2023 St. Ignatius Football

No sons, but yeah my wife and I were both given opportunity to choose our high school in 8th grade, so my daughter gets that option too.

Same - my older brother was an Iggy grad. My parents (and my brother) told me that I needed to make my own decision. I've never regretted that decision...
I had two choices, St. Edward or St. Edward! 😂 My parents were both from Ireland, so perhaps there was some Notre Dame - Brothers of the Holy Cross thing going down with them from watching Pat O'Brien in Knute Rockne "All American" too many times or perhaps they watched Bing Crosby in "Going my Way" too many times and felt some kind of blind loyalty to the "parish" with my older brother having previously attended St. Edward.😂

In the end I was very happy with my choice, as were those from my grade school class that chose St Ignatius or the old Holy Name on Broadway or even West Tech for that matter. Everyone made the best of their particular situation.

As for education today, St Edward would not exist in it's present form if it didn't offer a quality and unique education. At nearly $20,000 per year (even with vouchers and scholarship money) it invariably requires a huge financial commitment from families to send kids to either St. Edward or Ignatius. No one is spending that kind of money if they don't think they're getting something of value in return. Today, both Eds and Ignatius offer their own unique brand of first class education.

I largely credit Ignatius almunus Jim Kubacki with the change at St Edward. He transformed Eds from a "blue collar" school into a 21st century school with the IB program and by enhancing the engineering program among a host of others. That's not taking anything away from the traditional Jesuit education offered at Ignatius and the changes they've had to make as well to stay ahead of the changing education curve.

When the new realities for Catholic education started to come into play (roughly 25 years ago or more) with smaller families, increased costs and diminished interest (among some ) in the importance of private Catholic education, Catholic schools faced serious challenges to survive. Some went to co-ed and others disappeared or merged with other entities. Ignatius was probably positioned best to absorb these challenges with a great historic reputation, central location, great alumni and a huge endowment. St Edward was not as fortunate. It had to really make drastic changes to survive and now appears to have come out of it smaller (down to 1,000 students from 1,600) but better for it in the end.

Eds and Ignatius are certainly different, but they produce some really great future leaders and all around great citizens in their own respective ways. I jokingly refer to St Ignatius as the "Evil Empire" in my athletic posts out of my jealousy of their great financial resources and facilities, but in no way does that diminish what they do on a day to day basis in the classroom.
A lot of these comments by you are seriously promoting the senior over the sophomore. I just find it odd because you can’t seriously point to the seniors stats in the past as a reason to start. Kinda seems personal. The sophomore is struggling. But against TCC I saw him complete passes the senior never could.

sometimes it’s ok to get him experience. As an 09 grad. I was a JV a player on a varsity squad that severely struggled. The movement to start Holland, Ryan, Parris, Whitaker, Hinkel, Fox, and the following year Scott Mcvey (who was a sophomore when we were juniors) We’re extremely important to our 08 a
-09state run.

I’m not saying the seniors can’t play, but this development on a dud year is important for the future. Let’s hope it works out.

this season is extremely frustrating for all us cats fans. Let’s hope a bright future is on the rise. As 97 cat mentions, Welo offense is extremely frustrating. Go cats, onto next week
Late response because I had a nice little getaway vacation to Key West this week to thankfully drown my sorrows!

I do take this personally, because I had a similar situation happen to me in HS. I'm glad for you it worked out, but I'm sure if you talked to the senior who's place you took (or his parents), the perception would be very different.

What I gather from your take is that the offensive gameplan sucks and welo sucks, so just give up the season and tell the seniors too bad, because we only care about next year now. I think that is wrong.

In my opinion, Papesh, Merrimee and all the remaining seniors deserve every chance they get to play the remainder of the season out. If the soph was clearly better, then yes, play him. But he's not. There is no CLEAR separation of talent to call for change, other than the coaching staff is succumbing to daddy ball and giving in to school donors.

Because hard work, grit, and commitment should be paid back with some loyalty.

Once the loyalty is gone, so goes the trust. This staff is going to have a tough time moving forward with fractured trust.
In my opinion, Papesh, Merrimee and all the remaining seniors deserve every chance they get to play the remainder of the season out. If the soph was clearly better, then yes, play him. But he's not. There is no CLEAR separation of talent to call for change, other than the coaching staff is succumbing to daddy ball and giving in to school donors.
I don't totally disagree with you here, but part of going to a program that wants to compete at the state level year in and year out is that there is a risk of this happening. A program like Iggy has standards and that standard is that they make deep playoff runs and challenge for a state title every so often. So if they believe that playing the sophomores now can help them meet that goal sooner vs later, that is what they are going to do. Is it unfair, cold and heartless? You betcha. But when you sign up to play big time football, you take that risk.
The situation is new, since Chico would have automatically played the seniors. Also, the best of the bunch, a junior, is hurt and can't play. Who knows if he will play next yr, since he is a big time basketball prospect.
The situation is new, since Chico would have automatically played the seniors. Also, the best of the bunch, a junior, is hurt and can't play. Who knows if he will play next yr, since he is a big time basketball prospect.
I respectfully disagree he is the best of the bunch, right now. Leaves the pocket immediately which has been a contributing factor to two straight years of being injured.

