Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘****hole’ countries

Seriously??? Thanks for the laugh.

You could not be more wrong about Trump. To help you judge the severity of your brain washing by by the media I have a few ????

Why would groups like the NAACP give Trump awards if he was racist?
Why do so many members of the King Family support him?
Why would Trump have a long history of supporting black charities?
How many presidential candidates are repeatedly on record saying a black woman would be his #1 choice for VP.
Trump is a content of character guy who sees green , good, bad right and wrong...and could care less about the color of you skin.

I will be waiting for your answers or we can assume I have woke you up.
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This↓↓ must not be one of the King family members that supports Trump. Which ones do?

"Martin Luther King Jr.'s son Martin Luther King III criticized President Trump for calling certain African nations "s-hole countries," saying that we're living in "evil days."

"These are evil days when the President of the United States doesn't seem to understand that Africa is a continent, not a state and he refers to countries such as Nigeria and Haiti and El Salvador as, y'all know that word. I don’t talk like that. Y'all know what he said," King said at a breakfast honoring his father this morning.

He continued: "And a president that insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway. I don't even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is. Now, the problem is that you have a president who says things but has the power to execute and create racism. That's a dangerous power and a dangerous position and we cannot tolerate that."
Trump has been a public figure for a half a century, the topic of numerous newspaper and magazine stories, interviewed on TV many times, including shows like 60 Minutes, wrote a well-known book, and for 12 years was featured on a popular NBC reality show.

And nobody ever noticed that he is the most evil racist since Adolf Hitler.

Truly amazing.

Did I say he was racist? My response was in response to nice rocks post:

Trump is likely the least racist president we have ever had.....

I didn't say that he was racist but I also don't believe he is the "least racist president we've ever had." Was Reagan racist? What about GW or HW? Bill Clinton? Quantifying that Trump is the least racist president seems to be nearly impossible to me. I'm not sure how any president, or any person for that matter, can be deemed to be "least racist."

What is truly amazing, chs, is that you were able to infer from my comments that I think Trump is the most evil racist since Adolf Hitler.

You could not be more wrong about Trump. To help you judge the severity of your brain washing by by the media I have a few ????

Enlighten me, nice rocks. What am I wrong about? How have I been brain washed by the media? Find where I said that Trump is racist. Are you that easily offended by me being surprised or questioning of how you can possibly qualify your statement of him being the least racist president ever?
Trump didn't receive any awards from the NAACP. Fake news. Look it up.
What are these "black charities" that he has a long history of supporting?
Agreed that it’s pretty difficult to quantify the “least racist” anyone...let alone the President.

But seriously...and this is just your pal fish being his usual helpful self - the idea that Trump is a racist is pretty damn stupid...and you people humping it are going to end up stepping on your own cranks yet again come 2018/2020.

It’s as if you have zero sincere interest in ever being the governing majority again. :shrug:
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Agreed that it’s pretty difficult to quantify the “least racist” anyone...let alone the President.

But seriously...and this is just your pal fish being his usual helpful self - the idea that Trump is a racist is pretty damn stupid...and you people humping it are going to end up stepping on your own yet again come 2018/2020.

It’s as if you have zero sincere interest in ever being the governing majority again. :shrug:

Trump's doing a pretty good job on his own helping the Dems with this.
He certainly knows what gets his base riled up in a lather. He came onto the political stage as a "birther" and his been using do whistles ever since.
It’s amusing that you think so.

Carry on.

Yep. Mass immigration from third world s***holes is a big time loser for Democrats. And this is one issue that does not poll accurately as many will not answers polling questions on this issue truthfully for fear of being called a racist. I am pretty confident the majority of legal American citizens are with the President on this issue.

Allowing over a million mostly dirt poor uneducated legal immigrants and hundreds of thousand illegal immigrants into this nation every year is insanity at this stage in our nation's history.

One question that is never asked of these lefties is how this helps our environment. At this pace, with chain migration, etc... The U.S. by 2100 will be near, if not over, half a billion people if our idiotic immigration policy and laws are not immediately changed. That means much more pollution, deforestation or other development of wilderness areas.

The Democrats want the votes that poor immigrants bring and the establishment Republicans want the cheap/slave labor for the Chambers of Commerce and business donor class even though the entire nation will turn into California and Republicans will never win another major election. I have been to a couple third world countries and they are s***holes.
As usual, you had nothing to back up your statement...which is why I asked. Figured as much.

I usually just wait until after the election, and then say, “you’re welcome.”

Been working pretty well since 2004. :laugh:
Lol beeman complained about kicking his mom in the teeth post lol

You mean when you said I should kick my mom in the teeth for her smoking crack when she was pregnant with me...or something like that?

Nope, wasn't me. Wouldn't have realized it was gone if you wouldn't have said anything.
I didn't say that he was racist but I also don't believe he is the "least racist president we've ever had." Was Reagan racist? What about GW or HW? Bill Clinton? Quantifying that Trump is the least racist president seems to be nearly impossible to me. I'm not sure how any president, or any person for that matter, can be deemed to be "least racist."

Enlighten me, nice rocks. What am I wrong about? How have I been brain washed by the media? Find where I said that Trump is racist. Are you that easily offended by me being surprised or questioning of how you can possibly qualify your statement of him being the least racist president ever?

I'm glad you agree with me that Trump is not a racist. But your reply sure sounded that you strongly disagreed.

Now to enlighten you, first off I said "likely" the least racist... which infers there is no way of knowing what is truly in a mans heart and I would agree with Jung and Jesus as far as all of us having a darkside.

All we can do is look who his friends were who he liked to be around and his past action hiring firing on merit etc. Trump loves to be around successful people of all races. I feel that more than any other president his past action (charity from Trump foundation to Haiti) awards for diversity tolerance and brotherhood (Ellis Island award), his friends and what they have said especially before all the political propaganda makes him the "Likely" least racist. See Shauq, Oprah...

I started by eliminating all presidents before WW2 because of racial segregation and just different times (plus to many I do not know enough about). Even Lincoln said some racist did many of the day.
After that you can go through the rest. Trump and Carter seam to be the two that rise to the top IMO. If Trump is prejudice it is to unsuccessful people of all races equally... "now pull up your GD pants and get to work you slob." he would say it to his son,a acquaintance ,someone who works for him or anyone else displaying poor manners.