PAC 2023

This is the hypocrisy I was talking about. You don't get to decide what offends me. Just like I don't get to tell you it's not ok to be offended by the Indian nickname of mascot. We all have the same rights and protections. So why is it offensive to you, but "uncomfortable" to me? I have every right to be offended as you or anyone else does.....

Which leads me back to another previous point.....where do we draw the line? There is no agreeable point or way to determine what might be offensive to some.......let's get a PETA representative in here.....they'll probably be offended at animal nicknames....

We all have choice....and can choose not to attend school or events if we don't agree with a name or mascot. We live in a country where the most important job in the world is done by vote, which is usually determined by a majority rules vote. We are making major changes in this country, for very small amounts of voices/people/ has to stop.
If you can't grasp the differences at play between how someone personally dresses themselves and someone dressing up as someone else in a Halloween costume fashion there's no conversation to be had. So rather than fill the thread up with more soapbox speeches and rebuttals, how about you think hard about your beloved Indians nickname and what traditions and history your district has that are intrinsically linked to that name with the exception of the fact that it has always been the nickname and list them out. Once you've completed that list, and I imagine it will be an incredibly short one, ask yourself if your connection to the name is because of your love of all the tradition and history connected to it or if something else is at play here. You don't have to post about it or reply to this, but just think about it deeply over the next few days
If you can't grasp the differences at play between how someone personally dresses themselves and someone dressing up as someone else in a Halloween costume fashion there's no conversation to be had. So rather than fill the thread up with more soapbox speeches and rebuttals, how about you think hard about your beloved Indians nickname and what traditions and history your district has that are intrinsically linked to that name with the exception of the fact that it has always been the nickname and list them out. Once you've completed that list, and I imagine it will be an incredibly short one, ask yourself if your connection to the name is because of your love of all the tradition and history connected to it or if something else is at play here. You don't have to post about it or reply to this, but just think about it deeply over the next few days
Tell me you're a Democrat, without telling me you're a Democrat.

Ok - I'll post it as soon as you tell me the same for all the other schools. Triway had a lot of Titans roaming those woods?! Any Kings or Queens reside in Cuyahoga Falls? Lots of Panthers roaming around New Franklin I don't know about??

AGAIN - I have the same rights to be offended by what offends me, as you do. Stop telling me I can't be offended at something just the same as you or anyone else. You can't have it both don't get to pick and choose what is offensive to everyone, it's OPINION BASED (which is most of the problem btw)
No offense, good sir, but Chicago is a complete and total disaster. A lost cause. A pit of misery. I wouldn't spend a thin dime in that cesspool, nor would I subject myself (or more importantly, my family) to that totalitarian, nightmarish hellscape. Hell, just driving through makes me nauseous. The better part of that city may be tolerable, but most of it sucks dong.
If you're not going to the North Carolina beaches, there is one answer in the region for your quick getaway needs and that's Cincinnata.

Christian Moerlein Brewery/Lager House at The Banks is hawt. Dive into the German culture. Get the sausage platter at Moerlein's.

Get a hot mett and some goetta.

Bum around Newport and Covington. Go to Ron's Roost, the American Sign Museum on Monmouth Avenue, Camp Washington chili, a cheese coney, or see a game at Nippert Stadium. Mount Adams for the view and yet another drink, see the sharks at the Newport Aquarium.

The coolest minor league baseball team - The Florence Y'alls.

The coolest grocery store - Jungle Jim's International Market.

Anyone offended by the name Indians, feel free to NOT attend those game this year! Capiche?

Anyways, I digress......You are right @cuyahogacuse there is loads of debate forum threads that this sideshow circus could move to....but I'm going to be done. Like I said, Left v Right....the debate has no end. Already too much energy wasted.

The Weight Room equipment at Northwest is's only a temporary home until the new facility is built. Have not heard a timeline on this project yet though....this year is already lost, so hopefully something that could be done and ready for 2024.
If you're not going to the North Carolina beaches, there is one answer in the region for your quick getaway needs and that's Cincinnata.

Christian Moerlein Brewery/Lager House at The Banks is hawt. Dive into the German culture. Get the sausage platter at Moerlein's.

