2023 Southwestern Buckeye League

I think that the internal posting is a formality that school districts do and it may actually be required depending on how the contract is set up through the teacher's union. A lot of athletic departments work through the teacher's union with supplemental contracts.

Just because it is posted internally doesn't require the athletic departments to hire a teacher or someone internally. I think it is just a formality.
Yeah, that's why I said how do two outside people who don't work in the school district apply for it when it hasn't been posted externally? Seems like it would have to be posted externally before they could apply. Think that would be sketchy if they already knew who they wanted to hire and they applied before the job was actually posted to the public. Seems interesting to me. Hope the AD at Carlisle is honest with those coaches who apply and say we already know who we want thanks for applying. Not a fan of wasting other people's time.
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Yeah, that's why I said how do two outside people who don't work in the school district apply for it when it hasn't been posted externally? Seems like it would have to be posted externally before they could apply. Think that would be sketchy if they already knew who they wanted to hire and they applied before the job was actually posted to the public. Seems interesting to me. Hope the AD at Carlisle is honest with those coaches who apply and say we already know who we want thanks for applying. Not a fan of wasting other people's time.
Gotcha. I misread your original message. My apologies.

Yeah, that is an interesting point. How can they apply if it hasn't been posted externally? Unless someone is just saying that they are going to apply once it is posted?
I didn't say who would get the job, although I guaranteed my support to whoever gets the job . I simply defended Coach Childers. If you didn't have a player in his system then you really don't know.
I hope whoever does become the new coach, the community will support and give this guy more than 2 years to work his system in. They have some good up and coming players. I was in Childers system. He was a great defensive coordinator. As a head coach he wasn't bad but how he would handle some players and parents was ridiculous. There is a lot to learn from year one to year 2 and 3 but Roberts set up him up good after he left and he drop the ball for two years
😂 😂 😂 😂 is this a real comment
Yea that is what I heard. I’m not at the school. Like I said rumors. Lewis and Koogle don’t work for school either. They posted eternal first. That’s just to see if anyone wants to apply. Doesn’t mean they will hire them. I’m hearing they have a hiring committee to narrow the search down and hopefully they find the right fit. I’m sorry my comment didn’t fit your expertise.
Franklin and Monroe have been posted on the OHSAA site, Carlisle has not posted it externally yet.
Just wish the Wildcats would hire Lewis and let him start building a program. This isn’t like it’s a dream job the administration had already messed that up. I hope Berry listens to the players and does not worry about the parents/buddies in his ear. Lewis is the guy for the job