The QB position program wide is a mess, in my opinion. The coach is a former great WR. The play on all levels has been really below average.
Late response because I had a nice little getaway vacation to Key West this week to thankfully drown my sorrows!

I do take this personally, because I had a similar situation happen to me in HS. I'm glad for you it worked out, but I'm sure if you talked to the senior who's place you took (or his parents), the perception would be very different.

What I gather from your take is that the offensive gameplan sucks and welo sucks, so just give up the season and tell the seniors too bad, because we only care about next year now. I think that is wrong.

In my opinion, Papesh, Merrimee and all the remaining seniors deserve every chance they get to play the remainder of the season out. If the soph was clearly better, then yes, play him. But he's not. There is no CLEAR separation of talent to call for change, other than the coaching staff is succumbing to daddy ball and giving in to school donors.

Because hard work, grit, and commitment should be paid back with some loyalty.

Once the loyalty is gone, so goes the trust. This staff is going to have a tough time moving forward with fractured trust.
True there has been no clear separation, but a lot of that is on the coaching and the offense. All of the QBs look lost out there, and the Eds game was a disgrace. They might as well have run the option with as bad as the passing attack has been.
I had two choices, St. Edward or St. Edward! 😂 My parents were both from Ireland, so perhaps there was some Notre Dame - Brothers of the Holy Cross thing going down with them from watching Pat O'Brien in Knute Rockne "All American" too many times or perhaps they watched Bing Crosby in "Going my Way" too many times and felt some kind of blind loyalty to the "parish" with my older brother having previously attended St. Edward.😂

In the end I was very happy with my choice, as were those from my grade school class that chose St Ignatius or the old Holy Name on Broadway or even West Tech for that matter. Everyone made the best of their particular situation.

As for education today, St Edward would not exist in it's present form if it didn't offer a quality and unique education. At nearly $20,000 per year (even with vouchers and scholarship money) it invariably requires a huge financial commitment from families to send kids to either St. Edward or Ignatius. No one is spending that kind of money if they don't think they're getting something of value in return. Today, both Eds and Ignatius offer their own unique brand of first class education.

I largely credit Ignatius almunus Jim Kubacki with the change at St Edward. He transformed Eds from a "blue collar" school into a 21st century school with the IB program and by enhancing the engineering program among a host of others. That's not taking anything away from the traditional Jesuit education offered at Ignatius and the changes they've had to make as well to stay ahead of the changing education curve.

When the new realities for Catholic education started to come into play (roughly 25 years ago or more) with smaller families, increased costs and diminished interest (among some ) in the importance of private Catholic education, Catholic schools faced serious challenges to survive. Some went to co-ed and others disappeared or merged with other entities. Ignatius was probably positioned best to absorb these challenges with a great historic reputation, central location, great alumni and a huge endowment. St Edward was not as fortunate. It had to really make drastic changes to survive and now appears to have come out of it smaller (down to 1,000 students from 1,600) but better for it in the end.

Eds and Ignatius are certainly different, but they produce some really great future leaders and all around great citizens in their own respective ways. I jokingly refer to St Ignatius as the "Evil Empire" in my athletic posts out of my jealousy of their great financial resources and facilities, but in no way does that diminish what they do on a day to day basis in the classroom.
THIS is the perfect example of the special mutual respect rivalry us who are alums of either talk about and try to get others to understand.
Safe travels to the Queen City Wildcat fans. Looking forward to tomorrow's game. Nice facility but not a lot of seating. I would advise to get their early. GBM 💪 🏈


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Likely won't need much visitor seating. Can't imagine anyone traveling unless having a kid playing
Noticed that last week the Ignatius crowd wasn’t as packed as it usually is at Lakewood. It was certainly a sellout but it wasn’t a get there at least an hour early to get a seat kind of Holy War. The student section was huge though, which is better.

Seems like this year the Ignatius diehards are more likely to watch online. Can’t blame them. If live-streaming was around when Ed’s was going through the nightmare of 08 and 09 I’d watch online too. If an Ignatius fan without kids or family on the team is going to cincy for this one they’re nuts.
Noticed that last week the Ignatius crowd wasn’t as packed as it usually is at Lakewood. It was certainly a sellout but it wasn’t a get there at least an hour early to get a seat kind of Holy War. The student section was huge though, which is better.

Seems like this year the Ignatius diehards are more likely to watch online. Can’t blame them. If live-streaming was around when Ed’s was going through the nightmare of 08 and 09 I’d watch online too. If an Ignatius fan without kids or family on the team is going to cincy for this one they’re nuts.
It actually wasn't close to a sell out last week. An Eds staffer told me between both schools, there were just shy of 7k tickets sold. And they put up 10k. Pretty sad stuff.
It actually wasn't close to a sell out last week. An Eds staffer told me between both schools, there were just shy of 7k tickets sold. And they put up 10k. Pretty sad stuff.
If 7k tickets were sold that beats the 6800 seats for Lakewood. I was there and there were plenty of people watching on the rails in the south end zone. But certainly not as much as Lakewood can really hold. I wonder what the highest attendance was at at Lakewood Stadium game. I'm sure they've found to find a way to fit 15k in there sometimes. Ed's switching the "home" side to the press box end a few years back still makes it feel strange.

