Troy Davis out as Louisville Leopards Head Coach

Louisville may already have their "favorite" and I'm not sure if this head coach would even consider it, but it would be a mistake for Louisville to not check if there's any interest from Broc Dial at Dalton. He may be comfortable staying at Dalton, but it would be negligence to not gauge his interest level.

I don't know Dial personally (never even met the guy), but I have a relative that is a Chippewa grad and we've talked about the WCAL many times. Every time he brings up Dalton, he has had nothing but great things to say about Broc Dial and Dalton. And looking at his resume, I believe he could turn the program around at Louisville. I believe he's a Northwest grad, so maybe a return to Stark County might be intriguing to him?
I’m very close to the Dalton situation and no disrespect to Louisville, but he’s not leaving Dalton for the foreseeable future. He could have had the opportunity to go to Northwest a couple years ago and wasn’t interested in even going to his alma mater.
We’ll see if the administration learned its lesson after the last 2 tries.
If the administration is committed to the program, solid coaches will apply.
By committed I mean you have to offer a job along with the position. You won’t get any coaches (other than Twiddy) that will even apply unless there’s a teaching job to go with it. Last 2 tries we offered no job. I’ll go even further and offer the winning applicant 2 other positions for his choice of OC and DC. Don’t tell me it can’t be done, and watch what happens when you do it. Do Not, I repeat, Do Not hire anyone currently on staff as the head coach. If they truly want to coach Louisville football they will reach out and interview with the new hire and probably get a shot. We’ve got some of the nicest facilities anywhere, a volunteer support staff that will get behind the right guy, and a school system that any teacher worth salt can succeed in. It’s a good job and a great opportunity for the right guy who’s willing to build this program back. When you find that guy then you can cross the bridges of youth football, schedule, and possible league. First you need a coach.
Most Never learn. Too many experts that have No clue. Good luck 👍
Saw in yesterday’s Rep that the PAC-7 was looking for a new member to replace CVCA. Louisville should jump on that
Dover would be a good choice. Philly just joined a new league. They’re probably not leaving any time soon
I’m very close to the Dalton situation and no disrespect to Louisville, but he’s not leaving Dalton for the foreseeable future. He could have had the opportunity to go to Northwest a couple years ago and wasn’t interested in even going to his alma mater.
Fair enough. I wasn't sure if he would consider leaving, especially with what he's built there at Dalton. I believe they had a young team this year too? Interested to see that Kirtland game Week 1 next year.

Louisville needs a coach similar to him to lead their program which is partially why I mentioned him.
So who are some of the people you would like to see as the new head coach at Louisville? Obviously the success of AJ Sarbaugh and Dial make them intriguing prospects. Who else? Any coordinators? Any coaches not from Stark County?
So who are some of the people you would like to see as the new head coach at Louisville? Obviously the success of AJ Sarbaugh and Dial make them intriguing prospects. Who else? Any coordinators? Any coaches not from Stark County?
Is Louisville a program that can attract some really good up and coming coaches? Is it worth it to leave a school like Fairless to go to a school with no league and schedule that makes a 5-5 record successful? Can Louisville make financially appealing? They may need to find an unproven young guy with very strong ties to Louisville and they need to find a league or at the very least schedule appropriately. If the can somehow manage to get back into the EBC that would instantly make this job more appealing. it is very rare that a school can find a lot of success without a league.
Lateral move at this point in time.
bingo, plus he has created a nice culture there and they have solid admin, why would you leave that situation to go to Louisville? He doesn't seem like a ladder climbing guy to me, unless the Hoover job was open haha
What if Minerva or Carrollton leave for the PAC? Would that reopen the door for the EBC for Louisville? They would have probably lost to WB and Alliance this year, Salem is really good and Carrollton would have challenged them too.
I agree with you, NBC. As for the EBC, they might get backed into a corner and take Louisville. However, I think the PAC is where it'll get interesting. I have a hunch Minerva will try very hard to get in the PAC. That likely means Carrollton is the Paul Roma to Minerva's S.D. Jones.*

