Troy Davis out as Louisville Leopards Head Coach

I would LOVE to see Johnson leave town. Not sure who the younger coaches at Salem would be, if they can't spark the Quakers I don't see how they'd spark the Leps.
After 8th grade you have 4 or more QB's who think they are good because they play against a bunch of kids who will never see the varsity field. Sure they played against one or two decent defensive players but overall they took advantage of fair to poor athletes that didn't challenge them. Play against better competition with more speed of play and bigger stronger players to develope elite players at each position.
Oh, and find a coach who knows how to prepare players for a games and be a good leader to his assitant coaches.
I don't think sending the Little Leps All-stars to play against Massillon, Lake, and Jackson would do a lot of good. There's not a lot of merit to the tough competition breeds success strategy
Reading through this thread sounds like what has happened at Springfield over the years, and look at where they’re at now. I realize Springfield's issues run deeper than just football but the similarities should be alarming.
The LL program of old when there were numbers prepared our kids for freshman football, that’s not debatable, look at the records. The current LL program with low numbers will start to show the opposite imo The purpose of any youth program should be to prepare those kids for the next level, whatever level that is. Problem I have is these 8th graders have fed off of sub par competition so did the class ahead of them as well as the class behind them. This will show up at the freshman level, when we start fielding sub par teams. No coach that comes in here will find success until the problems/numbers of our youth program get fixed. There is no reinvention of the wheel here. There is a roadmap for successful varsity teams and it all starts at the youth level.
The LL program of old when there were numbers prepared our kids for freshman football, that’s not debatable, look at the records. The current LL program with low numbers will start to show the opposite imo The purpose of any youth program should be to prepare those kids for the next level, whatever level that is. Problem I have is these 8th graders have fed off of sub par competition so did the class ahead of them as well as the class behind them. This will show up at the freshman level, when we start fielding sub par teams. No coach that comes in here will find success until the problems/numbers of our youth program get fixed. There is no reinvention of the wheel here. There is a roadmap for successful varsity teams and it all starts at the youth level.
Spot on.

I hope the search committee realizes that this is the solution forward. Not looking for the most avantgarde offensive mind. Mirror what the basketball program has been doing and increase the numbers.
Whoever they get, wish them the best. Will need to really evaluate what the LL program is about as it has changed. Congratulations to Davide, Morley, And Gates on being names to Inland District team.
I think people tend to automatically blame the youth program when their varsity program struggles. It is very important, however, it is not the main reason Louisville is struggling. The fact is 6-4 or 5-5 will be successful with the schedule you play. I hope you find a great coach but I also hope your have realistic expectations.
I don't think sending the Little Leps All-stars to play against Massillon, Lake, and Jackson would do a lot of good. There's not a lot of merit to the tough competition breeds success strategy
Totally agree. I love it when people say oh we need to play the toughest competition we can like that's magically going to make them run faster and become stronger. Often times the inverse happens and there's no growth because of getting dominated.
I don't think sending the Little Leps All-stars to play against Massillon, Lake, and Jackson would do a lot of good. There's not a lot of merit to the tough competition breeds success strategy
Who said anything about taking LL “all-stars to go play Massillon, Lake, and Jackson? Cuz I read the post you quoted and that’s not what I read. It’s like you were having a conversation with yourself.
I think people tend to automatically blame the youth program when their varsity program struggles. It is very important, however, it is not the main reason Louisville is struggling. The fact is 6-4 or 5-5 will be successful with the schedule you play. I hope you find a great coach but I also hope your have realistic expectations.
You sure have an opinion on everything Louisville and seem to always play both sides of the fence. Nobody “automatically” blamed the youth program for the struggles of the varsity program. Some of us that actually know what’s going on are discussing weather it’s feasible to continue a LL program that’s struggling to field 4 teams, or turning it over to the school and doing it like all the other schools do it. As far as a coach goes, if the administration doesn’t screw it up the guy is above what most people’s expectations were.
You sure have an opinion on everything Louisville and seem to always play both sides of the fence. Nobody “automatically” blamed the youth program for the struggles of the varsity program. Some of us that actually know what’s going on are discussing weather it’s feasible to continue a LL program that’s struggling to field 4 teams, or turning it over to the school and doing it like all the other schools do it. As far as a coach goes, if the administration doesn’t screw it up the guy is above what most people’s expectations were.
