Canton McKinley (9-3) vs St Edward (11-1)

Do you frequently respond to your own posts?
Yep. All the time. Oil filter you really are a devil on Yappi. Everything that McKinley fans suggest or recommend to help our program you go against things like open enrollment, few coaching changes, etc etc…,, you are sick.
Yeah, he does. At least three times on this page alone. :p
Go help one of your players who took part in the sex scene get a scholarship. You know MW. Massillon hasn’t helped him at all. Someone outside your district had to help him and his mom. One of your star players. You guys won’t even feed him at events because of the molestation.
Oil filter you really are a devil on Yappi. Everything that McKinley fans suggest or recommend to help our program you go against things like open enrollment, few coaching changes, etc etc…
Never spoke against either of those.

you are sick.
I am feeling a bit under the weather. Thanks for caring.

Hope u like it pedophile.
That's a bit extreme, no?

Go help one of your players who took part in the sex scene get a scholarship. You know MW. Massillon hasn’t helped him at all. Someone outside your district had to help him and his mom. One of your star players. You guys won’t even feed him at events because of the molestation.
Care to buttress that accusation with facts?
Go help one of your players who took part in the sex scene get a scholarship. You know MW. Massillon hasn’t helped him at all. Someone outside your district had to help him and his mom. One of your star players. You guys won’t even feed him at events because of the molestation.
Never spoke against either of those.

I am feeling a bit under the weather. Thanks for caring.

That's a bit extreme, no?

Care to buttress that accusation with facts?
I’m done for the night pedophile; devil.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
One thing you and I do have in common: neither of us knows what you're talking about. :p

Change your meds. Or start taking them. Or something. The path you're on ain't working.
You wake up, but I’m sure u already know what’s going on. You know the BOARD personally. You know Rinaldi personally. They were the ones that mad Hall the coach. We’re just MCKINLEY FANS. Is it true that Thom Mcdaniels’s helps make the calls for offense. Is it true the QB IS his nephew. Don’t tell ME to wake up. I’m already woke.
McDaniels has zero connection to 3-year QB, Rode. I do not know CCS Board president, Rinaldi. Don't make posts on subjects you don't have a clue, as to the truth.
I felt bad for our QB a lot this season. I think he was often called to plays that that didn’t put him in the best position. Then he was caught holding on to the ball and being sacked etc…. He’s a hard worker and I feel that many of the plays caused him to look inept.
On this subject, I completely agree with you! Keaton Rode is a talented class act, as a multi-year QB for the Bulldogs. More than once or twice he visibly expressed his frustration on the playing field over the coach's play calling. Coaches should have given Rode more flexibility in calling audibles at the line of scrimmage. He's a smart young man, and he EARNED the WHBC MVP award for McKinley in both 2023 and 2022 seasons. The St. Ed's fans have openly mentioned that he, Rode, ran a solid and productive passing game for the Bulldogs. As others have appropriately stated on this thread, the running game was all but non-existent in many games. Yes, Nino Hill was a problem at times, but an exceptionally talented running back who was under-utilized. As I have stated previously, the past three seasons McKinley has not demonstrated that they can consistently stop the opponent's running attack, thus my conclusion, that A. Hall should be kept on as the head coach, but, new assistants are badly needed, especially the DC and the OC.