PAC 2023

I personally enjoyed the Copley Indians in my youth because of the double-entendre of Indian-American students at Copley HS I knew all making their IRC (Internet Relay Chat) usernames “A_CopleyIndian”, “The_CopleyIndian”, “That_CopleyIndian.”
The lady mentioned in the article suggested "The Copley Pride"

Bout spit my coffee out when I read that one......mascot would be a rainbow colored lion 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I see Northwest LSD was in the Canton Suppository today......some people questioning why Northwest and other schools haven't moved away from the Mascot/Nicknames....specifically mentioned Copley, Northwest, Rittman, Chippewa. Referenced Cuyahoga Hts change from Redskins to Red Wolves and Walsh Jesuits change from an Indian "Warrior" to a more Crusader looking "Warrior"...

What is everyone's thoughts on this?? I just feel that everyone ultimately decides where they want to live, and what school they want their kids to attend. If you don't agree or find a school's nickname offensive, don't send your kids there. When I walk down the beer isle at my local grocery store, I choose not to drink Anheuser Busch products....I'm not asking Anheuser Busch to change their name, or their marketing....I'm just choosing not to buy it. Is it not the same concept?

Personally loved the Super's response to it....basically, no one in the community is complaining about the name, so we're not even looking at changing it....
I think schools should have something in their back pockets in terms of alternate nicknames case it becomes a hot button issue in the community. Perhaps like the Indians did with deemphasizing Chief Wahoo slowly over a few years. But high schools don't have the marketing budgets of professional sports teams.

Not cheap for a full rebrand (envelopes, letterhead, signage, uniforms, gym floor, etc) so I think a big piece of this is cost. And most schools don't have a marketing/PR person in charge of logo use across all sports teams at the school so it's would be a huge pain for a committee of people to get this done.

Just don't change your nickname to the Raptors like Cincinnati Anderson did a few years ago.
Northwest's nickname is awful, 200 other schools in the state with similar nicknames and it's not even a city ripe with history of Natives. Set aside the arguments of if it is offensive or not, it is but Yappi has never been the bastion of enlightened thinkers, it's such a poor representative for a community that actually has some historical relevance to draw upon unlike a lot of the other Pac-7 schools. You could make a very similar case for Canton South who seemingly drew their name from a hat,Fairless who after consolidating three districts with pretty decent nicknames somehow ended up with a new names worse than any of the previous names, and Triway who simply picked a name because it started with the same letter as the school district but none of those districts have to deal with the yearly embarrassment that Northwest (and unfortunately my Carrollton Warriors) do when an article like this comes out and undermines all the good that is happening in and around the district to those from outside our communities. Northwest was ranked the #1 school in Stark County last year and #13 in the entirety of the state, no articles written about that by the Repository, Independent, or Beacon Journal. Instead, you get another year of conversation surrounding your district and the nickname you've clung to simply because it has been the nickname since the 50's
Mascots aren’t for me. (Anymore)

In my youth, I could tell you the team color, logo, mascot, city, stadium and variation on said teams uniforms. I loved the branding of it all…

These days, I feel like the only teams that land a new moniker correctly are in MiLB. (I mean RubberDucks is MONEY.) Jumbo Shrimp/Iron Pigs/ Yard Goats - come on, that’s great. Northwest Tow-Boats anyone?

IT SEEMS SHOCKINGLY EASY TO LAND ON A SPECIFIC & UNIQUE MASCOT - that is also not particularly offensive. When the anger cries out, it tends to suck the fun out of it.
Finally, many years ago I had a marketing job and the Indians front office would email and call me daily for sponsorships and/or ticket purchases. I told them I would only agree if they sent me an autographed photo of Paul Assenmacher. The Indians employee asked "are you serious?" I said yes, of course, and they immediately stopped contacting me.
I don't have an issue with that request:

In his career, Assenmacher compiled a record of 61–44 with a 3.51 ERA, saving 56 games and making one career start in 884 games. He is tied with Mike Jackson for most games pitched in the 1990s (644).

Although only a .083 hitter (3-for-36), Assenmacher was a very good fielding pitcher. He recorded a .986 fielding percentage with only two errors in 146 total chances in 855.2 innings pitched.

I think he would be the first to buy a round!
Northwest was ranked the #1 school in Stark County last year and #13 in the entirety of the state, no articles written about that by the Repository, Independent, or Beacon Journal.

