WK 14 Massillon (13-0) vs Green (10-3) D2 R7 Regional championship

Who wins?

  • Massillon by 1-8

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Massillon by 9-16

    Votes: 31 22.1%
  • Massillon by 17+

    Votes: 82 58.6%
  • Green by 1-8

    Votes: 15 10.7%
  • Green by 9-16

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Green by 17+

    Votes: 10 7.1%

  • Total voters
He's talking about Danny Clark. But I thought it was because of the coaching changes. Once Nate Moore was hired, that's when Clark left and went to Hoban for the next season. I was thinking it was due to the loss of Jason Hall as coach.
It was a combination of everything to be honest.
If Massillon has any say in it I don't want to see that back judge again.

Congrats to Green for getting as far as you did. Having seen both teams I can't comprehend how Lake lost 28-0, but that's hs football.

We dominated the LOS and Jamir and Mylen came to play. But the turnovers. No time to be getting fumble-itis guys c'mon. #41 has stepped in great but still hope to #3 back in there. Secondary defended pretty well and we will probably see the same type packages next week. Anderson can sling it for real.
Not slagging the venue or the sport, but it seems a bit arrogant to actually put "Historic" in the name.
They call it “historic” because it was the first soccer specific stadium built in the US. Adding historic is a bit over the top if you ask me. That said, it’s really nice venue. Location is perfect as far as ease of getting there.
Awww even Shannon had to make a comment on X about our fake punt
Anyone complaining about the fake punt truly knows nothing about football.

Massillon replaces starters w backups early in the 4th quarter after blocked punt. Could have easily punched another in there with starters but did not. Green leaves starters in & gets a garbage TD against backups.

Massillon needs a couple 1st downs from backup offense to go home healthy. Green continues with their starters & stops Massillon. Massillon now faced to punt into a heavy wind. So Moore makes the choice to fake it & pick up the first down to end the game & go home healthy.

Anyone complaining about the fake punt truly knows nothing about football.

Massillon replaces starters w backups early in the 4th quarter after blocked punt. Could have easily punched another in there with starters but did not. Green leaves starters in & gets a garbage TD against backups.

Massillon needs a couple 1st downs from backup offense to go home healthy. Green continues with their starters & stops Massillon. Massillon now faced to punt into a heavy wind. So Moore makes the choice to fake it & pick up the first down to end the game & go home healthy.

It's the best thing to do. Them Green fans butt hurt but how would they have felt if the Tigers ran up the score?
Anyone complaining about the fake punt truly knows nothing about football.

Massillon replaces starters w backups early in the 4th quarter after blocked punt. Could have easily punched another in there with starters but did not. Green leaves starters in & gets a garbage TD against backups.

Massillon needs a couple 1st downs from backup offense to go home healthy. Green continues with their starters & stops Massillon. Massillon now faced to punt into a heavy wind. So Moore makes the choice to fake it & pick up the first down to end the game & go home healthy.

I was on my way home from the game listening to Q92 and they all were butthole hurt. They made a comment stating if people needed a reason to hate Massillon this would be it. We should have taken knee. Screw them, we weren't trying to give the ball back.
I was on my way home from the game listening to Q92 and they all were butthole hurt. They made a comment stating if people needed a reason to hate Massillon this would be it. We should have taken knee. Screw them, we weren't trying to give the ball back.
Apparently the team with the lead is supposed to just let the other team score so they can feel good about themselves…

was that Bourquin on Q92?
Anyone complaining about the fake punt truly knows nothing about football.

Massillon replaces starters w backups early in the 4th quarter after blocked punt. Could have easily punched another in there with starters but did not. Green leaves starters in & gets a garbage TD against backups.

Massillon needs a couple 1st downs from backup offense to go home healthy. Green continues with their starters & stops Massillon. Massillon now faced to punt into a heavy wind. So Moore makes the choice to fake it & pick up the first down to end the game & go home healthy.

I had no issue with the fake punt. Agree with all your comments.
I had no issue with the fake punt. Agree with all your comments.
Well you may need to educate the rest of your Green Football community & coaches. After that play the comments being made by Green fans that I could hear on the broadcast were what was really classless. Several coaches upset about it as well.

Classless is about intent. Massillon took their foot off the gas early in the 4th. Nothing but CLASS there. Greens intent was to keep starters in & continue to score to save face. On their scoring possession they threw the ball on EVERY PLAY against the backups. Massillon just trying to go home healthy. Intent of the fake punt was a 1st down. Not to score.

But they (Fed Fans, Massillon Haters) love to paint the picture for the Tigers, Moore & their program. It’s ridiculous & a joke. So many uneducated football fans on all sides.

Great season Green. You exceeded expectations but were completely outmatched in all facets of this one. Don’t ruin a great season with all the crying. Respect the game
Smoove loves readinating all of these whoney commentations from peeps on this thread. Smoove nearly spit out Smoove's chocolate milk all over Smoove's screen. Smoove was in Columbus over the weekend gettin' his surgically repaired bodily parts examined by some chickie that loves Smoove's Mooves. Well, She examined them over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, let Smoove tell y'all. Anyhooz, Smoove watchified the scores while Smoove was scorin', and pretty much followed how Smoove thought this game might go. Green have no reason to be shamin' theyselves over this loss. They gotted beat by a better team. Plain and simplification. One thing Smoove know, there ain't no shame in losin' to a better team. PRollem come when one loses to a team that is even or lesser becaus the fellas didn't come ready to bang and play and pound. Football a physical game that need to have they bestest every night, specially when the playoff be up in here. Well, not the 1st round or 2 'cuz they so waterated down now with 16 teams each regionation gettin' in.
Green had a heck of a season. Played they tails off and showed off proud for they community. Green a great little community. However, y'all, Massillon just rilly, rilly, GOOT! Sometime, you just gots to tip the fedora to the other team and say, "Y'all Good! Congratulatamations to y'all, y'all deservified the win." THAT is what Green should be sayin'. Ain't no shame in it, y'all. The hearts were brokenated and demoralizified on Friday noght, but keep in mind the fun and joyness that the fellas provided to y'all. Be Proud and do not bring shame by complainin' 'bout some fake punt. RILLY?!?! DId it affect the outcome? Now had Massillon brought their 1st team O back in to run that play, Smoove might say somethin' bout it, but most team have 1 punt team and they go wit' it. STOP THEM, is what Smoove say.
Now, Smoove gonna predictify the final gonna be Hoban and Massillon and Smoove will be hangion' around the concessionary stand at Benson Stadium, and more than likely, as per the usualization, Smoove will leave with one of them Concessionary Chickies. Hey, It is what Smoove do!! Smoove have a way about Smoove that the concessionary ladies cannot, and Smoove reiteratify, CANNOT refuse. Smoove hope it end up that way and that e'erone stay healthy and play hard, smart ball. Smoove gonna be watchin' the game from the corner of Smoove's eye, but workin' the concessionary chickies like never before, y'all! Gots to get it on again before end of the season!!!
In closin', Congratulatory glory to Massillon for winnin', and COngratulatory glories to Green for havin' one hecks of a football season. MAkin' it to the final 8 in the state is a massively proud accomplishmentation and Smoove tip Smoove's fedora to y'all. Don't go runinatin' it by bein' all petty about a doggone fake punt. As Smoove's Momma used to say to Smoove,
"Fo' RILL, BOY! I smack tha stank out yo' breath, Smoove! Get yo' head on straight and stoip playin' tha FOOL!!"
Love you and miss you, Momma. Smoove out!
Smoove out!