
They are a very slow burn and I will be honest, I almost bailed after episode 2 but make sue to go to at least 3 as the payoff is solid. My suggestion is actually to view in chunks as that is the way this thing has been set up: 1-3, 4-6, 7 (currently the only stand alone), & 8-10. There are only 12 episodes so not sure what 11 & 12 have in store.

By the way a friend said he tried and watch Phantom Menace after Andor episode 6, he had to bail after the 1st 30 minutes. It almost plays like SNL parody and is really needs to be redone. Lucas seriously dropped the ball and something needs to be done to revive this important part of the story.

I don't see the connection to Phantom Menace but am glad you twisted my arm to keep watching. Finished The Eye (ep 6).

I think I'll agree with bob22, this is my favorite live action series. It relies on no easter eggs. The dialogues are real. I think what put me off my first try to watch Ep 1, all I saw were stereotypes coming at me. Once past that, the bad guys are not stupid. Lower levels are real people. Higher levels a bit priviledged stereotype but not all of them. There are no larger than lifes. That breakfast scene with the dude (who I'm pretty sure had action figures in his room) and his mom is about as unique as scene in all SW. All the characters seem real to me. The cities and landscaped feel real to me.

If good story telling is making it so the viewer feels that could be part of the story, they really succeeded with me.
I don't see the connection to Phantom Menace but am glad you twisted my arm to keep watching. Finished The Eye (ep 6).

I think I'll agree with bob22, this is my favorite live action series. It relies on no easter eggs. The dialogues are real. I think what put me off my first try to watch Ep 1, all I saw were stereotypes coming at me. Once past that, the bad guys are not stupid. Lower levels are real people. Higher levels a bit priviledged stereotype but not all of them. There are no larger than lifes. That breakfast scene with the dude (who I'm pretty sure had action figures in his room) and his mom is about as unique as scene in all SW. All the characters seem real to me. The cities and landscaped feel real to me.

If good story telling is making it so the viewer feels that could be part of the story, they really succeeded with me.
Glad you stayed with it, The Eye is my favorite episode but the standout acting and dialogue in One Way Out is unmatched in the Star Wars Universe and makes it feel more “adult”.
Glad you stayed with it, The Eye is my favorite episode but the standout acting and dialogue in One Way Out is unmatched in the Star Wars Universe and makes it feel more “adult”.
I'm trying not to rush through. Also trying to avoid spoilers, which makes me want to rush through.
I doubt anyone reading this thread needs this, but if so…you can watch the first two episodes at the following places.

Great idea over the big family holiday to keep building buzz on the show but they should do the first three and not stop at two. Like I have said earlier things really don’t get going until the 3rd episode.
Try to make sure I have 2 eps to watch. Had high hopes for this series, but it just isnt doing it for me. All the others I was stoked to tune in, but this one i have to force myself to do so.

Big group of us will be watching most of the series during Thanksgiving week and will be interesting to hear their insights on what they see.
The wait for a skirmish between ships was worth it. 😊
Yeah but now it makes all the other tractor beam encounters in everything from Star Wars to Star Trek, seem stupid. Just shoot a bunch of crap at the projector, duh. I mean, it's already pulling. Throw a shoe at it.
Purely a set up episode, everyone gets 5-10 minutes of screen time so that they can show why they will be heading to Marv's funeral and bring this thing to a full boil to finish up the season.

I do have a question for SW geeks. What the heck was the below? I mean I checked a couple recap columns and nobody is mentioning it but I saw this thing get casually brought out and thought Luthen cannot be packing one of those?>

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Purely a set up episode, everyone gets 5-10 minutes of screen time so that they can show why they will be heading to Marv's funeral and bring this thing to a full boil to finish up the season.

I do have a question for SW geeks. What the heck was the below? I mean I checked a couple recap columns and nobody is mentioning it but I saw this thing get casually brought out and thought Luthen cannot be packing one of those?>


Song flute. We had them in grade school.
Purely a set up episode, everyone gets 5-10 minutes of screen time so that they can show why they will be heading to Marv's funeral and bring this thing to a full boil to finish up the season.

I do have a question for SW geeks. What the heck was the below? I mean I checked a couple recap columns and nobody is mentioning it but I saw this thing get casually brought out and thought Luthen cannot be packing one of those?>


Seems to be a cane/weapon


  • CB85046A-1790-4E9C-99B4-FD694E138047.jpeg
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Caught myself up on Andor.

