Hazing Incidents

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Time will tell. I thought for a moment that MCSD had an actual wake up call that involved rational and educated decision making. But it was just the loon trolls trying to get the thread shut down! I do have to give it to the very few assillon fans on this thread. The others keep jabbing their jaws on the protected thread without any recourse or rebuttal!
It is time Massillon board of education and head of administration agrees to an independent investigation do to a possible conflict of interest.
Time will tell. I thought for a moment that MCSD had an actual wake up call that involved rational and educated decision making. But it was just the loon trolls trying to get the thread shut down! I do have to give it to the very few assillon fans on this thread. The others keep jabbing their jaws on the protected thread without any recourse or rebuttal!
You made an account to talk about Massillon but call them the trolls? 😂😂
OK, what do we know so far. A few football players were making some bad decisions and bullying. A few players will be disciplined pending severity. In full transparency, school administrators turned it over to the police to investigate. That's it folks, that's all we know. Massillon threads always turn into a bash fest and get closed. If we stick to the facts and minimize slandering administrators and even worse students, maybe we can find out precisely what happened. We all agree the violators should be punished.
OK, what do we know so far. A few football players were making some bad decisions and bullying. A few players will be disciplined pending severity. In full transparency, school administrators turned it over to the police to investigate. That's it folks, that's all we know. Massillon threads always turn into a bash fest and get closed. If we stick to the facts and minimize slandering administrators and even worse students, maybe we can find out precisely what happened. We all agree the violators should be punished.
I haven't read one thing that has come close to slander or bashing. And the deleted posts didn't come close to that either.
Yappi does a fine job of staying on top of the posts on here. He just doesn't have 24 hours a day to monitor every post and cull the irresponsible ones as soon as they are posted.

Teenage boys are idiots prone to doing stupid s***. Schools need to do what they can to monitor them on the school's time and should have a comprehensive plan up front to not only educate the kids as to the consequences as well as a clear policy in place as to how these situations are to be handled. To not have such a plan is reckless.

Tallmadge had a very ugly hazing incident a while back and survived, with discipline and delinquency charges being handed out. We'll see how this one plays out and I trust that the public nature of this will flush out any real issues. Certainly, if this was some D7 school in the middle of nowhere we wouldn't be on our sixth page of a thread.
Students and administrators have been spoken of derogatoraly with no facts to back them up. We should all reread Yappi's terms and rules that we all signed.

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Students and administrators have been spoken of derogatoraly with no facts to back them up. We should all reread Yappi's terms and rules that we all signed.

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So again what posts were violated specifically. The ones that I saw that were removed, including a 1 word post of mine didn't come close to violating these terms.

Maybe if mods think a post has violated any of these terms, they should post or message the culprit exactly what was done wrong.

Is the removal of things with regards to Massillon part of "these terms may be changed at any time without notice?"
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