Who is "their"? I assume since you are from Wapak you are talking about Badin o-line?