This is why Gannett aka the Canton Suppository, Massillon Spindependent and Akron Wreaking Urinal all are second division, mid card jobbers. They're the Koko B. Ware of media outlets. They absolutely dream and aspire to be a Jeff Fisher coached 8-8 Tennessee Titans squad.

These has beens, never weres, and never will be's at Gannett have always pushed division in the community and they're always pushing distractions. But Gannett will never push anything critical of Wall Street hedge funders - they're quietly ignored.

The usual argument in the Gannett defense is "well, they do it to sell papers."


If they were selling papers, their newsrooms would not have endured a Great Depression level of unemployment in the last 15 years.

Readership has, rightfully, sagged worse than an aging Rosie O'Donnell.
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This is why I don't read newspapers or watch any TV news anymore. It's all trash nowadays.

Our local newspaper - The Daily Record - used to be a nationally-recognized paper that won awards annually in its sports department with world-class high school sports coverage, season previews, and more. Then another company bought the paper and began de-funding the sports department. When confronted about it by a seasoned reporter, the new owner said, "This area doesn't care about sports." ROFL! Ownership completely out of touch all over the place.

Most the good people in the industry are leaving because of this type of stuff happening all around, so it's no wonder sports coverage is going down.
This is why I don't read newspapers or watch any TV news anymore. It's all trash nowadays.

Our local newspaper - The Daily Record - used to be a nationally-recognized paper that won awards annually in its sports department with world-class high school sports coverage, season previews, and more. Then another company bought the paper and began de-funding the sports department. When confronted about it by a seasoned reporter, the new owner said, "This area doesn't care about sports." ROFL! Ownership completely out of touch all over the place.

Most the good people in the industry are leaving because of this type of stuff happening all around, so it's no wonder sports coverage is going down.

Being well aware of the Wooster Daily Record and what it used to represent, I couldn't agree with you more and if I could like this post 85 times, I would. The Wooster Daily Record was one of the premiere small town media outlets in Ohio. I used to read it daily in the library at The Slaw.

I've also stopped watching TV news.

To a large extent, it's out of date. I can get weather forecasts on my phone.

And I can read Dom Tiberi's Buckeye sports news, Mark Madden's Pittsburgh super genius grouchy takes, Cleveland, and Cincinnati TV sports news all on Facebook through the Facebook pages of WBNS Columbus, the Pittsburgh Tribune, WEWS, Fox 8, WKYC,, 700 WLW, WCPO, and WLWT.
Northwest's nickname is awful, 200 other schools in the state with similar nicknames and it's not even a city ripe with history of Natives. Set aside the arguments of if it is offensive or not, it is but Yappi has never been the bastion of enlightened thinkers, it's such a poor representative for a community that actually has some historical relevance to draw upon unlike a lot of the other Pac-7 schools. You could make a very similar case for Canton South who seemingly drew their name from a hat,Fairless who after consolidating three districts with pretty decent nicknames somehow ended up with a new names worse than any of the previous names, and Triway who simply picked a name because it started with the same letter as the school district but none of those districts have to deal with the yearly embarrassment that Northwest (and unfortunately my Carrollton Warriors) do when an article like this comes out and undermines all the good that is happening in and around the district to those from outside our communities. Northwest was ranked the #1 school in Stark County last year and #13 in the entirety of the state, no articles written about that by the Repository, Independent, or Beacon Journal. Instead, you get another year of conversation surrounding your district and the nickname you've clung to simply because it has been the nickname since the 50's
Shoot....I completely understand what you are saying. I really do. I want to reiterate that before my rebuttal, that I understand the argument.

My problem is...that thought process is extremely one sided. I don't mean to open a giant can of worms here but unfortunately, it has to be done. There are plenty of things going on in this country that could be compared to this article/debate/situation. LGBTQ+ movement, beer sales, gun control, pro-life/pro-choice, this list goes on and basically comes down to Republican or Democrat. That's what this country has become. Anything the other side doesn't agree with, the opposing side finds offensive.

I find much of what the LGBTQ+ community does publicly, offensive. Yet, I'm a bigot for having those feelings. Why is someone's feelings who is offended by an Indian mascot, more important than my feelings about what I'm offended about? It just doesn't make sense! We're all supposed to have equal rights and protections right? Then why I am ignored when I say that a scantily dressed man wearing women's attire, in a public library or walking down a street in a parade, is offensive? Do I not have the right to be offended by that? That's just an example, I can give others if you'd like......the point is the same though. In 2023, in the United States of America, EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING THEY'RE OFFENDED BY.