What are most people's expectations?
What are most people's expectations?
People in Louisville have high expectations, and they should, it shows that they still care.
People on here that don’t like Louisville think that no coach worth a nickel would want the job.
Fact is that many known and accomplished coaches currently coaching elsewhere want the job, some want it really bad.
Until Louisville gets into a league and a competitive schedule why would anyone want the job? Louisville was the big dog of the NBC, now they are playing a much more challenging schedule. The kids aren't playing softer and not making an effort! The fact is with the current situation schedule wise the results will not vary much!
The classic "I know but I'm not telling" post, wouldn't be a coaching search thread without it
I do know who applied, and it’s not my place to post it on a message board. Kinda surprised as much as you know about our program, that you don’t?
You sure have an opinion on everything Louisville and seem to always play both sides of the fence. Nobody “automatically” blamed the youth program for the struggles of the varsity program. Some of us that actually know what’s going on are discussing weather it’s feasible to continue a LL program that’s struggling to field 4 teams, or turning it over to the school and doing it like all the other schools do it. As far as a coach goes, if the administration doesn’t screw it up the guy is above what most people’s expectations were.
I stated that because the cop out in Minerva is to blame the youth program for the varsity's lack of success. The fact is we had a coach that didn't value the youth program nor paid any attention to it - he really didn't pay much attention tot he 7/8 grade teams. Meanwhile, all of the other EBC teams play in the exact same format as us and have success. My point is if you have a coach that pays attention to the youth program then you will breed football players. I don't think that is an issue in Louisville, i think the issue is playing a D1 and D2 schedule.

I will bow of this thread because i don't want an outside opinion to hurt your feelings! but before I do I will give you my opinion- Louisville is playing bigger schools, an independent schedule which means really nothing to play for - the kids can't even get an all league selection, the teams can't play spoiler let alone play for a regular season championship. Their week 10 game is against a team an WV, not a big thrill for the kids. If I were a Louisville fan I would be more concerned about finding a league than getting the perfect coach because he doesn't exist this in your format. Until then expect 3-4 win seasons.
Years of the NBC IMO inflated some of the program. They could show up and easily win 5-6 games a year. Now, without the NBC it is exposing that a little more because they have to play up and pay better teams week in and week out. They need someone to come in there and essentially (again IMO) reorganize and reenergize the program, but they will have to be able to handle some influential people with unrealistic expectations early.

This is a solid job, nice facilities, a hunger to be win, and I would think a board and admin team who will back the next candidate. The one major question will be the levy and how that affects who they can hire and if they can bring anyone with them if they want to.

Sometimes in a situation like this, you might not be able to hire the perfect candidate, but more, hire a good cadidate who fits what you can offer position wise.
You sure have an opinion on everything Louisville and seem to always play both sides of the fence. Nobody “automatically” blamed the youth program for the struggles of the varsity program. Some of us that actually know what’s going on are discussing weather it’s feasible to continue a LL program that’s struggling to field 4 teams, or turning it over to the school and doing it like all the other schools do it. As far as a coach goes, if the administration doesn’t screw it up the guy is above what most people’s expectations were.
I was really surprised when I heard one of the names that had a second interview. Never would have imagined he would have applied and as far as I know I haven't seen his name posted anywhere as a possibility. Would be a huge hire if it happens.
I was really surprised when I heard one of the names that had a second interview. Never would have imagined he would have applied and as far as I know I haven't seen his name posted anywhere as a possibility. Would be a huge hire if it happens.
This job is honestly a good job and I think people realize the community and school are hungry to win again and will back someone who can get it turned around
Before hiring any coach the BOE needs to form a committee and sit in a room all together and figure out how they got into this mess and who deserves the blame and make sure they Have a plan for the future picture and build something new.
1. Who is responsible for the NBC mess? And did they learn anything?
2. Who is responsible for the schedule full of of Fed schools, Massillon and other big football programs that past few years? Does anyone have plans to get a schedule that can have a chance to be winnable?
3. Who is responsible for not being in a league after these years since leaving the NBC? Or developed strong rivals for the program like maybe Canfield, Dover or NP. And who can get those things going for the program?
4. Who is going to take charge of the LL program and determine its future and possible development into a regular middle school program? Or Are they going to wait until they have 5 kids on each team playing tag?