It’s good not great with its biggest issue being once again pacing. Too slow out the door will make it hard for people to get into.

Really like Luthan and Mon Mothma but not a fan of Andor himself.
Is this confirmed as the last season as well?
It was always intended to be a two season series with the final season leading into the events of Rouge One.

I think there is a change in release date though, Disney is really into stringing Star Wars stuff out and season two was to have started in 2023 but now they are saying spring 2024. Mando Season 3 starts in February and Ahsoka starts in May, these are the only series cast in stone for 2023; after that my guess is Skelton Crew gets a late summer release. There are a couple other things planned that could slide in but my guess is that will be it for live series.
It was always intended to be a two season series with the final season leading into the events of Rouge One.

I think there is a change in release date though, Disney is really into stringing Star Wars stuff out and season two was to have started in 2023 but now they are saying spring 2024. Mando Season 3 starts in February and Ahsoka starts in May, these are the only series cast in stone for 2023; after that my guess is Skelton Crew gets a late summer release. There are a couple other things planned that could slide in but my guess is that will be it for live series.
Damn. Ok thanks.
It was always intended to be a two season series with the final season leading into the events of Rouge One.

I think there is a change in release date though, Disney is really into stringing Star Wars stuff out and season two was to have started in 2023 but now they are saying spring 2024. Mando Season 3 starts in February and Ahsoka starts in May, these are the only series cast in stone for 2023; after that my guess is Skelton Crew gets a late summer release. There are a couple other things planned that could slide in but my guess is that will be it for live series.
Eh 🤷 Not your usual final episode. More like a mid-season episode. Doesn't cover new ground. Didn't really leave me wanting more anymore than any other episode. Still, well done I suppose. I let the credits roll as I was typing. Did I mention the after-credit scene?
Thanks for sharing. I was kind of wondering about this recently…why were there only humans working as slave labor in the prison? And why does it seem that only humans serve the in the Imperial military.

It doesn’t really make sense in a galaxy this big with all these worlds and aliens or non-humans but all the key characters are human.
Thanks for sharing. I was kind of wondering about this recently…why were there only humans working as slave labor in the prison? And why does it seem that only humans serve the in the Imperial military.

It doesn’t really make sense in a galaxy this big with all these worlds and aliens or non-humans but all the key characters are human.

Empire has been displayed as very xenophobic. It's not that big a stretch that some colonies would be human only. His snarky answer was cute. I think he could have accounted for it with story.
Eh 🤷 Not your usual final episode. More like a mid-season episode. Doesn't cover new ground. Didn't really leave me wanting more anymore than any other episode. Still, well done I suppose. I let the credits roll as I was typing. Did I mention the after-credit scene?
Episodes 10, 6, and maybe even 3 were much better. That being said as viewed as a series of trilogies with a coda, the coda wasn't awful and fit into the nuanced nature of the show. A couple things stood out to me:

  • On the positives visually this was a great episode. The sets and the primary action scene really did a good job of showing a realistic/chaotic fight with a lot of confusion and folks getting killed in a messy fashion. Also kudos for the score, it did a great job of setting the scenes.
  • I also like the direction they are taking on Mon Motha, those X wings are not free and it looks like her daughter will be helping with the cause,
  • On the down side all these folks came to Ferix to get up with Cassian; only one of them was able to hook up and that was because Cassian searched that person out? Doesn't see m very likely.
  • A key early plot point that was cultivated basically disappeared, Cassian's sister whereabouts. There is much more to resolve in season 2 so it seems weird to carry this over.
Still a great series and by far the best streaming show this fall. It was cool for Star Wars to go beyond the core juvenile crowd and come up with a show that is more intelligent in its focus. Now let's see if Disney does the same with the MCU and give us some more mature content than elementary entertainment that focuses on marginalized people.
Season was good not great but that finale was awful absolutely awful. Pure and total crap that both answered nothing and set up nothing.
Season was good not great but that finale was awful absolutely awful. Pure and total crap that both answered nothing and set up nothing.
like in the old days before the invention of the end of season cliff hanger. Dallas? I think that's the first one I recall.
Thanks for sharing. I was kind of wondering about this recently…why were there only humans working as slave labor in the prison? And why does it seem that only humans serve the in the Imperial military.

It doesn’t really make sense in a galaxy this big with all these worlds and aliens or non-humans but all the key characters are human.

I always equated “basically no non-humans in the Empire” to the Nazis wanting a master race. That the Empire was purposely human only.