My biggest question is where do we draw the line? There are just SOOOO many hypocrisies in these arguments and as I mentioned previously....ultimately, it just comes down to which side of the fence you are on.

Names like Indians, Warriors, Seminoles, Redskins, Chiefs - they were chosen to represent a team's name because they were viewed as honorary, fierce fighters and competitors, representations of what we want our favorite teams to play like. The Northwest Field Mice just doesn't strike fear into anyone....

Based on arguments to change names, you'd think teams were running around with names like the Canton South Slave Traders, The Northwest Nazi's, or the Fairless Fascists.
It’s Friday, and what have we learned this week?
Just finished spending 2 days in St. Louis and 3 days in Chicago.

So glad we did St. Louis first, because it is kind of a crappy city. Other than the padded seats in Busch Stadium. And the Gateway Arch.

Chicago, on the other hand, is A-MAZ-ING! I'd been there once before for work, so I only got to explore in the evenings. But my wife and I had 3 full days to explore, and loved everything about it. And the Wrigley Field tour was amazing, learning so much of the history of that ballpark, such as where the terms "pennant race" and "batter's eye" originated. And the ivy. And so much more. Highly recommended.
Just finished spending 2 days in St. Louis and 3 days in Chicago.

So glad we did St. Louis first, because it is kind of a crappy city. Other than the padded seats in Busch Stadium. And the Gateway Arch.

Chicago, on the other hand, is A-MAZ-ING! I'd been there once before for work, so I only got to explore in the evenings. But my wife and I had 3 full days to explore, and loved everything about it. And the Wrigley Field tour was amazing, learning so much of the history of that ballpark, such as where the terms "pennant race" and "batter's eye" originated. And the ivy. And so much more. Highly recommended.
And you made it back with no bullet wounds?! Congrats! lol
I see Northwest LSD was in the Canton Suppository today......some people questioning why Northwest and other schools haven't moved away from the Mascot/Nicknames....specifically mentioned Copley, Northwest, Rittman, Chippewa. Referenced Cuyahoga Hts change from Redskins to Red Wolves and Walsh Jesuits change from an Indian "Warrior" to a more Crusader looking "Warrior"...

What is everyone's thoughts on this?? I just feel that everyone ultimately decides where they want to live, and what school they want their kids to attend. If you don't agree or find a school's nickname offensive, don't send your kids there. When I walk down the beer isle at my local grocery store, I choose not to drink Anheuser Busch products....I'm not asking Anheuser Busch to change their name, or their marketing....I'm just choosing not to buy it. Is it not the same concept?

Personally loved the Super's response to it....basically, no one in the community is complaining about the name, so we're not even looking at changing it....
I'm gonna ramble here. I love the question you pose.

To answer, I don't think it's a far stretch to say based on voting patterns of district residents - Northwest is a conservative district. They want expenses kept in check, normalcy in their schools, good sports teams, safety, and the production of good, young citizens.

If the residents of Lawrence Township and the western portion of the former Franklin Township want to remain the Indians, keep it so. If the residents aren't raising any issues or complaints about being called the Indians, leave it be.

The place where the name Indians is an issue is the deluded world of the Gannett-owned Canton Suppository newsroom.

But remember the Suppository produced a true mid card jobber - Todd Porter.

Furthermore, I agree with your premise on choice with the beer analogy.

It's the same with me. There are places and things I choose whether it's where to live, visit, or purchase. There are things I don't choose, too.

I choose European imported beer. I choose butcher shops for my meat. I choose Fresh Thyme and/or small farm stands for produce. I choose yacht rock on my music list and I choose to have a cigar once a week. I choose to do yoga and post comments here. I make these choices.

I don't expect anyone to do exactly as I do; certainly not the majority. I don't care who's in with me or not.

What Paul Dolan did with the Guardians name change was the sort of weak ownership and caving to corporate MLB (read: New York City Wall Street crowd) pressure that I'd expect from the Dolans.

I personally can no longer stand MLB (again: my choice) and this is one of numerous reasons why. MLB is too corporate, too political, and I have the feeling that following teams like the Guard-Indians, Reds, and Pirates are just a big waste of time because of the financial structure of the sport.

Speaking of that financial structure of baseball, one time I participated in an event with the Reds at GABP in Cincy. It was an event for the team employees and I had a booth. Nice event. A member of the Reds front office and I got to talking and we went on a walk through the team's front office(s).