I remember the 2012 game, 9-0 vs 9-0. There were people begging for tickets. You couldn't find a seat at Byers if you weren't there at least an hour early. Byers legally holds almost 13k, I bet there were 20k there for that game.

I really would like to see the true streaming numbers. A lot of people saw the game this year, but most were not actually there.
Noticed that last week the Ignatius crowd wasn’t as packed as it usually is at Lakewood. It was certainly a sellout but it wasn’t a get there at least an hour early to get a seat kind of Holy War. The student section was huge though, which is better.

Seems like this year the Ignatius diehards are more likely to watch online. Can’t blame them. If live-streaming was around when Ed’s was going through the nightmare of 08 and 09 I’d watch online too. If an Ignatius fan without kids or family on the team is going to cincy for this one they’re nuts.
I'm not even going to the 1 game at Byers next week. Not much enjoyment from going to watch a team score less than when the Browns were at their worst since expansion
Through 7 games:

Pts scored - 61
Pts. allowed - 217

No changes necessary?

FYI - J-V ( 4-2) : Pts scored - 94 Pts allowed - 109

Freshmen ( 5-2): Pts scored - 195 Pts. allowed - 96
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This team struggles to get 1st downs yet they come out in the same formations.

Defense is small and slow. Future is dark.
Pulling the seniors in favor of sophomores when the sophomores are actually worse is the most pathetic coaching decision I've seen. It says that they are trying to blame the struggles on talent when really this level of debacle is clearly coaching-related. Also, that message is one of defeat and will not give the team a good character in the future of the program. Chico had lost his edge towards the end as all legends do but this staff has none. They are bumbling idiots. I talked with one senior who said the team felt like the coaches quit on the team early in the season and since then there's been no effort by the team in practice and kids just don't care because the coaches don't care. The seniors have tried to motivate their teammates but once the coaches quit it was a disaster in the locker room. I think what we've seen on the field and the decisions to bench seniors and punt it away in must-have-it situations all year is a clear indicator of the poor level of leadership and the complete inability to motivate a team as well as an ignorance of how the game of football actually works. Franzinger may have been a good defensive coordinator but I think that's what he is. The head coach is a different animal and it's pretty clear he is not competent at it and if the coaches have quit that does not bode well for years to come. Without changes, this program will be trash for years no matter how much talent they have.
Yes the coaching has been awful. No argument there.

I don’t see all of this talent that others do, but yes this looks like what we can expect in the coming years.
I thought the game was at 4, so, I turned it on with 2 minutes left or so. I saw the score, and sadly, wasn't surprised. 7 points again? SEVEN?

Tell me again why we don't have a good chance to lose to Canada?
Pulling the seniors in favor of sophomores when the sophomores are actually worse is the most pathetic coaching decision I've seen. It says that they are trying to blame the struggles on talent when really this level of debacle is clearly coaching-related. Also, that message is one of defeat and will not give the team a good character in the future of the program. Chico had lost his edge towards the end as all legends do but this staff has none. They are bumbling idiots. I talked with one senior who said the team felt like the coaches quit on the team early in the season and since then there's been no effort by the team in practice and kids just don't care because the coaches don't care. The seniors have tried to motivate their teammates but once the coaches quit it was a disaster in the locker room. I think what we've seen on the field and the decisions to bench seniors and punt it away in must-have-it situations all year is a clear indicator of the poor level of leadership and the complete inability to motivate a team as well as an ignorance of how the game of football actually works. Franzinger may have been a good defensive coordinator but I think that's what he is. The head coach is a different animal and it's pretty clear he is not competent at it and if the coaches have quit that does not bode well for years to come. Without changes, this program will be trash for years no matter how much talent they have.
If the facts are true (I'm not saying they arent), it is damning
Yes the coaching has been awful. No argument there.

I don’t see all of this talent that others do, but yes this looks like what we can expect in the coming years.
They look small, slow and not athletic. I'm trying to think of a good parochial school football comparison from the past
47-7. The running tab is now : Pts scored 68.....Pts allowed 264.

Is there a realistic chance that they can break 100pts scored for the season? Just two games left.
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I thought the game was at 4, so, I turned it on with 2 minutes left or so. I saw the score, and sadly, wasn't surprised. 7 points again? SEVEN?

Tell me again why we don't have a good chance to lose to Canada?
If Football North plays as well as they've played against Eds so far they will beat Ignatius.
47-7. The running tab is now : Pts scored 68.....Pts allowed 264.

Is there a realistic chance that they can break 100pts scored for the season? Just two games left.
Very doubtful. I'm oddly hopeful that maybe 3 of the 1 win teams can win another to avoid a week 11 running clock