700 WLW

The best! What I always have liked the most about Tracy is he did not take himself very serious. He also had the fan ratings where he determined how classy the fans were in a specific game. I always enjoyed when he would throw a weight out for a female caller by just interrupting the conversation of a female he disagreed with a "247". If it was a female he enjoyed talking with he would throw out a "108". So many females had no idea what he was doing.
Always thought he'd be the most fun to hang out with!
The best! What I always have liked the most about Tracy is he did not take himself very serious. He also had the fan ratings where he determined how classy the fans were in a specific game. I always enjoyed when he would throw a weight out for a female caller by just interrupting the conversation of a female he disagreed with a "247". If it was a female he enjoyed talking with he would throw out a "108". So many females had no idea what he was doing.
Classic...... by the way 195......
The best! What I always have liked the most about Tracy is he did not take himself very serious. He also had the fan ratings where he determined how classy the fans were in a specific game. I always enjoyed when he would throw a weight out for a female caller by just interrupting the conversation of a female he disagreed with a "247". If it was a female he enjoyed talking with he would throw out a "108". So many females had no idea what he was doing.
I remember one time when Tracy said 197 to the female caller. She got him back by saying, Tracy why are you bringing up your lifetime MLB batting average into our conversation. He responded "How dare you."...
I remember one time when Tracy said 197 to the female caller. She got him back by saying, Tracy why are you bringing up your lifetime MLB batting average into our conversation. He responded "How dare you."...
Its more like.

That is classic! There were many who didnt like Tracy because of his persona he put on the radio. I found it to be hilarious and very entertaining!
Its more like.

That is classic! There were many who didnt like Tracy because of his persona he put on the radio. I found it to be hilarious and very entertaining!
loved him on Friday nights after REds game...
The best! What I always have liked the most about Tracy is he did not take himself very serious. He also had the fan ratings where he determined how classy the fans were in a specific game. I always enjoyed when he would throw a weight out for a female caller by just interrupting the conversation of a female he disagreed with a "247". If it was a female he enjoyed talking with he would throw out a "108". So many females had no idea what he was doing.
Tracy always plays the elitest, calls the normal fans "ham and eggers". Remember the bit he had with the businessman in town and Rodney? Rodney was a guy that called in (probably not real) but he was either unemployed or always in between jobs. Rodney was a big Reds fan and Tracy talked to him a couple of years. Rodney's boy "junior". Hilarious stuff!
Tracy always plays the elitest, calls the normal fans "ham and eggers". Remember the bit he had with the businessman in town and Rodney? Rodney was a guy that called in (probably not real) but he was either unemployed or always in between jobs. Rodney was a big Reds fan and Tracy talked to him a couple of years. Rodney's boy "junior". Hilarious stuff!
Rodney from Norwood? He had a daycare or something I believe. (If it was real)
Rodney from Norwood? He had a daycare or something I believe. (If it was real)
Yes, and Rodney was an important part of calculating the "fan quality index" (FQI).

Rodney was always ignoring the kids or putting them in incredibly dangerous situations. Pretty certain he like Gilbert Gnarley were only for comedic purposes.
It's been a hoot listening to these Trump supporters try and defend this criminal and all of his toady bootlickers for the past 6 years. This station is just another extension of fox news. Get the popcorn ready because when the orange man starts throwing Jim " the CHMO" Jordan under the bus and all of his traitor buddies, it'll be real entertainment. LOL!!!
Yes, and Rodney was an important part of calculating the "fan quality index" (FQI).

Rodney was always ignoring the kids or putting them in incredibly dangerous situations. Pretty certain he like Gilbert Gnarley were only for comedic purposes.
There's no way Rodney was real. Entertaining, but not real. He'd always pull "junior" out of school for day baseball games. I mean considering alot of the crap that's on the radio these days, Tracy Jones with his act is at least entertaining.
It's been a hoot listening to these Trump supporters try and defend this criminal and all of his toady bootlickers for the past 6 years. This station is just another extension of fox news. Get the popcorn ready because when the orange man starts throwing Jim " the CHMO" Jordan under the bus and all of his traitor buddies, it'll be real entertainment. LOL!!!
You must be listening to another station. 95% of the news on WLW is liberal and sensational. The main reason the Jan. 6 is still such a big deal is that the Dems want to ride this out so Trump can run again in 2024. Look, I voted for him not once, but twice, but it's time for him to go away. The republicans need a younger, more progressive candidate. I think you could run about anyone in '24 and win.
This from WLW this morning... despite high fuel prices RECORD numbers are expected to be traveling this holiday weekend. Now how in the world can you claim that?? Does someone stand out on I-75 and count cars going by? It's insane what passes as news these days.
This from WLW this morning... despite high fuel prices RECORD numbers are expected to be traveling this holiday weekend. Now how in the world can you claim that?? Does someone stand out on I-75 and count cars going by? It's insane what passes as news these days.

