Where's North Korea?


Well-known member
Satellite photo of North and South Korea at night shows how backward that country really is.

That one dot of light must be for this.

They do have the one thing down though, one missed step and you spend the rest of your life in prison. Even the narrator sounds like he is some brain washed robot.
Maybe all of the North Korean children listen to their dads when they were told to turn off the lights when they leave a room. There are nights when my house is lighted like South Korea compared to my neighbors.
:laugh: Sorry guys. I'd happily participate in any intelligent and interesting non-existant threads either $ or the other guy I've never heard of before have created.
I don't really have anything to offer here. Yappi used to be my #1 site I would look at to burn time. It's currently at number 4 or 5 right now. Tragic, really.