What Movies Did You Watch in March 2024?


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As a horror movie junkie, I come across a lot of off beat Horror movies as well as the run in the mill straight to video. I will share my thoughts of the ones that I see this month. So, if you seen a movie new or old and want to share your thoughts go ahead, and if its horror, even better!!!!

I will edit in my horror views here with my rating scale on how I liked it.....

8 = Donnie Darko
7 = Excellent !!!!!
6 = Great
5 = pretty Good
4 = OK/Good
3 = not good
2 = Bad
1 = Unwatchable


#4691 The Current Occupant (2020) ... 2.0/8

#4692 Appendage (2023) ... 5.0/8

#4693 The Visit (2015) ... 6.5/8

#4694 Drive (2022) ... 5.0/8

#4695 Kuroneko (Japan-1968) ... 4.0/8
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Dune Part 2.


Spectacular conclusion to the classic science fiction story. Awesome visual effects and set pieces illustrate how this move uses CGI in ways that both further the story and wow us at the same time. The comic book movies could learn a lot from this movie. And as good as the visuals are the sound effects are truly amazing. The acting is uniformly excellent with Javier Bardem brilliant as a religious fanatic and Austin Butler stealing the show as the psychotic nephew of Barron Harkonnen.

Try to see this in a movie theater with the biggest screen you can find. IMAX would be ideal.


Weirdly mesmerizing horror film about a group of American college students visiting a Pagan community in rural Sweden. Very different then your usual horror film with a sublimely eerie use of visuals and pacing to creep you out.
Dune Part 2.


Spectacular conclusion to the classic science fiction story. Awesome visual effects and set pieces illustrate how this move uses CGI in ways that both further the story and wow us at the same time. The comic book movies could learn a lot from this movie. And as good as the visuals are the sound effects are truly amazing. The acting is uniformly excellent with Javier Bardem brilliant as a religious fanatic and Austin Butler stealing the show as the psychotic nephew of Barron Harkonnen.

Try to see this in a movie theater with the biggest screen you can find. IMAX would be ideal.

Bummed we didn’t make it this weekend. We had COVID hit the household.
Iron Claw - 5/8.

Efron was great. However, they cut the youngest brother entirely out of existence AND cast this 5'7" dude...

To play this 6'2" 250lbs. dude.
Dune Part 2 (7.0/8.0): Damn good movie with a good story and great action. I actaully can't wait to see it again at home, so I can turn on the subtitles as I know I missed some important dialogue at certain times (whether due to an accent with the actor or just me being old and not hearing as well as I used to).
X (Netflix Slasher)

Set in 1979 East Texas. A small group of porn actors/actresses and crew rent a farmhouse to film a movie. An elderly couple lives on the property. The blood flows.

STOP going down to the basement! :)
RoboCop 2 (1990) ... 5.0/8

This one started out like it was going to be better than the first one. The kid was hilarious..... this one though ran too long and when the final fight scene began I was already drifting off.....

So, are the other RoboCop movies worth watching?
X (Netflix Slasher)

Set in 1979 East Texas. A small group of porn actors/actresses and crew rent a farmhouse to film a movie. An elderly couple lives on the property. The blood flows.

STOP going down to the basement! :)
Definitely want to check this out along with Pearl
Dune Part 2: 7/8

Visually stunning with some incredible action scenes, but not quite perfect. The plot does get a little convoluted when it comes to the prophecy and how they show it (I also regret not rewatching the first part more recently, that would have helped).

I haven’t read the book but it feels like they cut out some and reworked some things (I’ve read the plot summary after the movie and they cut out a whole time jump). I was also surprised a bit that it ended somewhat open ended considering the next movie is based on a separate book.

I’m not sure if I like Part 1 or Part 2 more, but regardless, if they stick the landing on Dune: Messiah, it could go down as an all time great trilogy.
Wonka (2023) 100% theater nerd appeal and though I don't particularly remember any song that well, every song seemed built for a three minute spot on the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. But you know what? It was wholesome and had several good little jokes. I don't see how you wouldn't know what you're in for. If you think this is the worst movie you've ever seen and you wanted to walk out of the theater, you're probably a crusty old Republican.

Wonka (2023) 100% theater nerd appeal and though I don't particularly remember any song that well, every song seemed built for a three minute spot on the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. But you know what? It was wholesome and had several good little jokes. I don't see how you wouldn't know what you're in for. If you think this is the worst movie you've ever seen and you wanted to walk out of the theater, you're probably a crusty old Republican.


Agree on the songs. I think it was the weakest part of the film, especially considering it was considered a musical of sorts, not to mention the previous two installments had great music.
Sparrows (1926) (silent) - Great film. The swamp scenes are very realistic. A bit melodramatic at times but that is forgivable. Mary Pickford was one hell of an actress.

Great White (2021) 2/8 Some type of Jaws type, horror movie. My wife always cons me into these bad shark movies. This wasn't quite as bad as Shark-nado, but it was close.

Company of Heroes (2014) 4/8 WWII movie based around the Battle of the Bulge. A unit is sent out to deliver Christmas hams to troops towards the end of the war, when they encounter a Nazi tank unit. The mission changes when they discover the Germans are testing an atomic bomb and they have to get info to a spy after another is killed. Not too bad, some decent action, but nothing special either.

A Man Called Otto (2022) 6/8 Tom Hanks plays a grumpy, elderly widower who befriends the young couple that moves in across the street. Much better than I anticipated and pulled at my heart strings a bit.

The Legend of Hercules (2014) 2/8 Another version of the Hercules story. Not very good. It felt very made for TV-ish.
The Current Occupant (2020)

Horror: A man wakes in a suspicious psych ward and learns he was in a serious accident and has lost his memory. He though believes it is some sort of conspiracy and that he is an important person. Didn't like this one at all.... 2.0/8
Appendage (2023)

Horror: Suffering from anxiety and depression a young fashion designer develops a strange growth coming from her birth mark. This one gets a bit weird but also a bit different. ... 5.0/8
The Visit (2015)

Horror: Two teen siblings go on their own to visit grandparents on a remote farm that they have never known. Everything is fine at first until the hear of one rule. You cannot come out of your room after 9:30. What is going on? I ;like to say that the kids did an amazing job acting in this as this movie was shot in "found footage: style. This one got better as it went on.... 6.5/8
Bummed we didn’t make it this weekend. We had COVID hit the household.
so went and saw it at Celina( great seats by the way!!) never saw the first one( I assume there was a Dune 1), so I was kinda clueless sometimes on who they were talking about. But did enjoy it, great action, acting good... but probably shoould have watched the first one...
Poor Things (2.5/8): Just too weird for my tastes. If you like Emma Stone she's naked for about half the movie. And I'm guessing if some no-name actress had that role it wouldn't have been nominated for so many awards.