5. Who is going to be taking charge of school athletics and allow a coach to come in and develop their own program without the outside influence from the 1,000 + coaches that sit in the stands on Friday nights?
Before hiring any coach the BOE needs to form a committee and sit in a room all together and figure out how they got into this mess and who deserves the blame and make sure they Have a plan for the future picture and build something new.
1. Who is responsible for the NBC mess? And did they learn anything?
2. Who is responsible for the schedule full of of Fed schools, Massillon and other big football programs that past few years? Does anyone have plans to get a schedule that can have a chance to be winnable?
3. Who is responsible for not being in a league after these years since leaving the NBC? Or developed strong rivals for the program like maybe Canfield, Dover or NP. And who can get those things going for the program?
4. Who is going to take charge of the LL program and determine its future and possible development into a regular middle school program? Or Are they going to wait until they have 5 kids on each team playing tag?
5. Who is going to be taking charge of school athletics and allow a coach to come in and develop their own program without the outside influence from the 1,000 + coaches that sit in the stands on Friday nights?
A lot to unpack here, and I feel the frustration. I agree that those in the position need to figure out or at the least admit the problems that got us to where we are. But publicly they’re not going to come out and say “we didn’t have a job for a coach so we hired guys that didn’t need jobs”.
1) The teams in the current EBC that disbanded the former NBC are responsible, kinda cut and dry there, no need to beat a dead horse.
2) At the time of getting booted from the NBC, we weren’t given a 2-3 year warning. Current AD was not there at the time and a schedule needed filled somewhat quickly. Looked into the fed, and handled that poorly from the word go, it was a panic move. Issue I personally have with it is that it sure doesn’t seem like we’re trying to change anything. Schedule falls on coach and AD, but keep in mind that scheduling a team is a 2-way street…we can call the Marlington’s, WB’s, and Carrollton’s till we’re blue in the face and their not going to schedule us.
3) Again falls on the administration and coach, but we’re kinda in no man’s land with this. Can’t make teams form a league with you, but again it sure doesn’t seem like I hear much “in house” about this. Teams like Canfield, NP, and Dover know we’re not in a league, and nobody is knocking on the EBC’s door wanting in so perhaps we’re slow playing this till something happens. A league is for all sports not just football, and travel is a factor as well.
4) LL is its own entity. For 50 years was what could have been considered the gold standard for a youth program. Not now! You can try to revive numbers and keep 5/6 grade teams but 7/8 is a waste of time as it stands. How do you hold a football practice worth a s**t with 12 kids on a team? It’s done turn it over to the school!
5) Hire the guy with the best resume, that checks all the boxes. That guy applied, do it right this time. Quit pimping out to donors. I’ve never been to another high school football stadium where a narcissistic donor is actually permitted to be on the video screen stroking his own ego. Or a first down is “sponsored” by the freaking mayor. It’s out of control, and it’s not the guy in the stands hollering to quit running the option to the short side of the field. Or call a freaking TO. You give the new guy the keys to everything! Coaches don’t feel pressure from the guy in the stands, they feel pressure from the a-holes behind the scenes.
I would think any coach qualified to apply for this job would be smart enough to stay away from what seems like a toxic behind the scenes culture.
A lot to unpack here, and I feel the frustration. I agree that those in the position need to figure out or at the least admit the problems that got us to where we are. But publicly they’re not going to come out and say “we didn’t have a job for a coach so we hired guys that didn’t need jobs”.
1) The teams in the current EBC that disbanded the former NBC are responsible, kinda cut and dry there, no need to beat a dead horse.
2) At the time of getting booted from the NBC, we weren’t given a 2-3 year warning. Current AD was not there at the time and a schedule needed filled somewhat quickly. Looked into the fed, and handled that poorly from the word go, it was a panic move. Issue I personally have with it is that it sure doesn’t seem like we’re trying to change anything. Schedule falls on coach and AD, but keep in mind that scheduling a team is a 2-way street…we can call the Marlington’s, WB’s, and Carrollton’s till we’re blue in the face and their not going to schedule us.
3) Again falls on the administration and coach, but we’re kinda in no man’s land with this. Can’t make teams form a league with you, but again it sure doesn’t seem like I hear much “in house” about this. Teams like Canfield, NP, and Dover know we’re not in a league, and nobody is knocking on the EBC’s door wanting in so perhaps we’re slow playing this till something happens. A league is for all sports not just football, and travel is a factor as well.
