Wayne Vs Elder


New member
Wayne defeated Butler last night 2-0 in a good game at northmont....Wayne takes on Elder at Princeton at 5 pm.....any thoughts on this game?
i heard wayne has a stud up top...might lead the gwoc in points? he could make the game interesting but with meyer elders scoring power is too high

elder wins 3-1
Grajeda is a goal-scoring machine, but Wayne also has a very good defensive line anchored by Shrewsbury. Arnold, the Wayne goalie, led all of the GWOC this year with 10 shutouts.

Personally, I think this will be the best of the District finals and will be decided either 1) by a penalty kick because of a foul in the box or 2) with a shoot out in OT.

This one could go either way, but since I've seen Wayne play and I haven't seen Elder, I'll take the Warriors, 1-0.
Grajeda is a goal-scoring machine, but Wayne also has a very good defensive line anchored by Shrewsbury. Arnold, the Wayne goalie, led all of the GWOC this year with 10 shutouts.

Personally, I think this will be the best of the District finals and will be decided either 1) by a penalty kick because of a foul in the box or 2) with a shoot out in OT.

This one could go either way, but since I've seen Wayne play and I haven't seen Elder, I'll take the Warriors, 1-0.

agreed. Waynes backline is very strong with a very good keeper. Now that both grejeda and stanely are back i beleive wayne will take this one 1-0 in a very good game against elder.

-waynes keeper has 11 shutouts (with 10 goals against going into elder)
-the back four is just solid
-outside mids are a weak spot
-strong atacking force when they come out and play
-i think if wayne comes out playin hard with minimum mistakes they will take this game !!

2-0 wayne wins
Amo are you smoking rocks? Waye was not the better team, the better team wins. Wayne got a quick goal on a corner( first goal given up by elder all season on corner). After that name one clear chance they had. Wait there were none. Elder dominated the midfield winning almost every 50-50 ball. Plus the second half was Edler's all the way, sure wayne had a couple counters but no dangerous ones. Elder was the better team and they showed it.
Wayne was faster and was the better team in the first half but I thought Elder dominated the second half and gave Wayne real problems on the set pieces. It came down to Elders big bodies wearing down Wayne's finesse and speed. Great game though.
I'm not a big fan of the panthers, but as an unbiased threader, I will say they certainly dominated play in the second half. Because of this, and without seeing Wayne ever play prior to, I wondered how they made it this far. Granted had a couple of players with skill, but because they were dominated so, never got to see Wayne put anything together. Questions... Why did Wayne come apart in the second half, you were in it? Answer...because they were being completely out played..and knew it. As I sat and watched the coming apart of this team, I wondered why the Wayne coaching staff never once tried to make any adjustments...at all! I wonder why?
No....Wayne was the better team for the first 5 minutes of the game. After that Elder donminate both the first half and the second half.

As I posted last night I agree with you on the second half but in the first half Wayne's speed was giving Elder problems. While the Warriors didn't have much in the way of shots on goal, they dominated the mid-field in the first half and seemed to have a lot more opportunities approaching the box. I will admit that as the half went on Elder was closing the gap.

To me the 2nd half was a case of the physically bigger & stronger team winning the ball in the air and over powering a smaller Wayne team. I think swsoccer2 is absolutely right about Wayne losing their mental edge. You could see them sag as the game wore on. Like all high school sports momentum is so critical and Elder slowly grabbed it as the game progressed and just seemed a lot more confident of the final outcome.

Well we can argue all day about the game, but the one thing everyone can agree on is that Tuesday night will be a classic as Mason/Elder hook up. If you read this message board make sure you attend the game. Last year Fairfield/Elder had a huge crowd for this game. Fill up Princeton stadium and show the media that they need to get out and cover these games!
elder dominated every aspect of that game besides the first two minutes...elder deserved to win and they did....but i would like to point out that it was the worst offiicated game i have ever seen...this refs were tryin to be "hard -----" ...it blows my mind that this kinds of refs get to ref such important games...elders head coach got a yellow...assistant got a red... and their was 3 or 4 yellows given to the wayne players....theese refs were threantenin to kick players out because they werent keepin their shirts in...i mean come on thats just pathetic...let the kids play.....if it was up to me...the 3 refs that officated the ELder/Wayne game should never be allwoed to ref again....people go to games to enjoy it and watch the boys play...not to see the ref make terrible calls....I think it gave the head ref joy to be in control....it was just pitful on the refs....
i do agree with wayne losing the mental edge of the game. but i still dont agree with all the talk about meyer being a fantastic player with an amazing throw. He didnt really do anything the whole game. His goal was because he was in the right place when the ball got deflected to him. His throw was a lob not a line drive. I beleive mason will beat elder
Lakota West/Beavercreek

i do agree with wayne losing the mental edge of the game. but i still dont agree with all the talk about meyer being a fantastic player with an amazing throw. He didnt really do anything the whole game. His goal was because he was in the right place when the ball got deflected to him. His throw was a lob not a line drive. I beleive mason will beat elder

How do you Wayne guys feel about the upcoming Lakota West/Beavercreek match?
Why would you want a line-drive throw? You want a nice arching throw that allows your team to make a play off it. You don't know much about the game do you?

I must not know much about the game, because on the majority of long throws into the box, I would want a line drive throw if the thrower is accurate. The only time I would want a lob is when it is being thrown to an open space with a player running onto it. The problem with that is that most long throws into the box take time for the particular long thrower to get to the side lines and throw the ball in, thus allowing the defense to set-up and mark up, and thus eliminating the open space to run into for a shot on goal. A line drive throw not only generates more power for the show on goal making harder to rect to by the defense and keeper, but it can hit a particular player in much tighter marking situations.

So IMHO, I would take a line drive the majority of the time into the box, but every coach and player has their preferences to what they like, but to assume those that differ with your opinion knows nothing about the game is a little presumptuous.
well his throw ins weren't a threat at all in the game against wayne. and they were lobs and easy to defend against.
but the west vs bcreek game. i havent seen west play so i cant really say much but beavercreek is a very good team so your gonna have to bring your top game.