*Pro wrestling tag team analogy.
I’m very close to the Dalton situation and no disrespect to Louisville, but he’s not leaving Dalton for the foreseeable future. He could have had the opportunity to go to Northwest a couple years ago and wasn’t interested in even going to his alma mater.
When you can be in the same stadium as the always undefeated Dalton Marching Machine, you don't want to leave.
Sources close to the Fairless program tell me Sarbaugh will have tons of holes to fill for next year and it could be a major challenge with what the Falcons have returning. Probably hasn't faced this type of a hurdle since becoming the head coach. Question is will he be up to that challenge? Would it be worth the risk if things go south, if he indeed wants to coach in federal someday? Have know idea if Sarbaugh would have interest in the Louisville job or not, would be attractive for coaches in the sense that a coach could show the ability to compete closely against the top federal teams and possibly win a few, plus a 500 or better record would really look good. What better way to add to a resume for a coach looking to advance
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Sources close to the Fairless program tell me Sarbaugh will have tons of holes to fill for next year and it could be a major challenge with what the Falcons have returning. Probably hasn't faced this type of a hurdle since becoming the head coach. Question is will he be up to that challenge? Would it be worth the risk if things go south, if he indeed wants to coach in federal someday? The Louisville job would also be attractive for coaches in the sense that a coach could show the ability to compete closely against the top federal teams and possibly win a few. What better way to add to a resume for a coach looking to advance
If I am Louisville or a fed school I'd be sure to investigate the MS/Youth programs of any coach I am considering hiring. If the coach rode a "good class" to a good record but the numbers are down at the MS/Youth levels I'd stay away from that guy.
Sources close to the Fairless program tell me Sarbaugh will have tons of holes to fill for next year and it could be a major challenge with what the Falcons have returning. Probably hasn't faced this type of a hurdle since becoming the head coach. Question is will he be up to that challenge? Would it be worth the risk if things go south, if he indeed wants to coach in federal someday? Have know idea if Sarbaugh would have interest in the Louisville job or not, would be attractive for coaches in the sense that a coach could show the ability to compete closely against the top federal teams and possibly win a few, plus a 500 or better record would really look good. What better way to add to a resume for a coach looking to advance
well it will be a good opportunity for him to show how good of a coach he is. I mean, its easy to do well when you have the dudes, what about when you have to develop some dudes and still compete, that shows me how good a coach and their staff are.

also, didn't Louisville sniff around the Massillon staff for a candidate last time? Might give it another shot.

You think Balderson tries to get another shot as an HC? I am sure there will be some surprising names that surface in the applicant pool as well.
well it will be a good opportunity for him to show how good of a coach he is. I mean, its easy to do well when you have the dudes, what about when you have to develop some dudes and still compete, that shows me how good a coach and their staff are.

also, didn't Louisville sniff around the Massillon staff for a candidate last time? Might give it another shot.

You think Balderson tries to get another shot as an HC? I am sure there will be some surprising names that surface in the applicant pool as well.
Surely you jest when mentioning Balderson
A.J. Sarbaugh from Fairless?
If Louisville is smart they will pass on this.

#1 - His Fairless teams have been very undisciplined and essentially cost themselves an outright PAC title because of penalties.
#2 - The lower levels of his program are bad. He inherited a perfect class and that's gone now.
#3 - There are no Tusky Valleys or Tuslaws on Louisville's schedule where you get wins just by breathing.

I think most PAC fans think Fairless has completely underachieved the last two seasons.
Is Louisville a program that can attract some really good up and coming coaches? Is it worth it to leave a school like Fairless to go to a school with no league and schedule that makes a 5-5 record successful? Can Louisville make financially appealing? They may need to find an unproven young guy with very strong ties to Louisville and they need to find a league or at the very least schedule appropriately. If the can somehow manage to get back into the EBC that would instantly make this job more appealing. it is very rare that a school can find a lot of success without a league.
So I'll throw out 3 names that I would kick the tires on if I was Louisville. All 3 may not be interested but I would at least look at all 3.

#1 - Matt Lancaster (Indian Valley) - Lancaster has built a very solid program at Indian Valley. The Braves play a more traditional, physical style of football that is very fun to watch. They are very fundamentally sound and most importantly he has built a really good youth program that serves as a consistent feeder program. He's been at IV for 16 years so he may not be interested but Louisville would be a huge jump in teaching pay for him from Indian Valley.

#2 - Seth Whiting (Minster) - I would check on this just because of his connection to Stark County. He may not be willing to come back especially since he mentioned one of the reasons to go to Minster was to be nearer his parents but you never know. I'd at least call.

#3 - Chris Schmidt (New Bremen) - The New Bremen turnaround has been one of the most impressive things in Ohio football. To take a program that was nearly shut down and turn it into a state championship level winning program (with a big roster) in the toughest conference in Ohio is crazy. Obviously, that school district has done a lot of things right considering their success across multiple sports in the last decade and perhaps Schmidt would be willing to try and replicate that at a bigger school.

Once again, all three are probably unlikely but until you call you never know.
So I'll throw out 3 names that I would kick the tires on if I was Louisville. All 3 may not be interested but I would at least look at all 3.

