Any chance for a shot-clock yet?

Shocking this would be your response. Can't function without control.

They most definitely should have input into the process. Not absolute input, but input.

You act like we're talking about pre-schoolers. Varsity basketball players would probably have a great perspective on it. Have a little faith in our youth, for cryin out loud.
Lol. I agreed. They should have more input in all aspects of their lives for sure. It will be awesome.
Here is a novel concept….instead of us old heads getting all worked up…why don’t we ask THE PLAYERS? It is their game…they train…they play…without them where would we get our popcorn Friday nights?
Popcorn would insinuate entertainment. Some posters are going to brow beat you for this comment. lol
Completely agree on the GCL schools. Their coaches run the sluggish style of play when they have the athletes to open it up. And it's holding them back. Not sure why these coaches feel the need to slog it up when they have these athletes.

What's perplexing is that these coaches feel they have to play this way to win. It's very strange that they GCL schools are taking this approach as they are constantly looked at as the top tier in athletics in the city.
Nothing perplexing. They feel that gives them the best shot to win the State. By the way, their fans sure don’t seem bored.
Agreed 100%. It's the biggest problem I have personally with the game today, kids are completely controlled on the court. I was far from great, but at least I had the freedom to take 3's and be a little improvisational on offense. It's obvious these days they cannot be at all
I’m willing to bet that your team wasn’t very good. Probably with the yearly goal of hoping to win A tournament game. Just a hunch.
Great idea. While we are at it we should ask 15-19 year olds what their HS curriculum should be. Because, you know, teenagers always know what is best for themselves.
Yeah, they all will say they want to run. Lol. But, they will eventually be taught that true fun is competing and winning. If they want to run around and Jack threes they should go play at the Y. That said, there are teams where a very fast pace is best for them, but not very many. By the way offensive basketball is not an equal opportunity situation. The better players get the shots. The Dads of bad players never really understand that. Did I strike a nerve with any of you guys?
Popcorn would insinuate entertainment. Some posters are going to brow beat you for this comment. lol
So….I like popcorn and a diet coke at games..and with no dog in the fight I am plunking down my 7$ to be entertained watching basketball…shocking that I watch things to be entertained? Why else would I go?
So….I like popcorn and a diet coke at games..and with no dog in the fight I am plunking down my 7$ to be entertained watching basketball…shocking that I watch things to be entertained? Why else would I go?
I am with you and said that I enjoy the games for entertainment and watching the kids play. I was scolded by a poster who said that it wasn’t the kid’s job to entertain me at high school games and for me to get my entertainment from the NCAA or NBA.

my point is that I find it entertaining, not that it is their job.

I will join you at a game and be entertained with my popcorn and soft drink…lol
Yeah, they all will say they want to run. Lol. But, they will eventually be taught that true fun is competing and winning. If they want to run around and Jack threes they should go play at the Y. That said, there are teams where a very fast pace is best for them, but not very many. By the way offensive basketball is not an equal opportunity situation. The better players get the shots. The Dads of bad players never really understand that. Did I strike a nerve with any of you guys?
No nerve struck here…my son was far from bad back in the day…what I have noticed in my 42 years around the game is on most teams…say 60% or so the best players don’t get enough shots…and about 25% where the better players try to do too much..sure I have seen more than a few chuckers…I enjoyed watching Centerville the past few years and I have zero connection to that school. They could play a variety of styles…they could shoot…and the offense seemed to put guys in spots where they had the best chance with their skill set..a good watch.
Nothing perplexing. They feel that gives them the best shot to win the State. By the way, their fans sure don’t seem bored.
No nerve struck here…my son was far from bad back in the day…what I have noticed in my 42 years around the game is on most teams…say 60% or so the best players don’t get enough shots…and about 25% where the better players try to do too much..sure I have seen more than a few chuckers…I enjoyed watching Centerville the past few years and I have zero connection to that school. They could play a variety of styles…they could shoot…and the offense seemed to put guys in spots where they had the best chance with their skill set..a good watch.
Agree with all your takes on basketball. Sports only exist as entertainment for the players and fans. I’m just glad football understood this theory and installed the forward pass decades ago.
The GCL has not been as dominant and will continue to decline in both tournament wins, and fan attendance in basketball.They are losing depth because two sport athletes don’t wanna play basketball as a secondary sport because its not entertaining for them.
I’m willing to bet that your team wasn’t very good. Probably with the yearly goal of hoping to win A tournament game. Just a hunch.
Were very average, on par with our athleticism haha! On a more serious note though, the lack of fastbreak and speed in today's game is depressing. There's nothing wrong with a coach being in charge, but it's just to a point where kids are completely controlled and running slow paced offenses at most programs now
If someone is holding the ball....go guard them. That will help your pace of play or stalling complaints.