4) LL is its own entity. For 50 years was what could have been considered the gold standard for a youth program. Not now! You can try to revive numbers and keep 5/6 grade teams but 7/8 is a waste of time as it stands. How do you hold a football practice worth a s**t with 12 kids on a team? It’s done turn it over to the school!
5) Hire the guy with the best resume, that checks all the boxes. That guy applied, do it right this time. Quit pimping out to donors. I’ve never been to another high school football stadium where a narcissistic donor is actually permitted to be on the video screen stroking his own ego. Or a first down is “sponsored” by the freaking mayor. It’s out of control, and it’s not the guy in the stands hollering to quit running the option to the short side of the field. Or call a freaking TO. You give the new guy the keys to everything! Coaches don’t feel pressure from the guy in the stands, they feel pressure from the a-holes behind the scenes.
The only way the current administration figures out a plausible solution is transferring COMPLETE control to the next coach. A turnaround leadership coach, revered for his ability to transform the current state of affairs program into a winner. Although this turnaround will be difficult to achieve considering the LL low turnout rates the past several years, which inversely impacts the Varsity level. The program is 18-31, .367 winning percentage since becoming an Independent in five seasons versus 41-12 (.774) the prior five season playing in a league (NBC). One can easily understand playing in the NBC versus going Independent against tougher competition is a key variable in the decline of winning percentage. However many other variables can be attributed to the downfall in which I will not divulge on. I sincerely hope for the program and specifically for the kids the future coach successfully leads a dramatic turnaround. However achieving the feat will require the right nucleus built around strong relationships with the players, leadership/coaching skills, and program buy-in. I believe "weeding the roses" in other words weeding out the negative behind the scenes influence will allow the better parts to grow and prosper. Regardless of the schedule, whether Independent or league - hopefully the new coach will develop a vision for the program to transform Louisville football back to tradition we all hold dear locally. So, all things considered formulating a winning blueprint leading to a great amount of success in the near future will not be an easy task by any stretch. And yes a serious discussion/evaluation of the LL situation is completely necessary for the successful revival of the program.
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A lot to unpack here, and I feel the frustration. I agree that those in the position need to figure out or at the least admit the problems that got us to where we are. But publicly they’re not going to come out and say “we didn’t have a job for a coach so we hired guys that didn’t need jobs”.
1) The teams in the current EBC that disbanded the former NBC are responsible, kinda cut and dry there, no need to beat a dead horse.
2) At the time of getting booted from the NBC, we weren’t given a 2-3 year warning. Current AD was not there at the time and a schedule needed filled somewhat quickly. Looked into the fed, and handled that poorly from the word go, it was a panic move. Issue I personally have with it is that it sure doesn’t seem like we’re trying to change anything. Schedule falls on coach and AD, but keep in mind that scheduling a team is a 2-way street…we can call the Marlington’s, WB’s, and Carrollton’s till we’re blue in the face and their not going to schedule us.
3) Again falls on the administration and coach, but we’re kinda in no man’s land with this. Can’t make teams form a league with you, but again it sure doesn’t seem like I hear much “in house” about this. Teams like Canfield, NP, and Dover know we’re not in a league, and nobody is knocking on the EBC’s door wanting in so perhaps we’re slow playing this till something happens. A league is for all sports not just football, and travel is a factor as well.
4) LL is its own entity. For 50 years was what could have been considered the gold standard for a youth program. Not now! You can try to revive numbers and keep 5/6 grade teams but 7/8 is a waste of time as it stands. How do you hold a football practice worth a s**t with 12 kids on a team? It’s done turn it over to the school!
5) Hire the guy with the best resume, that checks all the boxes. That guy applied, do it right this time. Quit pimping out to donors. I’ve never been to another high school football stadium where a narcissistic donor is actually permitted to be on the video screen stroking his own ego. Or a first down is “sponsored” by the freaking mayor. It’s out of control, and it’s not the guy in the stands hollering to quit running the option to the short side of the field. Or call a freaking TO. You give the new guy the keys to everything! Coaches don’t feel pressure from the guy in the stands, they feel pressure from the a-holes behind the scenes.
Good job! But we need the powers to be to understand these points. Your answer to number 5 is what all that needs to said.