St Ignatius Football 2021

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I used to think there was a lot of long term vision in Kyle’s heavy preference for seniors. It kept kids in the program for four years: you never know how kids will develop over time, having a better scout team in practice helps, etc. But that was also an age when Ignatius had top flight talent all over the field in every single class and those days are long gone. They need to get the best players on the field each year and have a bias toward the younger kids so they can develop them for the future. The chance to play early also counts a lot more for kids today, so that’s a chance to help close the talent gap with other area programs.
What we are experiencing today/this season is the result of the downhill slide that started about three years ago. Bad, really bad decisions based upon ------- I truly do not know. The results of these horrible coaching
decsions are what we see now. It's not about a 40 year gold watch, it's about the kids and THEIR legacy.
Know when it's time. A 30 year silver watch would have been just fine.......
Retiring from football recently : Restifo and Dan Corrigan. Say what you want about Restifo - he always had his quarterbacks ready to play. Franzinger has done a good job with the defense, but I don't know about the quality of the assistants on both sides of the ball.
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