#1 - Matt Lancaster (Indian Valley) - Lancaster has built a very solid program at Indian Valley. The Braves play a more traditional, physical style of football that is very fun to watch. They are very fundamentally sound and most importantly he has built a really good youth program that serves as a consistent feeder program. He's been at IV for 16 years so he may not be interested but Louisville would be a huge jump in teaching pay for him from Indian Valley.

#2 - Seth Whiting (Minster) - I would check on this just because of his connection to Stark County. He may not be willing to come back especially since he mentioned one of the reasons to go to Minster was to be nearer his parents but you never know. I'd at least call.

#3 - Chris Schmidt (New Bremen) - The New Bremen turnaround has been one of the most impressive things in Ohio football. To take a program that was nearly shut down and turn it into a state championship level winning program (with a big roster) in the toughest conference in Ohio is crazy. Obviously, that school district has done a lot of things right considering their success across multiple sports in the last decade and perhaps Schmidt would be willing to try and replicate that at a bigger school.

Once again, all three are probably unlikely but until you call you never know.
All good choices but is Louisville a good enough situation to lure any of them?? I know It will be extremely hard to lure Lancaster away from Indian Valley. He has a great program, brand new stadium and his teams are as excellent yearly. Louisville is probably not a big jump for him, if at all. They had a big game with Steubenville Saturday night- when Minerva played them in 2017 and 2018 they were by far the best team we played those years.
So I'll throw out 3 names that I would kick the tires on if I was Louisville. All 3 may not be interested but I would at least look at all 3.

#1 - Matt Lancaster (Indian Valley) - Lancaster has built a very solid program at Indian Valley. The Braves play a more traditional, physical style of football that is very fun to watch. They are very fundamentally sound and most importantly he has built a really good youth program that serves as a consistent feeder program. He's been at IV for 16 years so he may not be interested but Louisville would be a huge jump in teaching pay for him from Indian Valley.

#2 - Seth Whiting (Minster) - I would check on this just because of his connection to Stark County. He may not be willing to come back especially since he mentioned one of the reasons to go to Minster was to be nearer his parents but you never know. I'd at least call.

#3 - Chris Schmidt (New Bremen) - The New Bremen turnaround has been one of the most impressive things in Ohio football. To take a program that was nearly shut down and turn it into a state championship level winning program (with a big roster) in the toughest conference in Ohio is crazy. Obviously, that school district has done a lot of things right considering their success across multiple sports in the last decade and perhaps Schmidt would be willing to try and replicate that at a bigger school.

Once again, all three are probably unlikely but until you call you never know.
Only way the Ville could lure away a coach from a established program is to offer them a do nothin administrators job such as dean of students, asst. athletic director etc that pays 90-100 k a year that way he's only coaching football, can't be cheap if you want to win
If Louisville is smart they will pass on this.

#1 - His Fairless teams have been very undisciplined and essentially cost themselves an outright PAC title because of penalties.
#2 - The lower levels of his program are bad. He inherited a perfect class and that's gone now.
#3 - There are no Tusky Valleys or Tuslaws on Louisville's schedule where you get wins just by breathing.

I think most PAC fans think Fairless has completely underachieved the last two seasons.
Spot on observation, but Stow must have seen sumthin to have reached out to him, what sayeth you?
So I'll throw out 3 names that I would kick the tires on if I was Louisville. All 3 may not be interested but I would at least look at all 3.

#1 - Matt Lancaster (Indian Valley) - Lancaster has built a very solid program at Indian Valley. The Braves play a more traditional, physical style of football that is very fun to watch. They are very fundamentally sound and most importantly he has built a really good youth program that serves as a consistent feeder program. He's been at IV for 16 years so he may not be interested but Louisville would be a huge jump in teaching pay for him from Indian Valley.

#2 - Seth Whiting (Minster) - I would check on this just because of his connection to Stark County. He may not be willing to come back especially since he mentioned one of the reasons to go to Minster was to be nearer his parents but you never know. I'd at least call.

#3 - Chris Schmidt (New Bremen) - The New Bremen turnaround has been one of the most impressive things in Ohio football. To take a program that was nearly shut down and turn it into a state championship level winning program (with a big roster) in the toughest conference in Ohio is crazy. Obviously, that school district has done a lot of things right considering their success across multiple sports in the last decade and perhaps Schmidt would be willing to try and replicate that at a bigger school.

Once again, all three are probably unlikely but until you call you never know.
Honestly, Those communities in the MAC are great places to live and raise a family. You can still coach kids hard and the vast majority come from 2 parent households which is a huge advantage. Actually heard Chip Otten mention that once as one of the reasons he feels they have consistent success. Why Schimdt or Whiting (even though he is a stark county guy) would want to leave situations like that would be crazy to me. Plus the competition down there is top notch.