Coaches will still control the game. It's silly to think they won't. All of your "improvements" are indeed subjective.
It's as if he thinks once the clock is adopted, all those coaches suffocating the players' advancement and hindering the flow of the game will suddenly resign. :ROFLMAO:

Remember, he's willing to consider a 60 second shot clock in order to achieve that desired "flow". :ROFLMAO:
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It's as if he thinks once the clock is adopted, all those coaches suffocating the players' advancement and hindering the flow of the game will suddenly resign. :ROFLMAO:

Remember, he's willing to consider a 60 second shot clock in order to achieve that desired "flow". :ROFLMAO:
There you are in the shallow end of the pool again.
Were very average, on par with our athleticism haha! On a more serious note though, the lack of fastbreak and speed in today's game is depressing. There's nothing wrong with a coach being in charge, but it's just to a point where kids are completely controlled and running slow paced offenses at most programs now
Exactly, coaches are needed, but kids flourish when allowed to experiment with their skills. It's not army boot camp.
kids flourish when allowed to experiment with their skills?

you ever can't experiment (lack creativity) because you neither have the god-given ability or skill to experiment. Maybe both...and that all doesn't fall on the coach. especially the god-given part. All kinds of different ceilings.

I see more creativity every year out of today's HS basketball players than ever (sometimes I say 'wow', other times I say 'yikes')...but many can't pivot correctly and many can't get where they need to go in 2 dribbles.

Lot of bad basketball...add a 30-35s shot will see much more.
Since when does this idea that kids suck and can't play basketball exist?

It's ridiculous. Every single person in this forum that says that would get absolutely smoked by any kid on a varsity roster at a D1 school. The concept that "kids suck now" is another myth.
Were very average, on par with our athleticism haha! On a more serious note though, the lack of fastbreak and speed in today's game is depressing. There's nothing wrong with a coach being in charge, but it's just to a point where kids are completely controlled and running slow paced offenses at most programs now
Agreed, just don’t support the clock and the ridiculous notion that it would even up things. Coach over control is also nonsense. Finding the right amount of control is coaching.
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2 things: I see WAY more over/micromanaging in the coaching ranks today and I think players were more creative in the 80’s…was just a different time and style…every player I knew was expected to make an actual mid range jumper…or bust it in the paint…and a major difference…no AAU so players hit the blacktop in the summer…winner stays…no age groups..I got handled by a bunch of college players and grown men but…it made me tougher and better 😎
Ever watched Trotwood play during the Rockhold era? Or Dunbar during the Pullen era? Or Hoskins' teams at Thurgood during his era? Those teams played free and under control with discipline and between those three coaches (you) have 10 state Final 4 appearances and 5 state titles.
I think some of us may be confusing "playing free" with being undisciplined and trust me you can't be undisciplined and win championships or even get there.
Ever watched Trotwood play during the Rockhold era? Or Dunbar during the Pullen era? Or Hoskins' teams at Thurgood during his era? Those teams played free and under control with discipline and between those three coaches (you) have 10 state Final 4 appearances and 5 state titles.
I think some of us may be confusing "playing free" with being undisciplined and trust me you can't be undisciplined and win championships or even get there.
Exactly - most people here just move from spectrum edge to spectrum edge.

Myth - a shot clock will just result in chucking up shots and run and gun AAU style basketball. It's not only a myth, it's a stupid comment.

The best programs will balance the need for great execution within their system, and some free-flow when it's necessary or its to their advantage.
👍 Exactly! It really won't make a difference, deliberate teams that slow the game down will still play the same way if that coach knows what their doing.
👍 Exactly! It really won't make a difference, deliberate teams that slow the game down will still play the same way if that coach knows what their doing.

When I say consistent pace, I don't mean every team will play fast.

I mean every team has the same timeframe to generate offense (or defense). And that's pretty damn typical in a timed sporting event. All it does is make the game a more consistent pace and flow.
I disagree. The best player would have the ball the last 10 seconds and go 1 on 1 a lot.
Its up to the defense to game plan to make sure that doesn't happen. It is a lot more manageable to deny someone the ball for 10 seconds than for an unlimited amount of time as it is now. Coaches actually have to coach and scheme up ways to make sure their best player is an option while the other side is trying to take it away.

When I say consistent pace, I don't mean every team will play fast.

I mean every team has the same timeframe to generate offense (or defense). And that's pretty damn typical in a timed sporting event. All it does is make the game a more consistent pace and flow.
You mean like soccer (the most popular sport in the world), hockey, lacrosse, and all the other timed team sports? Or just American football, which needs it because every piece of action is a separate play? So actually it's not at all typical but more of an exception.
Its up to the defense to game plan to make sure that doesn't happen. It is a lot more manageable to deny someone the ball for 10 seconds than for an unlimited amount of time as it is now. Coaches actually have to coach and scheme up ways to make sure their best player is an option while the other side is trying to take it away.

Or as an alternative, develop a deeper offensive skill-set for more kids where many kids have the ability to create a shot in those situations.