As we grabbed coffee he told me these nuggets: baseball needs to radically realign, baseball teams like the Reds most years are just "filler" on the schedules of the wealthier teams (New York/LA, etc.), and the Reds would love to see teams grouped based on their financial resources as part of a realignment in addition to some geographic alignment. The Reds are all-in on playing Cleveland 20 times a year if they could. At least according to my conversation!

Finally, many years ago I had a marketing job and the Indians front office would email and call me daily for sponsorships and/or ticket purchases. I told them I would only agree if they sent me an autographed photo of Paul Assenmacher. The Indians employee asked "are you serious?" I said yes, of course, and they immediately stopped contacting me.
Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards
Chicago, on the other hand, is A-MAZ-ING! Highly recommended.
No offense, good sir, but Chicago is a complete and total disaster. A lost cause. A pit of misery. I wouldn't spend a thin dime in that cesspool, nor would I subject myself (or more importantly, my family) to that totalitarian, nightmarish hellscape. Hell, just driving through makes me nauseous. The better part of that city may be tolerable, but most of it sucks dong.
No offense, good sir, but Chicago is a complete and total disaster. A lost cause. A pit of misery. I wouldn't spend a thin dime in that cesspool, nor would I subject myself (or more importantly, my family) to that totalitarian, nightmarish hellscape. Hell, just driving through makes me nauseous. The better part of that city may be tolerable, but most of it sucks dong.
I've never been....but like @thePITman said, I've heard really good things about it. That said, I also hear everyday about the number of TBH I'd be a little scared to go lol
No offense, good sir, but Chicago is a complete and total disaster. A lost cause. A pit of misery. I wouldn't spend a thin dime in that cesspool, nor would I subject myself (or more importantly, my family) to that totalitarian, nightmarish hellscape. Hell, just driving through makes me nauseous. The better part of that city may be tolerable, but most of it sucks dong.
I've never been....but like @thePITman said, I've heard really good things about it. That said, I also hear everyday about the number of TBH I'd be a little scared to go lol
Yes, Chicago has one of the highest crime rates. But also, the last mayor they had really led things into the ground. Hopefully their new mayor can help change its personality, attitude, and trajectory.

But as far as our experience, we explored as much as we could in 3 days, and loved it. Obviously not going to visit all the neighborhoods on a tourist trip. Haha!
Hey, that’s my line. And reading back over this week’s posts, I’d say quite a lot. But not much yet about the eight teams that will take to the gridiron four weeks from tonight. First scrimmages in two weeks. We are close. Very close.
Been jonesing for that weekly. It’s become single-handedly the best contribution to my life from Syracuse University.
Shoot....I completely understand what you are saying. I really do. I want to reiterate that before my rebuttal, that I understand the argument.

My problem is...that thought process is extremely one sided. I don't mean to open a giant can of worms here but unfortunately, it has to be done. There are plenty of things going on in this country that could be compared to this article/debate/situation. LGBTQ+ movement, beer sales, gun control, pro-life/pro-choice, this list goes on and basically comes down to Republican or Democrat. That's what this country has become. Anything the other side doesn't agree with, the opposing side finds offensive.

I find much of what the LGBTQ+ community does publicly, offensive. Yet, I'm a bigot for having those feelings. Why is someone's feelings who is offended by an Indian mascot, more important than my feelings about what I'm offended about? It just doesn't make sense! We're all supposed to have equal rights and protections right? Then why I am ignored when I say that a scantily dressed man wearing women's attire, in a public library or walking down a street in a parade, is offensive? Do I not have the right to be offended by that? That's just an example, I can give others if you'd like......the point is the same though. In 2023, in the United States of America, EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING THEY'RE OFFENDED BY.

My biggest question is where do we draw the line? There are just SOOOO many hypocrisies in these arguments and as I mentioned previously....ultimately, it just comes down to which side of the fence you are on.

