Some Potentially Very Good News: Hydroxychloroquine and Z-pac

He has already said that there were several potential drugs for which the early results were very encouraging. Several weeks ago. He was, of course, mocked for being uninformed and positive.
No it wasn't. Yes he wants a cure or even a magic cure...but he has nothing to do with the science and has been continually spewing nonsense.
tweet same people trump medical advice say bill bye scientist gore and 16 year old girl climate bill gates doctor
LOL. Well done sir. Well done. Let's see how the imbecile unhappygobroke answers this one.
I know it may scare you but..."May induce mental clarity and cure TDS" is not much of a warning.

Can you please give me a list of all the prescription drugs that do not come with a warning?
I have been having this conversation with another Liberal on another board. The Liberal was going on and on about how Hydroxychlorodine can cause a heart attack and other side affects. I asked them have they read the list of side affects for the medicines they subscribe to and do they listen to all the disclaimers when a drug is advertised on TV. The Left is so transparent it's pathetic. It's all about about Hating Trump. A good one to the poster in the other board said they'd rather take advice from a doctor than from President Trump but then agreed with the Democrat Governors who were blocking the use of the drug. It's simply amazing how they can keep a straight face when attacking Trump while ignoring their own two faced hypocrisy.
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I have been having this conversation with another Liberal on another board. The Liberal was going on and on about how Hydroxychlorodine can cause a heart attack and other side affects. I asked them have they read the list of side affects for the medicines they subscribe to and do they listen to all the disclaimers when a drug is advertised on TV. The Left is so transparent it's pathetic. It's all about about Hating Trump. A good one to the poster in the other board said they'd rather take advice from a doctor than from President Trump but then agreed with the Democrat Governors who were blciking the use of the drug. It's simply amazing how they can keep a straight face when attacking Trump while ignoring their own two faced hypocrisy.

There is no cure for TDS, not even in death it appears.
Haven’t heard much about this miracle drug in the last week or so ? Not from State TV czar Sean Hannity , not from Secretary Ingraham either . Trump stopped talking about the stockpiles of the “ What do you have to lose drug “ .What happened ? Oh a study was coming out that was going to show it was more ineffective than effective percentage wise . Oh well. And no I was not hoping it failed because Trump toured it so strongly . I am for a miracle drug or drugs just as much as the EC is . I noticed the abrupt non mentioning of it . Now I know why
Probably a good thing lotr couldn’t get the combo.
Was thinking the same exact thing , but refrained from mentioning it . Again I want as much great news as anyone including treatments and of course a vaccine , Justifiably so I have little confidence in the leaderships ability to tell us the truth or be competent enough to have some kind of consistent plan of action . Long road ahead .
Combo has helped some folks, not helped others. Intelligent people understand that human bodies are not all the same and react to any virus differently.
Combo has helped some folks, not helped others. Intelligent people understand that human bodies are not all the same and react to any virus differently.
The point is it was touted as a possible “ game changer by the President and by Fox State TV. In the study more people died after taking it than were cured ,
I suspect it will have some benefits for a small subset but won’t be the miracle drug Trump pounded the podium over.
Also that a man can identify as a woman on a whim and it’s totally cool for them to participate in sports vs women
Bill Nye is an actual scientist though. The dude has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell and worked at Boeing. He quit to become the Science Guy we all know today, so I'd say the things he says are more credible than the others on that list.