Get a hot mett and some goetta.

Bum around Newport and Covington. Go to Ron's Roost, the American Sign Museum on Monmouth Avenue, Camp Washington chili, a cheese coney, or see a game at Nippert Stadium. Mount Adams for the view and yet another drink, see the sharks at the Newport Aquarium.

The coolest minor league baseball team - The Florence Y'alls.

The coolest grocery store - Jungle Jim's International Market.

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Now this, I can get behind. I'm going to move into a spot near Jungle Jim's. :love:
Tell me you're a Democrat, without telling me you're a Democrat.

Ok - I'll post it as soon as you tell me the same for all the other schools. Triway had a lot of Titans roaming those woods?! Any Kings or Queens reside in Cuyahoga Falls? Lots of Panthers roaming around New Franklin I don't know about??

AGAIN - I have the same rights to be offended by what offends me, as you do. Stop telling me I can't be offended at something just the same as you or anyone else. You can't have it both don't get to pick and choose what is offensive to everyone, it's OPINION BASED (which is most of the problem btw)
I'm not going to respond on this subject beyond this post but I think taking some time away from social media and reevaluating your us vs them mentality would do you some good. The world isn't as black and white as you think, lots of areas of gray and blending of ideologies exist. You were arguing in an argument that didn't really exist, I want to direct you to a few of the things I mentioned on this topic the last few days:
Northwest's nickname is awful, 200 other schools in the state with similar nicknames and it's not even a city ripe with history of's such a poor representative for a community that actually has some historical relevance to draw upon
The idea of a nickname isn't to "strike fear" into your opponents, it's to represent your community with something unique to them that they are proud of. Teams like the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Tennessee Volunteers, the West Virginia Mountaineers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers have undoubtedly some of the most passionate fanbases in all of sports in this country and that is in no small part because the branding surrounding their institutions uses things that are points of pride for their communities and puts that on a national scale for their people rally behind.
think hard about your beloved Indians nickname and what traditions and history your district has that are intrinsically linked to that name with the exception of the fact that it has always been the nickname and list them out.
You could make a very similar case for Canton South who seemingly drew their name from a hat,Fairless who after consolidating three districts with pretty decent nicknames somehow ended up with a new names worse than any of the previous names, and Triway who simply picked a name because it started with the same letter as the school district but none of those districts have to deal with the yearly embarrassment that Northwest (and unfortunately my Carrollton Warriors) do
The entire idea of the name change is that it's a poor fit and bad representation of an otherwise proud community, you even asked the question:
I'll post it as soon as you tell me the same for all the other schools. Triway had a lot of Titans roaming those woods?! Any Kings or Queens reside in Cuyahoga Falls? Lots of Panthers roaming around New Franklin I don't know about??
Which further reinforces my point, there's lots of poor nicknames out there that could benefit massively from a well thought out rebrand. If you remove your emotions from it we're really relatively close to each other on this and I think you realize that. Like I said from the beginning:
Set aside the arguments of if it is offensive or not, it's such a poor representative for a community
I hope you can take something positive from this interaction and can start to evaluate your sources of community pride and what actually makes your town a place you're proud to represent and how the history of it serves to strengthen it. I really think you should do this
Think hard about your beloved nickname and what traditions and history your district has that are intrinsically linked to that name
I really think you'll start to see what I was hoping to show you from the beginning.
@ShootNation I will 100% agree with you - if a name change was required, there are several unique and creative nicknames that could be used based on history and geography. Not debating that with you at all. And yes, it'd be awesome if each school district tried to focus on this. Our disagreement is just for the overall NEED to make those changes.

In a vacuum....I couldn't care less about the nicknames of schools. Are there some dumb ones out there? Absolutely! I just don't subscribe to being offended by a mascot or nickname of a school. It's a slippery slope when we start catering to all of these types of worries....much bigger problems in the world...
@ShootNation I will 100% agree with you - if a name change was required, there are several unique and creative nicknames that could be used based on history and geography. Not debating that with you at all. And yes, it'd be awesome if each school district tried to focus on this. Our disagreement is just for the overall NEED to make those changes.