Names like Indians, Warriors, Seminoles, Redskins, Chiefs - they were chosen to represent a team's name because they were viewed as honorary, fierce fighters and competitors, representations of what we want our favorite teams to play like. The Northwest Field Mice just doesn't strike fear into anyone....
Man, I don't understand how you're trying to equate your uncomfortableness with a dude prancing around in a skirt in his free time and some Caucasian kid on the sideline of a football game dressed in buckskin and a feather headdress leading the community in chants that mimic "war cry's" and chopping their hands through the air like a tomahawk. I can entertain the idea that some of the names were chosen in good faith, especially the schools named after specific tribes that once roamed the regions the schools are in, but the schools that simply picked Indians, Warriors, Braves, etc don't get that same leeway. They're poor parodies (regardless of how well intentioned) of a people and their traditions that have been allowed to remain because there are so few of the people they're attempting to portray left in this country. The idea of a nickname isn't to "strike fear" into your opponents, it's to represent your community with something unique to them that they are proud of. Teams like the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Tennessee Volunteers, the West Virginia Mountaineers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers have undoubtedly some of the most passionate fanbases in all of sports in this country and that is in no small part because the branding surrounding their institutions uses things that are points of pride for their communities and puts that on a national scale for their people rally behind. Canal Fulton has a storied history with their connections to the Ohio-Erie canal system and the coal mining industry, is there nothing there that the people of that community can find inspiration in that better represents their community? Are they really that tied to a nameless "Indian" that represents no specific tribe or notable historic figure? Is there even any real tradition in the district connected to the name other than the same Seminole war chant that 150+ other schools in this state alone also use?
Just finished spending 2 days in St. Louis and 3 days in Chicago.

So glad we did St. Louis first, because it is kind of a crappy city. Other than the padded seats in Busch Stadium. And the Gateway Arch.

Chicago, on the other hand, is A-MAZ-ING! I'd been there once before for work, so I only got to explore in the evenings. But my wife and I had 3 full days to explore, and loved everything about it. And the Wrigley Field tour was amazing, learning so much of the history of that ballpark, such as where the terms "pennant race" and "batter's eye" originated. And the ivy. And so much more. Highly recommended.
I spent a lifetime one year in St. Louis! I describe it this way....I found Mo., am still looking for Larry and Curly! If you ever want to get a St. Louian very their downtown piece of metal an First time I saw it up close I had numerous Miller Lite's....can't drink any of the beer they produce...I was standing underneath it and asked...Why don't you build another one, paint both yellow and make money off of them. Plus they want you to go up in it and look at flat to the west and the biggest slum you have ever seen to the east. The slum to the east was the first place I saw bars on the windows and doors of funeral homes. That year 11 people were running for the East St. Louis board of education....7 of them were convicted felons...5 were convicted for embezzling from the school system the last time they were on the school board. There is absolutely nothing to do there...that is what happens when you talk nothing but baseball.
Man, I don't understand how you're trying to equate your uncomfortableness with a dude prancing around in a skirt in his free time and some Caucasian kid on the sideline of a football game dressed in buckskin and a feather headdress leading the community in chants that mimic "war cry's" and chopping their hands through the air like a tomahawk. I can entertain the idea that some of the names were chosen in good faith, especially the schools named after specific tribes that once roamed the regions the schools are in, but the schools that simply picked Indians, Warriors, Braves, etc don't get that same leeway. They're poor parodies (regardless of how well intentioned) of a people and their traditions that have been allowed to remain because there are so few of the people they're attempting to portray left in this country. The idea of a nickname isn't to "strike fear" into your opponents, it's to represent your community with something unique to them that they are proud of. Teams like the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Tennessee Volunteers, the West Virginia Mountaineers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers have undoubtedly some of the most passionate fanbases in all of sports in this country and that is in no small part because the branding surrounding their institutions uses things that are points of pride for their communities and puts that on a national scale for their people rally behind. Canal Fulton has a storied history with their connections to the Ohio-Erie canal system and the coal mining industry, is there nothing there that the people of that community can find inspiration in that better represents their community? Are they really that tied to a nameless "Indian" that represents no specific tribe or notable historic figure? Is there even any real tradition in the district connected to the name other than the same Seminole war chant that 150+ other schools in this state alone also use?
Just to say something it possible the people of Canal Fulton and Clinton named them Indians because of this:

The Iroquois Tribe was made up of an alliance of six tribes; the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, Seneca, and the Tuscarora. They drove off most of the other tribes to obtain more hunting and trapping territory.

Notice Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.
What is this "football?"
Let’s talk some football. There’s snippets of info if you look under the proverbial rocks on Twitter.

CVCA wraps up summer with Unity Camp and the annual Alumni Flag Football game next week.

Think I saw that Fairless spent time at Mount Union recently and put some time in with Louisville, Avon and Green (“who wears orange”), which is how we always refer to Green in our house.

Triway has new weight room equipment.

Tuslaw got toughened up at Boot Camp about a month ago.

