I just wondered if you polled the owners that overspend and don't win what they think? I mean do you overspend this year, next year, and years to come? I mean that's bad business. See the meaning of success is different for owners than they are fans. Owners win, almost no matter what. I mean if the Dolans put the Indians up for sale, they'd make a HUGE profit. They really don't need to sell. If you own a home, do you sell it just because you can make alot of money on it? No. It's an investment and investments grow over time.
And for the Dolans, if Nashville comes a calling..that's even better, have Cleveland and Nashville get into a bidding war over the team. The Dodgers won their first world series since the 1980's!! They have been epic playoff failures for decades with the largest payrolls in baseball! That's bad business. Now the Dodgers have much, much, MUCH deeper pockets so it's all relative.