In a vacuum....I couldn't care less about the nicknames of schools. Are there some dumb ones out there? Absolutely! I just don't subscribe to being offended by a mascot or nickname of a school. It's a slippery slope when we start catering to all of these types of worries....much bigger problems in the world...
I spent a lifetime one year in St. Louis! I describe it this way....I found Mo., am still looking for Larry and Curly! If you ever want to get a St. Louian very their downtown piece of metal an First time I saw it up close I had numerous Miller Lite's....can't drink any of the beer they produce...I was standing underneath it and asked...Why don't you build another one, paint both yellow and make money off of them. Plus they want you to go up in it and look at flat to the west and the biggest slum you have ever seen to the east. The slum to the east was the first place I saw bars on the windows and doors of funeral homes. That year 11 people were running for the East St. Louis board of education....7 of them were convicted felons...5 were convicted for embezzling from the school system the last time they were on the school board. There is absolutely nothing to do there...that is what happens when you talk nothing but baseball.
One of our baseball dads (and a good friend of mine) is from STL. Proud Italian-American, even prouder to be from STL. Big Cards and Blues fan; ultimate hater of Stan Kroenke.

He grew up in “The Hill.” He can show you the house Yogi Berra grew up in. Always does well on the player props of Matthew Tkachuk and Jayson Tatum (I learned they were good friends of each other in HS from him — Chaminade Prep!)

He’s old enough to have seen games at the second Busch Stadium.

His narrative of why the Cardinals left STL makes sense. “Look at that field. Bidwell had a point when he left — treated as second class, second tenants, bad practice time arrangements and a screwed up looking field.”

His favorite actor? John Goodman. Checks out.
Thoughts for the day after not logging for awhile:
1. Nice to see the thread active.
2. Really nice to see @cuyahogacuse update on the schools
3. Wonder if I could do more research like that or just wait for 'Cuses posts . . . nah, I'll just wait
4. St Louis is largest city in Missouri, but ranks 5th in "identifiability within the state" behind KC, Ozarks, Branson & St Josephs (where Jesse James was shot)
5. Wonder if there's a coincidence Shoot rhymes with mute...
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It's a worthwhile thought but even if that were the case, wouldn't have Iroquois have been a more fitting name? Additionally, the tribes that actually roamed the closest to the Canal Fulton/Clinton area were the Delaware and they were mostly congregated considerably farther South than the district boundaries of Northwest LSD and the Wyandot who were father East. And prior to the founding of Milan, Fulton, and West Fulton, the region was mostly uninhabited. It wasn't until the mid 1800s that you'll even find the area listed on maps
The only reason why I brought this to when did Northwest call themselves the Indians? They were close to the time that history was fresh with Indian Tribes and their history. I went to school in the 70's and history classes did spend a lot of time discussing the Indian Tribes...Ohio History class especially....but now we are 50 years from then...does it seem that the farther out we go the smaller the influence with the history of the Indians in Ohio.
*Last minute chirp before servicing!

I think you can be annoyed that a name change had to occur and also think the new name kinda rules.

CH Red Wolves >>> kinda rules if you ask me. At least comparatively. I don’t think small steps like this are breaking anyone’s back. And I’m kind of having a hard time making the leap to it being a slippery slope…on account of it being so seemingly small and inconsequential to pretty much…like, everyone.

Like…feeling a way about a whole city and never visiting the place? A spoon fed opinion? @dnis30 they’re gonna kick us out of here and I live in a #PACtion district! Stop embarrassing us!😂
One of our baseball dads (and a good friend of mine) is from STL. Proud Italian-American, even prouder to be from STL. Big Cards and Blues fan; ultimate hater of Stan Kroenke.

He grew up in “The Hill.” He can show you the house Yogi Berra grew up in. Always does well on the player props of Matthew Tkachuk and Jayson Tatum (I learned they were good friends of each other in HS from him — Chaminade Prep!)

He’s old enough to have seen games at the second Busch Stadium.
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His narrative of why the Cardinals left STL makes sense. “Look at that field. Bidwell had a point when he left — treated as second class, second tenants, bad practice time arrangements and a screwed up looking field.”