Poochie Snyder will be tossing the ball to Tavon Castle, who picked up an offer from Mount Union.
Let’s talk some football. There’s snippets of info if you look under the proverbial rocks on Twitter.
And since you can only have 5 media links in a post … here’s the rest …

Former Orrville QB Sawyer Hamsher is going to play baseball at Ohio Dominican

And Northwest also has weight room improvements (and a new track thanks to the Easterling family)

All quiet out of New Franklin. But we know the new field is nearing completion.
Just to say something it possible the people of Canal Fulton and Clinton named them Indians because of this:

The Iroquois Tribe was made up of an alliance of six tribes; the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, Seneca, and the Tuscarora. They drove off most of the other tribes to obtain more hunting and trapping territory.

Notice Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.
It's a worthwhile thought but even if that were the case, wouldn't have Iroquois have been a more fitting name? Additionally, the tribes that actually roamed the closest to the Canal Fulton/Clinton area were the Delaware and they were mostly congregated considerably farther South than the district boundaries of Northwest LSD and the Wyandot who were father East. And prior to the founding of Milan, Fulton, and West Fulton, the region was mostly uninhabited. It wasn't until the mid 1800s that you'll even find the area listed on maps
Man, I don't understand how you're trying to equate your uncomfortableness with a dude prancing around in a skirt in his free time and some Caucasian kid on the sideline of a football game dressed in buckskin and a feather headdress leading the community in chants that mimic "war cry's" and chopping their hands through the air like a tomahawk. I can entertain the idea that some of the names were chosen in good faith, especially the schools named after specific tribes that once roamed the regions the schools are in, but the schools that simply picked Indians, Warriors, Braves, etc don't get that same leeway. They're poor parodies (regardless of how well intentioned) of a people and their traditions that have been allowed to remain because there are so few of the people they're attempting to portray left in this country. The idea of a nickname isn't to "strike fear" into your opponents, it's to represent your community with something unique to them that they are proud of. Teams like the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Tennessee Volunteers, the West Virginia Mountaineers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers have undoubtedly some of the most passionate fanbases in all of sports in this country and that is in no small part because the branding surrounding their institutions uses things that are points of pride for their communities and puts that on a national scale for their people rally behind. Canal Fulton has a storied history with their connections to the Ohio-Erie canal system and the coal mining industry, is there nothing there that the people of that community can find inspiration in that better represents their community? Are they really that tied to a nameless "Indian" that represents no specific tribe or notable historic figure? Is there even any real tradition in the district connected to the name other than the same Seminole war chant that 150+ other schools in this state alone also use?
This is the hypocrisy I was talking about. You don't get to decide what offends me. Just like I don't get to tell you it's not ok to be offended by the Indian nickname of mascot. We all have the same rights and protections. So why is it offensive to you, but "uncomfortable" to me? I have every right to be offended as you or anyone else does.....

Which leads me back to another previous point.....where do we draw the line? There is no agreeable point or way to determine what might be offensive to some.......let's get a PETA representative in here.....they'll probably be offended at animal nicknames....

We all have choice....and can choose not to attend school or events if we don't agree with a name or mascot. We live in a country where the most important job in the world is done by vote, which is usually determined by a majority rules vote. We are making major changes in this country, for very small amounts of voices/people/ has to stop.
This is the hypocrisy I was talking about. You don't get to decide what offends me. Just like I don't get to tell you it's not ok to be offended by the Indian nickname of mascot. We all have the same rights and protections. So why is it offensive to you, but "uncomfortable" to me? I have every right to be offended as you or anyone else does.....

Which leads me back to another previous point.....where do we draw the line? There is no agreeable point or way to determine what might be offensive to some.......let's get a PETA representative in here.....they'll probably be offended at animal nicknames....

We all have choice....and can choose not to attend school or events if we don't agree with a name or mascot. We live in a country where the most important job in the world is done by vote, which is usually determined by a majority rules vote. We are making major changes in this country, for very small amounts of voices/people/ has to stop.
Guys … no doubt this is a “third rail” topic that generates strong reactions on both sides.

I have a unique perspective on this issue, having graduated from the only school in America to do away with a Native American mascot name, only to reinstall the mascot name after the citizens voted out the entire school board who was involved in eliminating the longstanding mascot name:
There’s a reason the PACtion thread is so well regarded on Yappi. And certainly this is on topic as it relates directly to a team in the conference.

So please continue to keep it civil but know that there is also a Yappi Debate Board that might make sense for this topic as well.