Those numbers come from hotels booked. And I wouldn't be surprised if true. For much of the country this is the first Post Covid year...I was in Baltimore at this time last year and it was still required you wear masks for outdoor events.
This from WLW this morning... despite high fuel prices RECORD numbers are expected to be traveling this holiday weekend. Now how in the world can you claim that?? Does someone stand out on I-75 and count cars going by? It's insane what passes as news these days.
That information comes from AAA's projections. https://newsroom.aaa.com/2022/06/fr...7-9-million-people-will-travel-this-july-4th/

Forecast Methodology:

In cooperation with AAA, S&P Global Market Intelligence, a world-leading provider of financial information and solutions, developed a unique methodology to forecast actual domestic travel volumes. The economic variables used to forecast travel for the current holiday are leveraged from S&P Global Market Intelligence’s proprietary databases. These data include macroeconomic drivers such as employment; output; household net worth; asset prices including stock indices; interest rates; housing market indicators and variables related to travel and tourism, including prices of gasoline, airline travel and hotel stays. AAA and S&P Global Market Intelligence have quantified holiday travel volumes going back to 2000.

Historical travel volume estimates come from DK SHIFFLET’s TRAVEL PERFORMANCE/Monitorsm. The PERFORMANCE/Monitorsm is a comprehensive study measuring the travel behavior of U.S. residents. DK SHIFFLET contacts over 50,000 U.S. households each month to obtain detailed travel data, resulting in the unique ability to estimate visitor volume and spending, identify trends, and forecast U.S. travel behavior —all after the trips have been taken.

The travel forecast is reported in person-trips. In particular, AAA and S&P Global Market Intelligence forecast the total U.S. holiday travel volume and expected mode of transportation. The travel forecast presented in this report was prepared the week of May 23, 2022.
Those numbers come from hotels booked. And I wouldn't be surprised if true. For much of the country this is the first Post Covid year...I was in Baltimore at this time last year and it was still required you wear masks for outdoor events.
It amazes me that there are 1. as many motels as there is, and 2. they charge what they charge. There is no way those places are anywhere near capacity.
I honestly don't see it. People are staying home or doing day trips more than ever before. Still some fears of covid, gas being as high as it's been in more than a decade, and just the overall cost of travel, food, lodging.
So here's where we are with race relations and the police. A few days ago, it was "reported" the police arrested a few kids for selling water on the streets. Ok, most of us say, what's the big deal. Well, there's more. First of all, you are supposed to have a vendors license to sell things in cities - but it's rarely held up for stuff like this. But the kids were dashing in and between cars trying to get to as many people as possible. This is extremely dangerous and - as many of who may be drivers would wonder - if I accidently run over a kid - will I get sued? (of course).

So the cops come by and tell the kids to stop doing it because they've got some complaints about it. Well, as we know many kids ( and I"m guessing kids between 12-18 years old), can't just adhere to a simple command and start mouthing off to the cops. One cop even asked the kid if he wanted a ticket - the kid says - you can't write me a ticket. It's hot, the cops don't want to mess with this stuff, but if you push hard enough - you can get a response.

Anyway, not heard much else about it, so again, in today's world, this was going to be a powerkeg of police abuse yada yada yada, and now that the facts have come out, it's crickets.

Now all that was reported was that kids were arrested for selling water. That's so far from what happened and I hold the media responsible for fanning the flames for this crap.
Bummer, woke up to no McConnell this morning. I think Steve Hawkins is a fresh voice and makes a good effort to be informative. He might grow into being a pretty good talk show host. My impression was that he was maybe in his late 20's or early thirties, but is probably in his late 40's.
Bummer, woke up to no McConnell this morning. I think Steve Hawkins is a fresh voice and makes a good effort to be informative. He might grow into being a pretty good talk show host. My impression was that he was maybe in his late 20's or early thirties, but is probably in his late 40's.
You don’t remember him as the “Hawkman” from the 80s on Q102?
Bummer, woke up to no McConnell this morning. I think Steve Hawkins is a fresh voice and makes a good effort to be informative. He might grow into being a pretty good talk show host. My impression was that he was maybe in his late 20's or early thirties, but is probably in his late 40's.
Hawkins and Ken Broo are the "utility" guys at WLW, they are on to replace any regular shifts during the week, or have regular gigs on the weekend. I've never really got into Hawkins much. Maybe it's the content/ subject or his delivery, but just not done much for me. You can almost guarantee on a holiday weekend McConnell is off on Friday.
So Mike has a couple of regulars on Friday, a movie critic - Fat Guys at the Movies and Beer Dave. Do those segments trip anyone's trigger? I watch very few movies and I never look at a review before watching a movie. I just think it clouds your judgement, and I'm pretty easily entertained so most reviews are not correct for me. I don't drink so I guess the Beer Dave segment doesn't do anything for me either.