Michigan coach Juwan Howard takes swipe at Wisconsin men's basketball assistant after loss

I'm going to be quite honest here...in a different version of this video you can hear Howard tell Gard "I'll remember that chit" as he tries to blow by him during handshakes, which causes Gard to try to stop him to talk about what happened. Things went off a cliff from there.

Last year he said "I'm gonna f'ing kill you" to Maryland's Mark Turgeon during a skirmish in which he had to be restrained by an assistant prior to being ejected.

He wrongly got a free pass for the incident last year outside of the ejection. They need to at minimum suspend him for the rest of the year, and they should fire him. If he actually survives this it has to be strike two, with the understanding that another incident like this or the Maryland incident equals termination. There wasn't any room for this type of aggressive behavior during the final days of Knight at IU, and there definitely isn't any today in 2022.
I'm going to be quite honest here...in a different version of this video you can hear Howard tell Gard "I'll remember that chit" as he tries to blow by him during handshakes, which causes Gard to try to stop him to talk about what happened. Things went off a cliff from there.

Last year he said "I'm gonna f'ing kill you" to Maryland's Mark Turgeon during a skirmish in which he had to be restrained by an assistant prior to being ejected.

He wrongly got a free pass for the incident last year outside of the ejection. They need to at minimum suspend him for the rest of the year, and they should fire him. If he actually survives this it has to be strike two, with the understanding that another incident like this or the Maryland incident equals termination. There wasn't any room for this type of aggressive behavior during the final days of Knight at IU, and there definitely isn't any today in 2022.
Hell, I didn't know that. Good bye Coach! Damn, he's paid millions of dollars.
After actually seeing what happened on the court, I find it hilarious that Howard doubled down in the press conference on his ridiculous assertion that Gard was out of line calling timeout and that they weren't really pressing. What a clown.

Michigan should have fired him, and given what's becoming a pattern of ridiculous outbursts I have a feeling that at some point next season they'll regret that they didn't do it now.
After actually seeing what happened on the court, I find it hilarious that Howard doubled down in the press conference on his ridiculous assertion that Gard was out of line calling timeout and that they weren't really pressing. What a clown.

Michigan should have fired him, and given what's becoming a pattern of ridiculous outbursts I have a feeling that at some point next season they'll regret that they didn't do it now.
Threatened to kill a coach last year and this year he throws a punch. Wow! I would be more lenient with players. But a head coach? Don't press when the game is over. What a dumb coach.
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Not excusing Howard and what he gets, he gets, but Chris Gard had no business stopping his progress from leaving the court.
Not excusing Howard and what he gets, he gets, but Chris Gard had no business stopping his progress from leaving the court.
Pressing at the end of a game? Howard started it right there. I would have called T/O and told my inbounds guy to frag the defender. That's when you throw the long court pass at his head. Howard started all the crap and gets a pass. No buts Hub, you don't press when the game is over. Imo
Pressing at the end of a game? Howard started it right there. I would have called T/O and told my inbounds guy to frag the defender. That's when you throw the long court pass at his head. Howard started all the crap and gets a pass. No buts Hub, you don't press when the game is over. Imo
I'm talking about after the game as the teams were headed to the locker rooms and Howard tried to exit and Gard refused to let him walk by. You can see it at the beginning of the video in post # 5.
I would have stopped him too because I would have been really confused if I was the opposing coach.

That was a weird flex at the end pressing in the closing moments with a big deficit, and then he tried to blow-by in the handshake line while muttering "I'll remember that (bleep)", indicating he thought the other coach did something wrong. The interaction leading to the blow-up would have made zero sense to any coach unless you're default assumption is the other coach is an easily hotheaded goon.
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I would have stopped him too because I would have been really confused if I was the opposing coach.

That was a weird flex at the end pressing in the closing moments with a big deficit, and then he tried to blow-by in the handshake line while muttering "I'll remember that (bleep)", indicating he thought the other coach did something wrong. The interaction leading to the blow-up would have made zero sense to any coach unless you're default assumption is the other coach is an easily hotheaded goon.
You can handle that with a phone call or text, you don't have a right to stop my progress to force me to hear your point of view.
* Howard said something.
* Gard put his hands on Howard.
* Howard put his hands on Gard.
* Howard punched a Wisconsin assistant coach.

Things escalated but the only crossing the line was throwing a punch. Howard should have been an adult, kept his mouth shut, and shook hands. Gard should have kept his hands to himself. Howard should have kept his hands to himself. All those things could have ended it without it becoming a story. It became a story because Howard punched an assistant coach.

We are living in very different times when a head coach gets a slap on the wrist for punching an assistant coach from the opposing team.
I wouldn't call a 5 game suspension a slap on the wrist. If Gard doesn't insist on being obstructionist and let Howard walk on by none of this happens.
He didn't learn his lesson from last year and he won't learn his lesson next year. We should all put money on which game he has a meltdown.

Send Johnson "The nut grabber" from Indiana to play for Juwan.
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I wouldn't call a 5 game suspension a slap on the wrist. If Gard doesn't insist on being obstructionist and let Howard walk on by none of this happens.
Only a moron could blame someone else for throwing the first punch. Yappi spot on here in his post. Both Coaches did things wrong and one actually threw a punch.
I wouldn't call a 5 game suspension a slap on the wrist. If Gard doesn't insist on being obstructionist and let Howard walk on by none of this happens.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:Yup, to hell with taking personal responsibility for throwing the first punch blame it on someone else. Why am I not surprised by your response?!?!?!?
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:Yup, to hell with taking personal responsibility for throwing the first punch blame it on someone else. Why am I not surprised by your response?!?!?!?
In my first post I said Howard deserves whatever he gets, still doesn't change the fact that none of this happens if Gard simply exits the floor.
After actually seeing what happened on the court, I find it hilarious that Howard doubled down in the press conference on his ridiculous assertion that Gard was out of line calling timeout and that they weren't really pressing. What a clown.

Michigan should have fired him, and given what's becoming a pattern of ridiculous outbursts I have a feeling that at some point next season they'll regret that they didn't do it now.
It’s hard to defend him when he’s getting butthurt over the TO.
Threatened to kill a coach last year and this year he throws a punch. Wow! I would be more lenient with players. But a head coach? Don't press when the game is over. What a dumb coach.
This is the new standard in college basketball. Coaches can now take swings at people and only miss a few games... what's next?
I wouldn't call a 5 game suspension a slap on the wrist. If Gard doesn't insist on being obstructionist and let Howard walk on by none of this happens.
It is a slap on the wrist. What a joke and an embarrassment for scUM and the NCAA.

Juwan Howweird avoided a gentleman's handshake and muttered profanity towards Gard and you expect him not to react. ooohhh he touched his wrist!! LOL hilarious. "Don't touch me, Don't touch me". And then Howweird takes a swing at someone.

I would like to know what would happen to you at your job if you take a swing at someone at work??