His favorite actor? John Goodman. Checks out.
I was there right before Bidwell moved the team. The issue really was and is St Louis is a baseball town...the Blues right behind them...traffic sucked, summer heat sucked, and great for your friend to escape! another way to say Missouri could be
*Last minute chirp before servicing!

I think you can be annoyed that a name change had to occur and also think the new name kinda rules.

CH Red Wolves >>> kinda rules if you ask me. At least comparatively. I don’t think small steps like this are breaking anyone’s back. And I’m kind of having a hard time making the leap to it being a slippery slope…on account of it being so seemingly small and inconsequential to pretty much…like, everyone.

Like…feeling a way about a whole city and never visiting the place? A spoon fed opinion? @dnis30 they’re gonna kick us out of here and I live in a #PACtion district! Stop embarrassing us!😂
The slippery slope isn't just names and communities....its how people think/feel/act in general. But it's a more slippery slope than you give it credit for - tell that to the Cleveland baseball team. Removal of Chief Wahoo led to the removal of the name indians, led to discussions and examples being made of high schools teams, which in turn likely leads to the change of youth program names, which leads to lots of local screen print companies sitting on piles of Indians shirts.....poo rolls downhill...we just happen to be towards to bottom of said hill....
The slippery slope isn't just names and communities....its how people think/feel/act in general. But it's a more slippery slope than you give it credit for - tell that to the Cleveland baseball team. Removal of Chief Wahoo led to the removal of the name indians, led to discussions and examples being made of high schools teams, which in turn likely leads to the change of youth program names, which leads to lots of local screen print companies sitting on piles of Indians shirts.....poo rolls downhill...we just happen to be towards to bottom of said hill....
My Brother in Bandwidth, there are entire storied school districts that don’t even exist anymore. Just merged…like it never existed. Monikers are silly. Silly to be offended about? Sure. Silly to be worried if they change them? Also, sure.
I drove through the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Browning Montana in June. Here are the effects of these name changes. Brand new Govt. subsidized schools, plenty of casinos (where many members of the community spend their money), and trailer after trailer of families with 5 or 6 junked cars in front of each trailer. In other words, these name changes do nothing except make some people feel good about themselves.
I drove through the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Browning Montana in June. Here are the effects of these name changes. Brand new Govt. subsidized schools, plenty of casinos (where many members of the community spend their money), and trailer after trailer of families with 5 or 6 junked cars in front of each trailer. In other words, these name changes do nothing except make some people feel good about themselves.
I'll have a conversation about sports team names, but if you're on here saying Native Americans don't deserve to be respected because of casinos and poverty then I'm going to need your address so some friends & I can have an intimate conversation with you...

Oh, and if you want to pick a group of people who've been SCREWED by the US GOVT the line starts behind them. Wars for land, relocation, smallpox blankets, give up the Black Hills then take it back once gold was discovered. Frankly, if anyone considers themselves an endorser of "Govt bad" politics, you’d find Native Americans as the perfect poster children.
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Earlier post said former Orrville QB Sawyer Hamsher is going to play baseball at Ohio Dominican, he’s going to be a senior is he not playing football anymore ?
My bad. I misinterpreted the tweet and “graduated” him a year early. Perhaps it’s the memory of him leading the great fourth quarter comeback at CVCA last fall.

I assume he’ll be a big part of the Red Riders plans again this year.
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Earlier post said former Orrville QB Sawyer Hamsher is going to play baseball at Ohio Dominican, he’s going to be a senior is he not playing football anymore ?
My bad. I misinterpreted the tweet and “graduated” him a year early. Perhaps it’s the memory of him leading the great fourth quarter comeback at CVCA last fall.

I sssume he’ll be a big part of the Red Riders plans again this year.
He’s a really good QB
So football... I saw that all playoff games will be played on Friday. Are they REALLY trying this again? Ugh. #smh

So St. Louis... The experience at Busch Stadium was amazing. Probably the best GameDay and in-game MLB experience my wife and I have ever had. I even tweeted about how awesome their fans and stadium experience were. Ticket prices were extremely reasonably. And as I mentioned, the padded seats took the cake! But man, the rest of the town sucks. Except maybe the view.


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