Movie Season

And speaking of villans waiting to see Donald Sutherland step up to the plate in the next few years as President Snow. Better have some chops to be on the screen with Jennifer Lawrence.
With regards to the Harry Potter series you have to remember the target audience and the need for a PG rating. No way does Universal allow some sort of super boogey man to muck up the cash cow. a degree. But people that read the books and followed the movies from day 1 have grown up just like the characters. I'd love to see a darker interpretation of this series on film. I realize that will never happen.
With regards to the Harry Potter series you have to remember the target audience and the need for a PG rating. No way does Universal allow some sort of super boogey man to muck up the cash cow.

Their target audience has most likely read the books. I understand why they would do it still, but the series started in 1998. I was 9 years old. Everyone that has read the series from day one, the one's who made it a phenomenon, are entering their early twenties at the earliest. A massive chunk of their audience doesn't want the story watered down, but they'll go anyway. So like I said, I know why they would do it, they just didn't have to.
Prisoner of Azkaban probably had the darkest tone and feel to it. Just let Cuaron re-adapt the entire series.

I would think there would be a decent market willing to see that, but probably not for a few more years.

And I bet that Rowling would never sign off.
If not longer. In reality, I love the cast of the films. They'll never find a Severus Snape that can compare to Alan Rickman, and the rest of the main characters were just about flawlessly cast. I'd say that we won't see a Harry Potter reboot for probably 30+ years, at least.
I like all the movies for the entertainment value, but the third and seventh (both parts) installments are legit great filmmaking IMO.
If not longer. In reality, I love the cast of the films. They'll never find a Severus Snape that can compare to Alan Rickman, and the rest of the main characters were just about flawlessly cast. I'd say that we won't see a Harry Potter reboot for probably 30+ years, at least.

You are right on Alan Rickman. They hit a home run on him. Don't think there is anyone who could have done that any better, living or dead.
They gloss over and tone down most of the darker side of the Harry Potter world, so I wasn't surprised they left out a lot of memories.
If not longer. In reality, I love the cast of the films. They'll never find a Severus Snape that can compare to Alan Rickman, and the rest of the main characters were just about flawlessly cast. I'd say that we won't see a Harry Potter reboot for probably 30+ years, at least.

And you can't replace Hermoine with anyone because i will always think of the beautiful Emma Watson ;)

The older one of course.
Agree Alan Rickman was a home run as Snape. I thought they missed the most with the girl that played Ginny; she bagged the big man and had no personality.
I always wonder if Anderson's style will ever get old, then I watch his newest film and enjoy it tremendously.